Jack Bauer is a pussy

Posted by: Claus

Jack Bauer is a pussy - 15/01/07 10:00 PM

I have never been a big fan of this show, watched the first season and had a contect with my wife where we would guess what happened next and how Jack would get out of the latest pyle of shit....true to it's nature I had a perfect 10 again tonight, Highlight was to see Kuhmar as a recruit bad guy...what a shitty show
Posted by: Paul H

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 03:01 AM

That show rocks!
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 05:38 AM

Claus... You have to be kidding. You think the show sucks?

It's a pretty damn good show as far as action TV series are concerned.

There are some things on the show that are implausible or don't make sense, but it's just a TV show and it's far and above almost everything else on TV. Not many TV shows keep you wanting for more.

This year they wasted no time and jumped right into action with a terrorist seige taking place all over the country.

I was somewhat surprised that the writers chose to make Wayne Palmer the President. That part is very implausible because in previous seasons we were never led to believe that he had any qualifications to be a president unlike the character of his brother. But, I guess we will have to suspend disbelief.

Giving Assad a pardon is also extremely implausible. It would never happen in real life.

Anyone care to guess at who is the terrorist mole working within CTU? Is it the hot babe Nadia? Is it Morris? Is it the other new manager who has problems with Morris?

We shall see.

I'm sorry you don't like the show Claus. Not every TV show can be "Queer Eye for the Canadian Guy". [Freak] [LOL]
Posted by: dyetye

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 06:16 AM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Anyone care to guess at who is the terrorist mole working within CTU? Is it the hot babe Nadia? Is it Morris? Is it the other new manager who has problems with Morris?...
I hope they don't have a mole this time in CTU. But I don't think it is the other new manager, Milo. He's not new though (Eric Balfour) was in 24 a few seasons ago...now he's back. Well, maybe he is the mole?
Posted by: Claus

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 06:36 AM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Claus... You have to be kidding. You think the show sucks?

It's a pretty damn good show as far as action TV series are concerned.

There are some things on the show that are implausible or don't make sense, but it's just a TV show and it's far and above almost everything else on TV. Not many TV shows keep you wanting for more.

This year they wasted no time and jumped right into action with a terrorist seige taking place all over the country.

I was somewhat surprised that the writers chose to make Wayne Palmer the President. That part is very implausible because in previous seasons we were never led to believe that he had any qualifications to be a president unlike the character of his brother. But, I guess we will have to suspend disbelief.

Giving Assad a pardon is also extremely implausible. It would never happen in real life.

Anyone care to guess at who is the terrorist mole working within CTU? Is it the hot babe Nadia? Is it Morris? Is it the other new manager who has problems with Morris?

We shall see.

I'm sorry you don't like the show Claus. Not every TV show can be "Queer Eye for the Canadian Guy". [Freak] [LOL]
It is sooo predictable that it is mindnumbing. Assad is a bad guy, the other villan died in the Nuke so who are they running aftger now?....

I am wondering why you always make references to Gay people/ Canadians when you reply to my posts.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 06:42 AM

Originally posted by dyetye:

I hope they don't have a mole this time in CTU. But I don't think it is the other new manager, Milo. He's not new though (Eric Balfour) was in 24 a few seasons ago...now he's back. Well, maybe he is the mole?
You're right. That guy did make some appearances in the first two seasons. I didn't pay much attention to the show back then.

I'm sure there will be a mole in CTU. One of the underlying themes of the show is deceit and betrayal with some of it's characters.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 06:46 AM

I'm with Claus on this one.. my wife watches the show, but the few episodes I've actually sat through have been very predictable...

I'm not a fan.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Claus:

It is sooo predictable that it is mindnumbing. Assad is a bad guy, the other villan died in the Nuke so who are they running aftger now?....

Fayed didn't die in the nuke. He was shown in next week's coming attractions.

He left the warehouse and got away before the nuke went off. The nuclear scientist who escaped custody died in the nuke.

I am wondering why you always make references to Gay people/ Canadians when you reply to my posts.
I'm just busting your balls Claus. I realize you're not a "real" Canadian.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 06:58 AM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
I'm just busting your balls Claus.
Freudian slip?

Posted by: Axle

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 07:20 AM

You want a show that keeps you wanting for more then wath The Shield. That's really about the only one that I can't get enough of.

Posted by: Claus

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 07:24 AM

Originally posted by Axle:
You want a show that keeps you wanting for more then wath The Shield. That's really about the only one that I can't get enough of.

amen Axle, The Shield and Sopranos, now there is quality TV. I watched 9 episodes of Band of Brothers while down with the flu again amazingly done
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 07:36 AM

[ThumbsUp] on Band of Brothers. I'm working my way through that series again right now. Very well done program.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 11:53 AM

House is pretty good, but it too is getting a bit redundant.

A couple people need to die to prove the guy wrong once in a while.
Posted by: Accasbel

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 01:40 PM

Battlestar Galactica. Best show on TV.

24 is a fun rollercoaster, but it's all action and no character development. So far I have enjoyed this season.

House is good, but I agree with DR.

Heroes. Save the Cheerleader... Can't wait to find out who's on the list.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 01:41 PM

The only TV show aside from The Family Guy (which kicks ass!) I have watched was Band of Brothers. That's all that I can think of.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 01:54 PM

If we're talking TV shows generally, The Office (yes, the American version) and Scrubs have gotta be on anybody's list. Scrubs seems to have taken a step back this year, but it's still funny.

