It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again

Posted by: Anonymous

It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 17/10/07 01:23 PM

Bush: Threat of World War III if Iran goes nuclear

...explain to me how exactly you plan to go to war with yet ANOTHER country when you are putting your current military into their fifth tours because you don't have enough people in your army?

Of those of you who voted for him in '04, how many of you still defend this dipshit's decisions?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 17/10/07 03:10 PM

Since nothing in the article suggests Bush would invade Iran, I think this is now the 3rd thread in a row where you're not reading everything stated, and you're jumping to your normal, idiotic conclusions.

Literate people who read the article will see the comment about Iran having made comments about 'wiping Israel off the map' which I would read as Bush thinking it would be Iran that starts it.

You probably didn't do so well in reading and comprehension in grade school, eh?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 17/10/07 04:12 PM

If we go to war with Iran, would one of you guys in the military who get deployed there drop by my cousins' house in Isfahan and pick up a milk crate of obscure 80s vinyl for me? There's a home cooked meal in it for ya and if you're into hash, Wilco, and Coen Bros. movies, you'll get along with my cousins just fine.

PM me for contact names and coordinates.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 17/10/07 04:18 PM

IMO - it's not gunna be the US dragging us into this one, it is gunna be Iran and Ahmedinajad in particular trying to summon the 12th iman back with nuclear or bio strikes on Isreal.

This guy truly believes in this 12th iman, and will try to summon him back by starting WWIII. And if he does bomb Isreal, I hope we have the balls to nuke Iran back to a smooth glass surface. I don't like was at all, but you nuke Isreal, unprovoked, and we would have to do something.
Posted by: FSRBIKER

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 17/10/07 05:39 PM

It is widely thought that Isreal has nuclear weapons, I certainly wouldn't doubt it plus I don't think they would hesitate to use them either if provoked.

Originally posted by mine_man:
IMO - it's not gunna be the US dragging us into this one, it is gunna be Iran and Ahmedinajad in particular trying to summon the 12th iman back with nuclear or bio strikes on Isreal.

This guy truly believes in this 12th iman, and will try to summon him back by starting WWIII. And if he does bomb Isreal, I hope we have the balls to nuke Iran back to a smooth glass surface. I don't like was at all, but you nuke Isreal, unprovoked, and we would have to do something.
Posted by: Samueul

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 17/10/07 05:42 PM

Israel has already told us to fuck off a couple times when dealing with their enemies. If Iran fucks with them, they'll be the ones to nuke the shit out of them. If we are pulled into it, it will be because our politicians won't have the good sense to stay completely out of it.
Posted by: NismoXse02

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 17/10/07 05:44 PM

Wow, a total fishing thread and ya'll totally took the bait. :rolleyes:
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 17/10/07 06:58 PM

By Deja Vu in the name of this thread, I'm simply point out that this is how that dipshit got us into Iraq, by CLAIMING that Iraq was going to have a nuclear bomb in the near future. Oops.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 17/10/07 08:26 PM

Originally posted by WilMac1023:
By Deja Vu in the name of this thread, I'm simply point out that this is how that dipshit got us into Iraq, by CLAIMING that Iraq was going to have a nuclear bomb in the near future. Oops.
I thought the claim was that Iraq had WMDs, not that they were planning on purchasing, or otherwise procuring, "a nuclear bomb."
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 17/10/07 10:55 PM

Originally posted by WilMac1023:

By Deja Vu in the name of this thread, I'm simply point out that this is how that dipshit got us into Iraq, by CLAIMING that Iraq was going to have a nuclear bomb in the near future. Oops.
Wow. The Iranian leader constantly talks about wiping an American ally off the face of the map. They are the largest state sponsor of terrorism on earth, and people like you don't think that a nuclear armed Iran might not lead to WWIII.

That kind of makes Neville Chamberlain look like Gengis Khan by comparison.

It's not Deja Vu. Iran and Iraq are two completely separate issues. Neither situation has much in common with the other.

The lies, revisionist history, and selective memory of people on your side of the political spectrum regarding Iraq is astounding. The Bush administration never said anything about Iraq that the Democrats weren't saying. They never said anything about Iraq that many other countries were not saying.

Could Iraq have been developing a nuclear bomb? They certainly had those ambitions. Most of the countries in the Middle East have ambitions of a nuclear bomb. What we have learned about the A.Q. Khan network since 2003, Iraq very well could have developed a nuclear weapon in a very short period of time.

The US removed a staggering stockpile of 500 tons of uranium from Iraq after the invasion. Almost 2 tons of it was already enriched. If you already have enriched uranium, making a bomb is not far off at all.

There were many other reasons for going into Iraq, but it would be ridiculous and useless to rehash and discuss them all now. The topic here is Iran.

For some reason everyone on the left is refusing to acknowledge the activities of the Iranian government. They are refusing to acknowledge the statements being made from the Iranian government. Iran is most certainly a threat to the region. The UN Security Council knows it. Many European countries know it.

Iran is already responsible for attacks on US forces and has killed US military personnel. They are a major state sponsor of terrorism. They have defied the UN Security Council and the IAEA.

Iran supplies the terrorist group Hezbollah and has already engaged in a proxy war with Israel. The leader of Iran routinely announces that he will destroy Israel. Iran is indeed a great threat to not only the region and US interests, but also European interests.

Regarding war with Iran.... who ever said we will be going to war with Iran? Certainly not George Bush. Why would we want to go to war with Iran?

Any action against Iran would not be undertaken by ground troops. If there are ground troop engagements, it would be along the borders with Iraq.

Any action against Iran would be to take out it's nuclear facilities. If that ever happened, you would be surprised at who would most likely join a US air strike on such a mission.

