Sending mail form a server, no client installed

Posted by: BurgPath

Sending mail form a server, no client installed - 14/12/06 01:11 PM

I have a small file I need to email out at the completion of a batch file. I've used Blat before to do this, worked great.

However our QA group refuses to allow the install of Blat or anyother SMTP app on the server. Is there a built in (Windows 2K) app that can act as a send mail?
Posted by: PDXterra

Re: Sending mail form a server, no client installed - 14/12/06 01:30 PM

Is IIS running on the Windows 2K server? If so, you could use ASP and CDONTS to create a small webpage that would email you the file. Kind of convoluted, I'm surprised they don't allow the use of Blat.

Another option would be to FTP the file somewhere instead of email. That's easy to do in a batch file.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Sending mail form a server, no client installed - 14/12/06 01:55 PM

You could also use a VBScript.,289483,sid68_gci1048243,00.html
Posted by: BurgPath

Re: Sending mail form a server, no client installed - 14/12/06 06:21 PM

Thanks guys. 56, that second link looks promising.