Globetrekker on PBS is good too, and I've seen a couple of episodes of Anthony Bourdain's show on the travel channel and it's allright too.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 04:09 PM

You think 24 is bad? Just watch CSI.... I promise you will want impersonate William Shatner, pause to put on sunglasses, then exit scene at the start of each show.
Posted by: BigE515

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 16/01/07 07:00 PM

Band of Brothers, The Shield, Rescue Me=my favs
I tried to watch 24 but it didn't do anything for me, I actually laughed at it a couple times. They over did it with the terrorist "thing." Everytime I see a commercial for the next episode, Kiefer Sutherland is yelling something about a bomb on a plane or truck, up Hakbeeb's ass, etc etc or in someone's face demanding they tell him where the bomb is. My 2 cents, if its on CBS, ABC, NBC or FOX and it isn't sports or Family Guy....it sucks. Their action shows are like watching softcore porn, whats the point? Either go all the way or don't bother! Enough with these non-graphic, unrealistic made for women TV shows. I like to see someone get a bullet in the face or OD and drive a truck into a busload of Nuns once in a while too ya know!!! :p
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 17/01/07 11:26 AM

I refused to watch 24 when FOX started advertising it as a new series. So many led along like sheep..
House is pretty good, but it too is getting a bit redundant.

A couple people need to die to prove the guy wrong once in a while.

Try Law and Order- SVU [ThumbsUp] [ThumbsUp] (the old ones, I'm not so hot on the new detectives..)
Posted by: BlueSky

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 17/01/07 11:30 AM

24 was good for a couple of seasons but when they start repeating things (how many nukes can go off?) it's literally SSDD. Tuned in for about 10 minutes Sunday night and saw same old, same old.

The dialogue is also laughable. My wife and I actually had a thing where we'd kiss every time they'd say one of the lines that's repeated about 10 times an episode:

"I/We/you don't have a lot of time."

"I/we/you don't have a choice."

"Send it to my PDA."

"Yeah." (Tony was the best and most frequent "yeah" guy but he's dead.)

We thought about adding Chloe's sucking-a-lemon frowns to the list but then we'd have spent the whole hour making out. [LOL]
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 17/01/07 11:37 AM



Lucky Louie (I've got the money to buy the DVD set when it comes out set aside).

God, I hope HBO has a change of heart about Lucky Louie . . .
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 17/01/07 11:47 AM

The best show on TV....

"This Old House".
Posted by: Claus

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 17/01/07 12:44 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
The best show on TV....

"This Old House".
So you a Bob Villa fan eh?. Bet you have a few Raffi CD's in your X too
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 17/01/07 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Claus:
Originally posted by NY Madman:
[b]The best show on TV....

"This Old House".
So you a Bob Villa fan eh?. Bet you have a few Raffi CD's in your X too[/b]
Are you living in the 80's Claus?

Bob Villa was fired from that show about 17 years ago.
Posted by: Claus

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 17/01/07 03:27 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by Claus:
Originally posted by NY Madman:
[b]The best show on TV....

"This Old House".
So you a Bob Villa fan eh?. Bet you have a few Raffi CD's in your X too[/b]
Are you living in the 80's Claus?

Bob Villa was fired from that show about 17 years ago.[/b]
No I just do not watch that much TV:
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 19/01/07 02:30 PM

Oh what the hell...let's splash a little more gasoline on the "Muslims are wonderful people" ideal....

Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 22/01/07 07:46 PM

Just finished watching tonight's episode of "24".

I'm not sure where they are going to take the season. Jack's family as terrorists?

The scenes from next week left me with the impression that possibly the president's Chief of Staff could be involved. I don't know.

What say everyone else?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 22/01/07 07:52 PM

obviously his family has to be involved because graham was the man behind the curtains all of last season
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 22/01/07 07:57 PM

Originally posted by gprsh924:

obviously his family has to be involved because graham was the man behind the curtains all of last season
I know. I was shocked when I saw him as Jack's brother.

Was last season the only other time he was seen on the show?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 22/01/07 09:01 PM

yes I do believe so
Posted by: Paul H

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 23/01/07 01:20 AM

I agree. He was the one pulling Logans strings all last season. Was shocked myself when they showed him as his brother.
Posted by: Origami Gangsta

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 23/01/07 02:05 AM

Not really into "24" too much. Granted, I work when it's on usually, but come on, a guy can only have so many days where shit completely hits the fan.

Yep, The Shield & Nip/Tuck for me. Most of the time I watch ESPN/Sports or movies.
Posted by: TravelingFool

Re: Jack Bauer is a pussy - 23/01/07 10:47 AM

This show points out the obvious, and repeats and re-creates unnecessary dialog for the benefit of the audience more than most. I hate that... we're not all that stupid.

"You've got to get to Ahmed before Fyehd has a chance to arm that weapon... and you don't have much time" "Yes, I know"

No shit... we ALL know...

CSI does this more any anyone:

"Doctor, do you have those DNA results from the evidence I gave you 3 minutes ago?"

"You mean the evidence from the Johnson murder? The one where if the DNA matches the hair sample you found, it means Bill did it? Yes, I have those results right here but you're not going to like what I found..."