This woman should be caned in front of a Hannah Montana concert

Posted by: Origami Gangsta

This woman should be caned in front of a Hannah Montana concert - 30/12/07 09:12 AM

Fake essay nets Hannah Montana tickets

Convincing your daughter to lie that your dad died in Iraq to win tickets to a fucking concert?

Posted by: MidnightX

Re: This woman should be caned in front of a Hannah Montana concert - 30/12/07 09:18 AM

First, I don't get the Hannah Montana phenomenon whatsoever, and second, you're right. That's completely sick and they should take her tickets away.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: This woman should be caned in front of a Hannah Montana concert - 30/12/07 11:21 AM

Stupid squared.

Hannah Montana I just don't get. I guess I'm about 25 years too old and the wrong gender.

Now if Zeppelin does a US tour.....
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: This woman should be caned in front of a Hannah Montana concert - 30/12/07 08:06 PM

"First, I don't get the Hannah Montana phenomenon whatsoever"

She's just the latest "tweenie" craze. There always has to be some teenage pop star these days to sell records for the record companies to that demographic, create shows on the Nic. network etc. Money money money.

Let's see, there's been Spice Girls, Britney Spears (before she grew up and took her clothes off, etc), and who knows how many others.

As the father of an 11 year old girl who wanted the Hannah Montana nintendo DS game, Hannah Montana CD's etc etc for Christmas, I've been forced to become an expert in these things (damn that Hannah Montana Music Jam game was hard to find, but I got it for her!).

It will be interesting to see what happens with HM in a few years. Will she start dancing around in her underwear and pick up a high profile drug habit, will she fade off into obscurity, or will she actually transition to a respectable adult talent?

Who knows. Maybe I'll start a long term office pool. I just hope for the sake of the generation of pre-teen kids who idolize her that she doesn't pull a Britney.

She might have a chance since she came from a show biz family instead of trailer trash, but the odds are against her. At least she's starting to go by here real name a little more and shed that Hannah Montana thing. I haven't figured out yet if she actually has talent, guess she's got a decent voice maybe. I have trouble listening to that stuff, but I try to wade through a little of it just to see what my kid is listening to.
At least it's more rock than hip hop or rap.

Must be a gender thing. My son is more into the Clash, the Beatles etc. Boys have good taste in music, girls don't know a good song if you beat em over the head with it.

Whatever [Huh?] [Too much XOC]

There I go, projecting my own musical preferences onto my kids. But that's every parents right.

"Now if Zeppelin does a US tour....."
DesertRat, I'm right there with ya!!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: This woman should be caned in front of a Hannah Montana concert - 31/12/07 04:21 AM

The father must feel nice knowing that his daughter wrote that he died just to win a silly contest.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: This woman should be caned in front of a Hannah Montana concert - 31/12/07 01:12 PM

Originally posted by 05_X:

It will be interesting to see what happens with HM in a few years. Will she start dancing around in her underwear and pick up a high profile drug habit, will she fade off into obscurity, or will she actually transition to a respectable adult talent?
That'll certainly break her father's achy breaky heart.