New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi

Posted by: InfX708

New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 17/06/08 11:22 PM

I haven't been able to watch the news, but has anyone seen anyone on TV blaming the government for the flooding in Iowa? Any stars calling the government racist because Cedar Rapids is underwater? Anyone see people on TV looting Walmart? Anyone see cops running around looting? I wonder why that is.
Posted by: spalind

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 18/06/08 06:11 AM

Originally posted by InfX708:
I haven't been able to watch the news, but has anyone seen anyone on TV blaming the government for the flooding in Iowa? Any stars calling the government racist because Cedar Rapids is underwater? Anyone see people on TV looting Walmart? Anyone see cops running around looting? I wonder why that is.
Excellent point...
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 18/06/08 07:12 AM

As of 2005 Census, 95.79% of the population of Iowa was white (Wikipedia).

The city of New Orleans demographics looks like this: 67.25% African American, 28.05% White (Wikipedia).

New Orleans also has more "undocumented" workers than Iowa.

Just saying....
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 18/06/08 07:29 AM

You're a racist for even bringing this up. I'm calling Sharpton and Barack's hag old lady on you.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 18/06/08 07:39 AM

[Spit] I'm enjoying this thread. I'll check back at page 10 [Spit]

Originally posted by Desert_Rat:
You're a racist for even bringing this up. I'm calling Sharpton and Barack's hag old lady on you.
Don't forget Baracks "former" Pastor
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 18/06/08 07:40 AM

Originally posted by Desert_Rat:
You're a racist for even bringing this up. I'm calling Sharpton and Barack's hag old lady on you.
Don't forget Jesse

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 18/06/08 07:44 AM

Originally posted by InfX708:
I haven't been able to watch the news, but has anyone seen anyone on TV blaming the government for the flooding in Iowa? Any stars calling the government racist because Cedar Rapids is underwater? Anyone see people on TV looting Walmart? Anyone see cops running around looting? I wonder why that is.
They will, just not until they figure out how it will be politically advantagous to do so.


Article link
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 18/06/08 07:56 AM

He'll be building homes for the underprivileged black folk in 30 years!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 18/06/08 08:04 AM

He is already planning to coddle all of our enemies as well! Obama is the black Jimmah Carta!
Posted by: RedX

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 18/06/08 08:47 AM

Originally posted by 20001frontier:
He is already planning to coddle all of our enemies as well! Obama is the black Jimmah Carta!
Wait.....we have enemies?!?!? [Uh Oh !]

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 18/06/08 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Conundrum:
They will, just not until they figure out how it will be politically advantagous to do so.
Article link
The comments in that article, if it can be believed, are interesting.

-Not in Iowa
-No dirt on the pants or boots
-Hell - he's not even sweating at all and he's wearing a white oxford. Who in the shit shows up wearing a white oxford to shovel sand?

Seriously - I realize the propaganda value of this, but anyone who actually thinks about it realizes it's crap.

And it's a bit of a slight to McCain, who's physically incapable of doing that kind of work due to his injuries from Viet Nam (IIRC).
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 18/06/08 09:11 AM

Originally posted by RiNkY:
He'll be building homes for the underprivileged black folk in 30 years!
Can't he just fade into obscurity know, like he did when he was in office?
Posted by: Claus

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 18/06/08 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Desert_Rat:
Originally posted by RiNkY:
[b]He'll be building homes for the underprivileged black folk in 30 years!
Can't he just fade into obscurity know, like he did when he was in office?[/b]
"Do you need help with that strofoam block Mr Carter" That Oliver North Behind him?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 18/06/08 09:21 AM

I'm suprised all those "typical white people" aren't afraid of a black man with a shovel. You never know what he might do with it. /sarcasm

The funny thing is, Obama isn't even really black. Technically, from his dad's lineage, he is 87% Arab and only 13% Black African. Add that to the 100% white from his mother and his genetic makeup is 50% white, 43.5% Arab, and only 6.5% Black African. Nobody talks about where he really came from, not that it really matters to me. I just think that if people are going to make his race an issue, they ought to get his race right.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 18/06/08 09:25 AM


-Not in Iowa
-No dirt on the pants or boots
-Hell - he's not even sweating at all and he's wearing a white oxford. Who in the shit shows up wearing a white oxford to shovel sand?

Seriously - I realize the propaganda value of this, but anyone who actually thinks about it realizes it's crap.

