Unusual Weather Event..

Posted by: Origami Gangsta

Unusual Weather Event.. - 05/06/07 10:32 AM

Iran and Oman to get hit by major hurricane imminently.

Damn, something like that hasn't happened in our lifetimes. They are going to get wrecked. Hopefully it won't influence gas prices negatively..

Turns out Bush was right.. God IS on our side. laugh
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Unusual Weather Event.. - 05/06/07 10:46 AM

Originally posted by Origami Gangsta:

Turns out Bush was right.. God IS on our side. laugh
The infidel shall perish, God willing!

(Oh wait...wrong way, God!) laugh

(NOT to be confused with sympathy for the ordinary citizens affected by a natural disaster)
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Unusual Weather Event.. - 05/06/07 10:48 AM

It looks like the storm has weakened...


Crude-oil futures declined Tuesday, as Tropical Cyclone Gonu weakened off the coast of Oman and moved toward Iran without causing a major supply disruption in the Persian Gulf.

July crude on the New York Mercantile Exchange slipped 45 cents to $65.76 a barrel. July Brent on ICE Futures slipped five cents to $70.35 a barrel.

Gonu was forecast to weaken further over the next 12 to 24 hours as it moves across the strategic Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf and makes landfall in southeastern Iran late Wednesday, according to an advisory issued at 9 a.m. GMT by the U.S. military's Joint Typhoon Warning Center.

Ahead of the storm, Oman, a minor Persian Gulf oil producer, shut down its only oil terminal as a precaution, but the country's oil minister said that any disruption to oil and gas production could last only 24 to 48 hours, easing fears of a larger supply disruption.

"Looks like it's not going to affect supplies," said Mike Cambria, vice president of floor brokers PNDR Energy in New York. "Obviously, it had an effect on prices yesterday, but it's not having an effect today. People are not worried."
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Unusual Weather Event.. - 05/06/07 11:34 AM

How long before the conspiracy wacko's say it is Bush's way of derailing the Iranian Nuke Program?

Personally I hope if flushes them away, but that would be too good to be true.

If this was caused by Global Warming then I'm all for it. [ThumbsUp]
Posted by: koalakilla

Re: Unusual Weather Event.. - 05/06/07 08:11 PM

Those are some fed up comments. I have two really good friends visiting their parents in Iran right now frown

They are in Tehran though so hopefully it wont be a problem for them.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Unusual Weather Event.. - 06/06/07 07:13 AM

Sounds like another excuse to put up gas prices to me!