Something every American driver should read

Posted by: Anonymous

Something every American driver should read - 31/07/06 06:26 PM


Gas mileage?
Good for the economy?
Creates foreign oil independence?
Good for the environment?

Not so fast.

This is a hot topic full of political propoganda, blatent lies in advertising, and misinformed Americans.

A great and well-researched article that sums up all the nonsense and half-truths that we are being fed on a daily basis.

Everyone should read this article. A long read, but worth the time spent.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Something every American driver should read - 31/07/06 07:13 PM

Just a big placebo when it comes to fixing our problems with oil. But it helps the auto makers happy and the farmers really happy.

Tighter cafe requirements would do a lot more to solve our problems than using ethanol.

I would love to see the ethanol mandate removed. While I don't mind having the option of buying gasohol or E85 the idea that all motor fuel must contain a certain percentage of ethanol bugs me greatly. Not only does fuel tainted with ethanol not run well in my older car it has a rather nasty habit of eating the fuel lines and causing issues with tuning.
Posted by: DocNo

Re: Something every American driver should read - 31/07/06 07:31 PM

I'll agree ethanol is pretty stupid and politically motivated.

However, cellulose based biodiesel is the real deal...
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Something every American driver should read - 31/07/06 07:35 PM

Originally posted by DocNo:
....However, cellulose based biodiesel is the real deal...
Agreed! It is proven and works.
Posted by: OffroadX

Re: Something every American driver should read - 01/08/06 08:18 AM

Considering you can't run E85/ethanol in an Xterra, why isn't this in the Clubhouse?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Something every American driver should read - 01/08/06 08:58 AM

Jesus, Brent, do you ever let up?

I figure anything that reduces our reliance on Arab oil and all the ridiculous price fluctuations based on which sheik's balls itch is a good thing.

I agree on the mandates though....straight up gas should be allowed. On the other hand, those old cars need lead to lubricate valves too, and leaded gasoline isn't sold...this means you either rebuild the engine with hard valve seats or run lead additives.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Something every American driver should read - 01/08/06 10:47 AM

Can you run methanol in an Xterra?

I know the enviros don't want us to use methanol, but then again, they won't let us drill for our own oil either.
Posted by: OffroadX

Re: Something every American driver should read - 01/08/06 01:20 PM

Methanol is NASTY stuff, it'll ruin the fuel system in short order.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Something every American driver should read - 01/08/06 01:40 PM

Originally posted by OffroadX:
Considering you can't run E85/ethanol in an Xterra, why isn't this in the Clubhouse?
Because Ethanol, directly Xterra related or not, is going to be a big part of all of our lives in the future whther you like it or not. Currently we are already putting 10% Ethanol in our Xterras.

Also, Nissan has announced that the Armada will be E85 capable. It is probably safe to assume that the new Xterra won't be far behind.

A little education never hurts, especially when you consider all of the misinformation being fed to us. My favorite is the new GM add for all of their "Flex Fuel" vehicles. It promotes these vehicles as a means to saving the environment when there is no basis of fact behind E85 being friendly to the envoronment.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Something every American driver should read - 01/08/06 01:44 PM

This is just like Kyoto or any other environmental initiative...they are not the fix everything at once answer that the ignorant public wants so they are discounted as useless or a PITA because they cause the average person to have to alter there lifestyle or do soemthing that they percieve as out of their way or whatever...but they are all little steps towards a better answer...and if society would pull their heads out of their collective ass and try to think about the future (for their kids and grandkids, etc) and not just of themselves then more people would realize that little steps are better then nothing at all...but todays society is so self centered that any little change is a huge, life altering deal...ethanol is by no means a perfect way to "cleaning the air" or changing the environment, but it has great potential to help in a small way and more importantly show that changing things towards the better can be accomplished. [Wave]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Something every American driver should read - 01/08/06 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Hoppy:
This is just like Kyoto or any other environmental initiative...they are not the fix everything at once answer that the ignorant public wants so they are discounted as useless or a PITA because they cause the average person to have to alter there lifestyle or do soemthing that they percieve as out of their way or whatever...but they are all little steps towards a better answer...and if society would pull their heads out of their collective ass and try to think about the future (for their kids and grandkids, etc) and not just of themselves then more people would realize that little steps are better then nothing at all...but todays society is so self centered that any little change is a huge, life altering is very sad.

My problem is that the promotions or "little steps" like E85 are a waste of time. There are several other much better alternatives that are not being taken advantage of for whatever political reasons.

Little steps towards biodiesel or hydrogen conversion (two proven technologies) have seen little or no action in the mainsteam. Fact is, the only reason you're seeing E85 at all is because the money is going the right direction to keep politicians and their "friends" happy. Most people don't realize that it takes fossil fuels to produce Ethanol. Currently, the cost to make Ethanol is obscene and is being shadowed by subsidies from the Federal and State governments.

As the article above points out, any independency from foreign companies brought about by E85 will be less than 1% and won't be seen in our lifetimes. While this might change as demand and production increases, but once the subsidies are lifted and the loss of performance and mpg's are realized, the whole thing will seem redundant - not to mention some studies have shown Ethanol to be even more of a polluter than oil.
Will this be considered a "little step" forwards or backwards??

About the only positive thing I've been able to find about Ethanol is it keeps our farmers in business. Living where I live, that's a good thing.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Something every American driver should read - 02/08/06 04:12 PM

cold fusion all the way smile
Posted by: DocNo

Re: Something every American driver should read - 02/08/06 04:53 PM

Mr. Fusion!

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Something every American driver should read - 02/08/06 10:51 PM

i found this the other day cant wait to see it little off topic its about electric cars