Horrible News Story

Posted by: xterra3202

Horrible News Story - 17/02/08 06:22 AM

What is wrong with the world we live in????

I keep seeing all of these news articles on these fucking child molesters still in public????

Now that I am a father of a little girl my blood boils and my heart breaks every time I see a news story like this.

All of those rabid, worthless animals should be taken out to a field shot in the head and left for the coyotes to pillage their carcasses. Maybe even the coyotes would find them revolting!

If they need a volunteer to send them to to their judgement day let me know!!!!

Child Molester Tacks 4 Year Old

Posted by: OffroadX

Re: Horrible News Story - 19/02/08 09:30 AM

Originally posted by xterra3202:
What is wrong with the world we live in????

[b]I keep seeing all of these news articles
on these fucking child molesters[/b]
That's because the shitty so-called NEWS media loves to splash this shit all over the place at every opportunity. Gets people riled up, gets viewers and site hits, etc. Guess what, there are no more of these types out there now percentage-wise than there were 50 years ago, you just didn't have the internet and mass-media around to spread it to every corner of the earth in hours.
I hate the media for contributing to this fear-mongering nearly as much as I hate those rare child molesters.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Horrible News Story - 20/02/08 11:53 AM

xterra3202 I hear you 100% It is funny how your outlook changes once you have kids. I have two girls my self and it is scary out there.
The whole system is screwed up there is no fear in the criminal element anymore.
OffroadX spot on with the media. Sometimes I swear if there is not a local shooting, murder, robbery, child molestation, or any other god awful act they find the closets city that has had a incident and use that in there own broadcast. I live in Phoenix Az and if there is no news here they will find a murder or mugging in New York to put in there headlines, like we care if it makes it into our news don't get me wrong I do care that something bad has happened. I do not even watch the news anymore I swear they are controlled by the govermen. Why do we only see the bad side of war? why not any of the good things we have done in the middle east.
I hate the media for contributing to this fear-mongering nearly as much as I hate those rare child molesters.
Could not of said it better.
Posted by: great pyr-hauler

Re: Horrible News Story - 21/02/08 07:54 AM

I hate the media as much as anyone but I'm thinking there are more sicko's out there now then there used to be. With all the child pornography on the internet now I think it kind of feeds some of these freaks and they can get more access to it then they used to.

Just recently a teacher was convicted in my area for sexually abusing 2nd and 3rd grade girls. He would blind fold them and say he was doing a Hellen Keller experiment and then have them do a "taste test". That MFer needs to be shot, I hope some prisoners take care of him & soon.

I just don't think this type of crap used to happen as much as it does now.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Horrible News Story - 21/02/08 11:39 AM

great pyr-hauler you may be right but I beat what we should of said is the percentage is the same, hence more population more crime same percent. people like you mentioned should get the same treatment in prison I am sure Bubba will be willing to play.
I just saw bowling for columbine I now Mr moore is a right wing ass, but if the crime numbers he uses are even close to reality it is so sad that the USA is off the chart compared to other places.