And it's a bit of a slight to McCain, who's physically incapable of doing that kind of work due to his injuries from Viet Nam (IIRC).[/QB]
And, why is he the only worker wearing gloves? I guess it's hard to grip a shovel with creamy lotiony hands.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 18/06/08 09:26 AM

Originally posted by X and Halo:
I'm suprised all those "typical white people" aren't afraid of a black man with a shovel. You never know what he might do with it. /sarcasm

The funny thing is, Obama isn't even really black. Technically, from his dad's lineage, he is 87% Arab and only 13% Black African. Add that to the 100% white from his mother and his genetic makeup is 50% white, 43.5% Arab, and only 6.5% Black African. Nobody talks about where he really came from, not that it really matters to me. I just think that if people are going to make his race an issue, they ought to get his race right.
It's actually a hair worse than that. We get a larger percentage of our DNA from our mothers due to the impact of mitochondrial DNA. IIRC, it's somewhere south of 3%, but just saying...
Posted by: InfX708

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 18/06/08 11:48 PM

The bulk of the genomic DNA - the stuff that directs the building of proteins - is in the nucleus. The mitochondrial DNA has a small amount of the stuff, but it really isn't involved in replication. It's more of a fingerprint.
Posted by: Big Daddy Chia

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 19/06/08 06:17 AM

Originally posted by InfX708:
The bulk of the genomic DNA - the stuff that directs the building of proteins - is in the nucleus. The mitochondrial DNA has a small amount of the stuff, but it really isn't involved in replication. It's more of a fingerprint.
Damn G.I.'s always trying to be technical [Finger]
Posted by: InfX708

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 19/06/08 08:10 AM

Sorry. I occasionally get to use my education. It gets boring talking about computers, switches, routers, and fiber all day. If you ever feel like you need some more grey hairs, try explaining how a network works to an artillery man.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 19/06/08 08:54 AM

Originally posted by InfX708:
The bulk of the genomic DNA - the stuff that directs the building of proteins - is in the nucleus. The mitochondrial DNA has a small amount of the stuff, but it really isn't involved in replication. It's more of a fingerprint.
Absolutely, but it's still DNA, which was the whole point. I believe those mitochondria will have an effect on the metabolic rates of the cells, so they do have some influence. Not nearly what the rest of it does - but it's there.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 19/06/08 10:10 AM

Originally posted by X and Halo:

The funny thing is, Obama isn't even really black. Technically, from his dad's lineage, he is 87% Arab and only 13% Black African.
That is nonsense.

Obama on his father's side is most certainly descended from an African negro ethnic group called Lou. Arabs are considered Caucasian. The ethnic group of Obama's father is Negro and absolutely is not Arab Caucasian.

Here is a picture of Obama's father on a vist to see the child he abandoned. He makes Wesley Snipes look white....

Obama is black because that is the race of which he chose to identify himself. He disavowed his "white heritage"..... the race of the people who raised him and stuck by him all his life. He chose to identify with the race of the father who abandoned him.

"I found solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race."

"The emotion between the races could never be pure, even love was tarnished by the desire to find in the other some element that was missing in ourselves. Whether we sought out our demons or salvation, the other race (WHITE) would always remain just that: menacing, alien, and apart."
..... Barack Hussein Obama from "Dreams of My Father"

He fully embraced the bigoted and anti-white, Black Liberation Theology, and joined a church that preached that bigoted abomination. He has been raising his own kids in that church to listen to that bigoted ideology.

Obama's "typical white person" grandmother is alive and well and still living in Hawaii. Where is she in this campaign? No photo's of the "black candidate" hugging his white grandmother. No media interviews. White grandma seems to have been put in a box and is off limits.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 19/06/08 06:27 PM

Originally posted by InfX708:

I haven't been able to watch the news, but has anyone seen anyone on TV blaming the government for the flooding in Iowa?
You asked and here is your answer....

Some people.... people who didn't buy flood insurance in Illinois seem to be looking to blame the federal government. At least according to the Associated Press.

It could be the Associated Press practicing their trademark yellow journalism and intentionally looking to blame the feds. We'll see soon.

Midwest flood victims feel misled by feds
Even though it flooded in 1993, an idiot would never think it would flood again. eek
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 21/06/08 06:31 PM

Hey guys, I was just doing some searching and I found your group picture online! Crazy, huh?
Posted by: RedX

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 21/06/08 07:12 PM

Originally posted by WilMac1023:
Hey guys, I was just doing some searching and I found your group picture online! Crazy, huh?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New Orleans vs. the Upper Mississippi - 23/06/08 08:44 PM

Wilmac. You're a douchebag. That hasn't changed.

So basically, what you're saying is that it's OK to support a black man who doesn't renounce his racist background and connections, and if we don't support that, we're racists? Wow.

Didn't your mama ever teach you that two wrongs don't make a right? I suppose not, since you were likely raised by other douchebags, hence the douchebaggery you display here each time you post.