K & N filter charger fiting

Posted by: cujo75

K & N filter charger fiting - 18/12/02 04:54 PM

Howdy everyone~

I have purchased a K & N filter charger today for my 2003 Xterra. Becuase no 2003 K & N filter charger were available yet, I had to go for 2002 ones, my questions are as below.

1.My K & N filter charger is actually bigger (fatter) than the the original ones from the factory. When the original factory air filter ones fits perfectly into box easily, my new K & N filter charger would not fit into filter box, so it is like the rubber part of K & N filter charger sandwiched in between the box (Which I was hardly able to clip it back to close it but not fully closed becuase of the fat filter rubber-). Is it common problem for every X or if i have Wrong one put on for my truck?, would it be okay if the filter box was not closed fully but it is sealed like mine as I explained obove?

2.Does anybody know if the 2003 filter box size is differ from 2002. When I checked at the dealer it looked the same althoug I did not actually measured with measuring instrument.

Many thanks in advance for your reply
Posted by: Mimic2k

Re: K & N filter charger fiting - 18/12/02 05:33 PM

I'm not sure about the size of the airboxes in the '03s, but I just installed a K&N Filter in my '02 about a week ago, and it was a tight squeeze getting it in there, but I got it in there by kind of putting the rubber sides of the K&N over the lip of the airbox, closing the lid, and clipped it closed. It took a bit of work to get them all clipped, but if the filter is in there correctly then with a little work they should clip in and seal tightly.

Good luck with it, and try fitting the rubber edges (I'm pretty sure there's a little lip on the K&N that's slightly larger than the lip on the airbox, so try fitting it around the lip on the airbox, and it should fit.

Posted by: KevinNC

Re: K & N filter charger fiting - 18/12/02 08:00 PM

There is a thread on this, complete with correct part numbers. Make sure NOT to use the little foam pieces that come with the filter. Mine went in fine with a little effort. Fit was snug and hard to close but it did close correctly. Don't run the X with the box open...harmful. 02's are the same as 03's. Search & read the thread for more info... smile