Barry Bonds.

Posted by: xterrapin

Barry Bonds. - 09/05/06 09:20 PM

Did anyone see Pierre's catch on the 3-2 pitch in the 5th tonight? Gawd that was so close!!

Damn it! I wish Barry would just get this over with so I can return back to my normal life.
Although I'm hoping he can hold off until Friday when I will be at the game. It's orange wig night. [LOL]
Posted by: socalpunx

Re: Barry Bonds. - 09/05/06 09:34 PM


Oh yeah, him.
Posted by: BigE515

Re: Barry Bonds. - 09/05/06 09:50 PM

Posted by: MBFlyerfan

Re: Barry Bonds. - 10/05/06 06:08 AM

Originally posted by BigE515:

Posted by: 2001frontier

Re: Barry Bonds. - 10/05/06 06:21 AM

Maybe this guy will show up.

Posted by: NismoXse02

Re: Barry Bonds. - 10/05/06 06:43 AM

Anyone listen to Dan Patrick? He keeps saying that 714 is still the most recognizable number in baseball. That's total b.s. That may be true for the old foggie generation, but for my generation... it's all about 755 and 56. And then he keeps saying that we should celebrate #2. Why? Did we celebrate when he passed Sammy Sosa during his single season record? Of course not because no one cares about second place. Besides, Barroid already used his meaningless celebration up when he passed Willie Mays. And finally, Barroid is not ruling out coming back next year which means he'll pass Aaron which totally sucks. Too bad Griffey got hurt. AROD and Pujols can't get there fast enough as far as I'm concerned. frown
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Barry Bonds. - 15/05/06 09:52 AM

I'm a life-long Giants fan. I honestly wish that Barry Bonds would just go away. We could use the $18 million he earns on something like, say, a cleanup hitter, a front-line starter, and a couple decent middle relievers.

My father grew up in Scottsdale, AZ, and watched Willie Mays play in Spring Training every year. He has always said that Barry couldn't carry Willie's jock. I'm too young to have ever seen Willie play. But the stories I've heard from my father makes me a believer that Willie was the greatest ever.

I've booed Barry countless times for not running out grounders, getting picked off first base, or dropping one of those infernal "snatch catches" out in LF. The dude is a phenomenal talent, no doubt. But he's also a phenomenal a-hole. I was tired of his act by 1998. It was guys like Kirk Rueter, Mark Gardner, Bill Mueller, and JT Snow that kept my dad, brother, and I coming out to the games. Barry--he was like a circus sideshow. He never seemed truly part of the team.

One word describes Barry: selfish. Even his desire to "win a World Series championship" is more about completing his own career than about striving toward a team goal. As far as I'm concerned, he can take his damned Barcalounger, personal toadies, crappy attitude, and media circus to the NY Yankees next year.
Posted by: NismoXse02

Re: Barry Bonds. - 15/05/06 09:59 AM

The only thing worst than Barry Bonds are the Barry Bonds apologists. 90% of them are racists who try to justify that he's getting a raw deal because he's black. They seem to call into the radio every day lately. :rolleyes:
Posted by: Origami Gangsta

Re: Barry Bonds. - 16/05/06 10:26 AM

Originally posted by NismoXse02:
Anyone listen to Dan Patrick? He keeps saying that 714 is still the most recognizable number in baseball. That's total b.s. That may be true for the old foggie generation, but for my generation... it's all about 755 and 56. And then he keeps saying that we should celebrate #2. Why? Did we celebrate when he passed Sammy Sosa during his single season record? Of course not because no one cares about second place. Besides, Barroid already used his meaningless celebration up when he passed Willie Mays. And finally, Barroid is not ruling out coming back next year which means he'll pass Aaron which totally sucks. Too bad Griffey got hurt.
Totally agree with you there Nismo.. [ThumbsUp]

Originally posted by NismoXse02:
AROD and Pujols can't get there fast enough as far as I'm concerned. frown
Shit, not the way Pujols is hitting this year. The guy is just bombing everything out the park. [Freak]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Barry Bonds. - 17/05/06 10:05 AM

It just keeps getting worse. Barry's nuts have apparently shrunk so much from the 'roids that he won't even charge the mound like a man and beat down the always intimidating [gasp] Russ Springer. Give me a break. :rolleyes: I hope his knee blows out again so I don't have to watch his fat ass anymore. The Giants are in last place with him, so what's the difference? [Sleep]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Barry Bonds. - 18/05/06 10:56 AM

Agree with the giant asterisk.

Guy needs to step in front of a bus today and leave the Babe's record be.

Barry, you'll never have the class of Hank Aaron. He's black too. No one has a problem with that.
Posted by: NismoXse02

Re: Barry Bonds. - 18/05/06 12:52 PM

It's a shame that Griffey got hurt. Imagine if he took roids. He could have avoided some of those injuries and the ones he did endure, he would have healed so much faster. Add that along with at least 10 more bombs a year to his average at the time. eek Still, if he would have stayed healthy, Barry would be looking up at him. Another man with class. Oh and Barry... he's black too.

The sad thing is, Barry was a badass before he juiced up. Only problem is, he'd only probably be around 600-650 hrs for his career... that is if he was able to still play.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Barry Bonds. - 18/05/06 02:01 PM

Originally posted by NismoXse02:
The sad thing is, Barry was a badass before he juiced up. Only problem is, he'd only probably be around 600-650 hrs for his career... that is if he was able to still play.
[ThumbsUp] Yup. The dude could rake before chemical enhancement. I can't count how many games I've seen him play, and the guy is an amazing talent. As I said in an earlier post, he is also a tremendous a-hole, and selfish, but the guy could flat out play.
In my opinion, the biggest thing 'roids did for Barry was prolong his prime. He was able to lift weights more aggressively and recover from ailments quicker. I honestly don't think he'd still be wearing a uniform today, and his numbers over the past, say, three or four years would have shown a steady decline in production. I think his HR total would have been in the 630-670 range.
Problem was he thought he was bigger than the game. It makes me want to puke every time he stands next to Willie Mays. Willie was the greatest. How can Willie continue to hang around that sicko?? He must feel one heck of a personal loyalty to the late Bobby Bonds.
Posted by: NismoXse02

Re: Barry Bonds. - 22/05/06 10:00 AM

Looks like we were on the right track. This guy has it about about 616-631. Fuckin' cheater.

Oh, by the way, he finally did it this weekend and no one said anything here. [LOL]
Posted by: BigE515

Re: Barry Bonds. - 28/05/06 08:20 PM

Well, he passed the Babe. Fine with me, all those Bonds rookie cards I bought over the winter are selling like hotcakes on Ebay! laugh
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Barry Bonds. - 28/05/06 08:41 PM

*Football Head*
Posted by: 2001frontier

Re: Barry Bonds. - 31/05/06 02:23 PM

It is a bullshit stat. He didn't pass the Babe, and he won't pass Aaron in my mind.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Barry Bonds. - 09/06/06 02:54 PM

Here's a little more info to go along with what Nismo put up. Decent analysis of no roid Barry...