Need a big favor!

Posted by: Xterrian

Need a big favor! - 17/09/04 11:17 AM

I have an '80 MGB LE that I'm fixing up for my daughter to drive to High School. I have a shop in Tijauna that will paint it and replace the interior. Problem is that I don't have a trailer to take it there and no one will rent one to me. I only have until mid October to get it finished since I've come down on orders and will be moving to Washington State. Once up there, my new unit will probably be leaving right away for my second OIF tour and I don't want to leave my wife with this stuff to take care of. Does anybody in Southern California have a car trailer that I can rent or borrow to drop off and pick up my car? Thanks in advance for helping me out.
Posted by: Axle

Re: Need a big favor! - 17/09/04 09:14 PM

Sent you a PM.