We don't have to go to war with Iran. We don't want a war with that country. Iran is not a country in very good shape. It's economy is shit. It's people are pissed off at the government. It's interference in Iraq is not turning out as the Mullahs had planned.

The Iraqi regular army is not very good and the Mullahs that control that country don't even trust the regular army because they are mostly conscripts who really don't want to fight for the Mullahs.

The military threat in Iran is the Revolutionary Guard. They are the well trained and motived soldiers in the Islamic regime. Then of course Iran has Hezbollah which has supporters all over the world. Many right here in the United States. More than you really want to think about.

If the US wanted to, we could level the majority of Iran's military might with the three aircraft carrier battle groups we have sitting in the region.

Iran is a little scared. They don't show it of course, but the September 6, Israeli air strike in Syria had to have rattled them up a bit. Iran has the same brand new Russian made surface to air defense systems that Syria purchased. The Israeli's cut through it like butter and the Syrian targets were destroyed before Syria barely knew what hit them.

That Israeli air strike has gone largely unnoticed in the press. The Syrians didn't even complain about the air strike. They were virtually silent about a neighboring nation attacking their sites in their country. Now why would that be? It is because Israel hit a nuclear related site in Syria and the Syrians knew they couldn't let the cat out of the bag regarding what they were doing.

If Israel can easily slice through Syria's defenses without a scratch, Iran has to be more than a little scared. Probably also a little pissed that the Russians may have sold them useless junk. You can bet that this was the topic of discussion when Putin was recently in Tehran for talks with Iranian President Mahmoud Hitler.

Saying the US wants to go to war with Iran is ridiculous. Have you ever looked at a map of Iran and the terrian? We don't want to go to war with Iran. The US has extended far more patience with Iran over the last few years than they deserve. That in of itself creates an additional problem because the Mullahs and the regime view that as weakness. They view the whole international community as weak.

Are you suggesting that we allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons? If so, that makes you and people of your political persuasion just as dangerous as an Iran with nuclear weapons.

There will be no war with Iran. There may be military strikes to destroy their nuclear ambitions, but that is not going to war with Iran. Not if enough of the international community agrees that they pose a grave threat.

What we should have been doing a lot more of over the years is support factions within Iran that would like to depose the Islamic regime. If the Iranians had help and the opportunity to come out from under the iron boot of the Mullahs, I think they would take it.

Democrats in Congress have recently pursued their own radical agenda to destroy one of the best foreign relationships this country has ever had with a nation in the Middle East. A more than fairly reliable ally for many decades. They were willing to destroy a relationship with a valuable ally all in pursuit of completely undermining the entire Iraq operation and that entire country, all in pursuit of perceived domestic political power.

Democrats and the left have zero credibility as far as recognizing or even acknowledging any threat that may arise from the Middle East. Their recent activities in Congress prove they don't care. It proves they are willing to intentionally create new threats and undermine their own country's interests. Even the father of the radical Iranian Islamic government and state sponsor of terrorism is also an American Democrat named Jimmy Carter. No normal or moderate Iranians who were alive in the late 70's are keeping any pictures of Jimmy Carter next to their Bee Gee's albums, that's for sure.

Democrats and the left talking honestly about Iran is like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg claiming they left their paperwork in the car.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 17/10/07 11:10 PM

Originally posted by FSRBIKER:

It is widely thought that Isreal has nuclear weapons, I certainly wouldn't doubt it plus I don't think they would hesitate to use them either if provoked.
Israel has several hundred nuclear weapons. They may even have more considering they are a highly technological society.

Israel even buys military hardware and often makes their own modifications improving on the original design for their own needs.

They don't openly admit to being a nuclear power. That is understandable considering their history and their neighbors.

They have a wide array of nuclear weapons from large megaton warheads to small tactical warheads to submarine launched warheads of various configurations.

It is believed the bulk of their nuclear arsenal consists of small tactical warheads that can be used for strategic strikes or detonated over an advancing army with little long term consequences to the overall inhabitability of the region.
Posted by: great pyr-hauler

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 18/10/07 05:40 AM

I still support President Bush, would gladly vote for him again over who is currently running.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 18/10/07 05:48 AM

Originally posted by mitch1351:
Originally posted by WilMac1023:
[b]By Deja Vu in the name of this thread, I'm simply point out that this is how that dipshit got us into Iraq, by CLAIMING that Iraq was going to have a nuclear bomb in the near future. Oops.
I thought the claim was that Iraq had WMDs, not that they were planning on purchasing, or otherwise procuring, "a nuclear bomb."[/b]
I thought it was just a part of the war on terror.

Oh it was to liberate the people.


Which is it this week?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 18/10/07 06:53 AM

Originally posted by Mobycat:
Originally posted by mitch1351:
Originally posted by WilMac1023:
[b]By Deja Vu in the name of this thread, I'm simply point out that this is how that dipshit got us into Iraq, by CLAIMING that Iraq was going to have a nuclear bomb in the near future. Oops.
I thought the claim was that Iraq had WMDs, not that they were planning on purchasing, or otherwise procuring, "a nuclear bomb."[/b]
I thought it was just a part of the war on terror.

Oh it was to liberate the people.


Which is it this week?[/b]
Yeah, well, maybe that too, but mainly the WMD thing. Oh, and Sadam was a very bad man.
Posted by: great pyr-hauler

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 18/10/07 11:08 AM

And now he's a very dead man.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 18/10/07 01:04 PM

I'm sure this'll help with the tensions...

IED from Iran
Posted by: Claus

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 18/10/07 01:59 PM

Posted by: Axle

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 18/10/07 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Claus:
That includes you too Canada. [Finger]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again - 18/10/07 07:12 PM

Originally posted by great pyr-hauler:
And now he's a very dead man.
Thanks to President Bush.