camping at Loon lake 6/13 to 6/15

Posted by: Marty

camping at Loon lake 6/13 to 6/15 - 12/06/03 10:36 AM

If anyone would like to join us, we are wheeling in the bypass and will camp on the slabs. Then Saturday might venture in a little farther. When in on Monday and busted a brake line so I turned back. I am determined to get to the Little Sluise eventually.
Posted by: olebiker

Re: camping at Loon lake 6/13 to 6/15 - 12/06/03 12:43 PM

Hey Marty
We're headed through from Wentworth on the 18th-21rst in a pair of FJ's..I would love to meet up with you some other time to venture in as far we could. Fortunately, this weekend we're off to Barney Riley.
Good luck! [Wave]
Posted by: Marty

Re: camping at Loon lake 6/13 to 6/15 - 12/06/03 05:54 PM

If it wasn't midweek I would join you, but I need to get back to work to pay for all this playing laugh .