Side Info? Good? Bad? Let me know

Posted by: XOC

Side Info? Good? Bad? Let me know - 21/06/09 07:30 PM

What do people think about the little boxes on the left and right of the board? Like? Dislike? Pie?
Posted by: Powerguy38

Re: Side Info? Good? Bad? Let me know - 21/06/09 07:35 PM

I'd like some pie.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Side Info? Good? Bad? Let me know - 21/06/09 08:44 PM

Is it possible to put all that stuff on one side of the screen instead of using both sides?
Posted by: Alpine Spirit

Re: Side Info? Good? Bad? Let me know - 21/06/09 09:25 PM

As long as server processes are not stressed then stick with em.
Posted by: PDXterra

Re: Side Info? Good? Bad? Let me know - 22/06/09 03:20 PM

I like 'em, but once the sponsor/banner ads come back online it might get a little busy.
Posted by: Wanderinwoods

Re: Side Info? Good? Bad? Let me know - 23/06/09 04:46 PM

i like them, plus for those whom dont they can cancle them under the setup stuff.
Posted by: bluztraveler

Re: Side Info? Good? Bad? Let me know - 23/06/09 09:20 PM

more colours...
Posted by: XOC

Re: Side Info? Good? Bad? Let me know - 24/06/09 05:50 AM

That and you can choose your color scheme.. I may add some more
Posted by: Gonzo-2

Re: Side Info? Good? Bad? Let me know - 24/06/09 07:02 AM

I like 'em. Keep 'em - especially if you can choose not to see them. That may be a better way to see if they are useful; how many people have them turned on?

Oh, and MORE color schemes! Besides the cool ones all over the net, you could add black/orange for Halloween, green/red for Xmas, rainbow for Easter, red/white/blue for Independence Day, brown/orange/red for Thanksgiving, bright bikini colors for Memorial Day (to commemorate the start of SUMMER!), stuff like that.
Posted by: RReuscher

Re: Side Info? Good? Bad? Let me know - 24/06/09 09:26 AM

I believe more color schemes are planned, need to get the problems worked out first, before we starting adding new things?
Posted by: Gonzo-2

Re: Side Info? Good? Bad? Let me know - 24/06/09 10:43 AM

(Psst... Rob... The part about adding color schemes was a joke. I know we have to get the site stable first. That why I said "bright bikini colors for summer. grin )
Posted by: RReuscher

Re: Side Info? Good? Bad? Let me know - 24/06/09 10:49 AM

Nothing wrong with bikini's. Actually the color schemes was the first thing I mentioned to Carlton when I talked with him. I hated the yellow, and didn't originally see that I could change it to something else, hence the complaint. It would be nice to have lots of options, but that can wait until we get all the other issue/flakiness fixed so that we know it's not a new scheme now causing a problem when something new pops up.