Freaking B@st@rds!!!

Posted by: hattrik21

Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 10/10/05 02:44 PM

So my wife and I bought 4 pumpkins yesterday at the local Wally World for decoration for the holidays. We placed them in our flower bed and they were there last night when I brought some other decorations in as it was supposed to rain.

Low and behold my wife went out to get the mail today and all 4 of the damn pumpkins were gone. I mean what the hell?? I didn't even have them for 24 hours before some snot nosed lil brat stole my pumpkins.

Sorry but I just had to vent. I know there is nothing I can do but come on now. mad
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 10/10/05 02:57 PM

It's just one of those things that piss you off not because of their material value but because of the principle itself.

Should implant a bomb into the next pumpkin that you buy, and leave it out there.

Some people have no respect for other people's stuff, none at all.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 10/10/05 03:31 PM

Can't you use deadly force in TX to defend your property? I would have thought the mere possibility would deter such foolishness.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 10/10/05 04:30 PM

Try smearing the outside of the pumpkins with vasoline (or something similar) next time. laugh
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 10/10/05 05:03 PM

I decorated a Citrus tree one year as a yard Christmas tree. Somebody decided to steal some of the lighted ornaments. I think they missed the message at some point...

Just think, they may have a house someday, and get a wild hair to decorate it for the season. I only hope that things go full circle, and life pays 'em back. wink
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 10/10/05 07:13 PM

Those pumpkins we're probably put to very good use, feeding evacuee's most likley. Oh hell they ended up on a pedestrians head or laying in someones backseat probably. Thank you for convincing me we don't need pumpkins in the yard this year. laugh
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 10/10/05 08:27 PM

Yeah you are out a couple bucks and people suck, but at least they are not smashed all over your X. [Wave]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 10/10/05 10:06 PM

Karma is a bitch....

Let it work its magic.


Posted by: BigE515

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 10/10/05 10:45 PM

Fishing line, empty beer cans and a pumpkin can make for some great fun with punks. When you hear the cans, the race is on! Can they make it to their buddy's car before you catch them?!? Very fun! [Wave]
Posted by: dezurtrat

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 10/10/05 11:43 PM

Originally posted by LightZephyrX:
Karma is a bitch....

Let it work its magic.


Right on Bro!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 11/10/05 12:59 AM now they've probably been sold and stripped for parts already. [Wave]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 11/10/05 12:34 PM

Or worse yet, someone smuggled them into Mexico.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 11/10/05 01:32 PM

If you get another set just buy yourself some stinger gernades and put them next to it. Make sure that you put the pumpkin on top of it and be sure that it won't roll away. As soon as one of those damn little kids picks it up man are they going to get the surprise of their life. Don't worry it is totally non-letal. Just hurts like hell as they send a couple of hundred plastic little bb's your way. laugh

Just don't forget that you put it there when you go to throw it away or you'll get it as well. Sorry I'm laughing as I type this because I could totally see someone doing that then running around screaming and cursing. [LOL] [LOL] [LOL] [LOL] [LOL] [Spit]
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 11/10/05 01:41 PM

Hattie, remember when you used to be the one destroying your neighbors pumpkins?
Posted by: hattrik21

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 11/10/05 02:33 PM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
Hattie, remember when you used to be the one destroying your neighbors pumpkins?
Honestly I never did that as it seemed like well a waste of my time. I was doing various other things that I plead the 5th on. smile
Posted by: dezurtrat

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 11/10/05 06:33 PM

Originally posted by Arterra: now they've probably been sold and stripped for parts already. [Wave]
laugh [ThumbsUp]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 11/10/05 06:44 PM

Go buy some more pumpkins and then bury a few of these around it. Paint Ball Land Mines click here
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 11/10/05 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Grand Forks Xterra:
Go buy some more pumpkins and then bury a few of these around it. Paint Ball Land Mines click here
Now THAT'S an awesome idea!!!!!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 11/10/05 09:35 PM

I have and probably end up doing it again this year. Duno why it is so fun......maybe its cause I'm 20 and still act like a 15 year old.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 12/10/05 05:16 AM

Originally posted by Grand Forks Xterra:
Go buy some more pumpkins and then bury a few of these around it. Paint Ball Land Mines click here
Surely seems a lot more fun then getting hit with one of these.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 14/10/05 06:35 AM

Originally posted by Dan Galusha:
If you get another set just buy yourself some stinger gernades and put them next to it. Make sure that you put the pumpkin on top of it and be sure that it won't roll away. As soon as one of those damn little kids picks it up man are they going to get the surprise of their life. Don't worry it is totally non-letal. Just hurts like hell as they send a couple of hundred plastic little bb's your way. laugh

Just don't forget that you put it there when you go to throw it away or you'll get it as well. Sorry I'm laughing as I type this because I could totally see someone doing that then running around screaming and cursing. [LOL] [LOL] [LOL] [LOL] [LOL] [Spit]
Those stingers would be a perfect home defense item. Nobody gets killed, people next door aren't in danger, it's just the ticket. You hear someome prowling around in the next room, roll one of those in and POP. Walk in, zip tie the bozo, call the cops and have some coffee while you wait.

How do people get them?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 15/10/05 09:30 PM

Another possible solution: Giant Pumpkin

I get one every year, they are heavier than f-all, so not easy to move. I got one today about 20" diameter. They make nice giant jackolanterns... especially when perched on the balcony above the sidewalk, glaring down at the little kiddies.

AND, it makes a nice satisfying 'splortch' when it hits the sidewalk a week later!!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 17/10/05 04:43 AM

Use gloves, the disposable kind, and rub poison ivy leaves all over the pumpkins. laugh Then just sit back and be satisfied that it might take a couple days before payback is realized and they probably wouldn't realize where it came from. Just think of the results when the punks go to pee. Bet they don't wash their hands before handling their johnson.....
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 17/10/05 05:33 AM

Originally posted by xterra4me:
Use gloves, the disposable kind, and rub poison ivy leaves all over the pumpkins. laugh Then just sit back and be satisfied that it might take a couple days before payback is realized and they probably wouldn't realize where it came from. Just think of the results when the punks go to pee. Bet they don't wash their hands before handling their johnson.....
[Spit] [Laughing] [LOL]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 17/10/05 05:35 AM

Originally posted by HugThis:
How do people get them?
Go to the following website. This is one that I found there are probably more out there. The only thing is that you have to either be in the military to get them or a cop frown

Here's what it looks like:

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 24/10/05 12:58 AM

You dont have to be in the military to get one of these,-Landmines--Bazookas-Claymore-Mines-PBM14-The-PBM-14A1-SENTINEL-Mil-Sim-mine-is-a-claymore-style-mine._7438687.html

[Too much XOC] Im thinking a couple of these and the poison ivy trick should keep the hooligans away for a while. [Smoking]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 25/10/05 11:49 AM

lol in the year 2002 I waited up till 2am every night and had many eggs in hands reach. 4 days of waiting the little brats came up to our pumpkins and I let them have it. I nailed every one of them as hard as I could and my brother got them with the paintball gun. We haven't had problems since. [LOL]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Freaking B@st@rds!!! - 25/10/05 12:03 PM

Originally posted by VIRUS:
lol in the year 2002 I waited up till 2am every night and had many eggs in hands reach. 4 days of waiting the little brats came up to our pumpkins and I let them have it. I nailed every one of them as hard as I could and my brother got them with the paintball gun. We haven't had problems since. [LOL]
[Spit] you are the man! haha [Laughing]