Pin Stripes

Posted by: Anonymous

Pin Stripes - 28/04/04 09:12 PM

Well, Harrisonburg Nissan of Harrisonburg, Virginia has stated that even if I don't want pin stripes on my Xterra, I will still be charged $180.00 for them in the final bill.

So, the question is, do you think the super black 2004 Xterra would look better with silver or dark purple pin stripes? They have quite a selection to choose from, any other tasteful ideas are appreciated.
Posted by: ChuckH

Re: Pin Stripes - 28/04/04 09:27 PM

Wait a minute! It doesn't have any pinstriping on it and they are forcing you to get it or pay for it? It's one thing if it's already on there, but they can't make you get it! I say fuck'em and go somewhere else! There's no such thing as tasteful pinstriping; it's all [Rainbow] .

BTW, tell them the 80's want their pinstriping back!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 28/04/04 09:34 PM

Originally posted by ChuckH:
Wait a minute! It doesn't have any pinstriping on it and they are forcing you to get it or pay for it? It's one thing if it's already on there, but they can't make you get it! I say fuck'em and go somewhere else! There's no such thing as tasteful pinstriping; it's all [Rainbow] .

BTW, tell them the 80's want their pinstriping back!
Yes, I told them I didn't want the pinstriping, but they basically said "Too bad".

They've already gotten the best of me, so I'm taking them for all they're worth. I don't mind pinstriping, so I'm going to get it if I have to pay for it.

I need a color that goes well with both black and gray(The bumper color).
Posted by: DaveDatsun

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 03:09 AM

Sounds like silver or grey would be your best choice. The color purple has meanings/symbolism for some religious/social groups.

dave and xtoy - but that's not everyone
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 05:01 AM

The dealer had put stripes on my White 03 already, blue... I hated them, first day it was warm, of they came, really cheap pin striping too , I did not even need a heat gun or anything.

Anyway, if you have to get silver... But I would say after taking it off, my X looks 1000 times better!!!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 05:15 AM

Dude, there is no way they can charge you for pinstriping that isn't already on the car. They're trying to rob you. Have some balls and tell them to go fuck themselves. Seriously, tell them if they're going to charge you for that then you're walking, they're not the only Nissan dealership in the world.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 05:30 AM

Originally posted by ShowtimeX:
Dude, there is no way they can charge you for pinstriping that isn't already on the car. They're trying to rob you. Have some balls and tell them to go fuck themselves. Seriously, tell them if they're going to charge you for that then you're walking, they're not the only Nissan dealership in the world.
It's too late to tell them I'm walking, I've already bought the vehicle. They are saying that I can't get the money deducted after the deal is already made, which is bullshit.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 05:32 AM

DON'T let them charge you for something you don't want. I agree with the other posters, the X looks better w/o pinstriping. But it is your X and your choice. Do what you want.

If they still insist on charging you $180, tell them you want to charge them $180 for the dealer badges.
Posted by: DaveDatsun

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 05:43 AM

Or get $180 worth of something else. Even a credit for service.

dave and xtoy - or a tank of gas, well half a tank if the prices keep going up smile
Posted by: surfingteacher

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 06:12 AM

See if you can get something else. Seat covers, floor mats. Anything but pin striping.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 06:16 AM

Originally posted by Xterra Owner:
Originally posted by ShowtimeX:
[b]Dude, there is no way they can charge you for pinstriping that isn't already on the car. They're trying to rob you. Have some balls and tell them to go fuck themselves. Seriously, tell them if they're going to charge you for that then you're walking, they're not the only Nissan dealership in the world.
It's too late to tell them I'm walking, I've already bought the vehicle. They are saying that I can't get the money deducted after the deal is already made, which is bullshit.[/b]
What do you mean by "bought"? Have you taken delivery of it yet, have you given them any earnest money? Go to the top..tell them you want to speak with the GM or owner. "Fight the Power, brotherman."
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 06:20 AM

Did you sign a contract? Now they are telling you that you MUST buy something in order to take delivery?!?


Bait and Switch
Posted by: Lightning

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 07:16 AM

Unless they have your money (which they might) deal is not already made. If they don't yet, insist or tell them your walking. Other places will match their price. If they do have your money, I'd say that a set of seat covers would look nice.

Though IMO pin striping doesn't look half bad on some. It's the principle that they threw that in so they could make another $160 off of you ($20 for time and materials)
Posted by: FinallyAnXer

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 10:45 AM

I second the comments regarding contacting the General Manager, Nissan Corporate (they helped me when the X had to go in for a recall) and the Better Business Bureau.

I would try the GM first, but either way I would be filing a report with the BBB.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 10:57 AM

Originally posted by ShowtimeX:
Originally posted by Xterra Owner:
Originally posted by ShowtimeX:
[b]Dude, there is no way they can charge you for pinstriping that isn't already on the car. They're trying to rob you. Have some balls and tell them to go fuck themselves. Seriously, tell them if they're going to charge you for that then you're walking, they're not the only Nissan dealership in the world.
It's too late to tell them I'm walking, I've already bought the vehicle. They are saying that I can't get the money deducted after the deal is already made, which is bullshit.[/b]
What do you mean by "bought"? Have you taken delivery of it yet, have you given them any earnest money? Go to the top..tell them you want to speak with the GM or owner. "Fight the Power, brotherman."[/b]
Well, I physically gave him a check for the X, then asked him about the pinstriping, thinking he would say something like "Oh yeah, that's not problem, we'll write that off!" But, he said "Well, the deal is already made and we can't write any of that off!" He basically said "Too damn bad! You just paid me you little bitch!"

Either way, it's like someone has already mentioned, it's not the $180 I'm worried about, it's the point behind it.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 11:02 AM

Exactly, its the point behind it. That prick isn't a man of his words. You gotta CANCEL that check bro!!
Then when his boss chews him out for not making the sale on you, you tell him boss he wasnt a man of his words and he will continue to lose customers with that tactic....

I never knew what was so "sporty" or "cool" about pinstriping. To me it makes the vehicle look old and outdated.

You seriously need to cancel that check.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 11:46 AM

Originally posted by indy:
Exactly, its the point behind it. That prick isn't a man of his words. You gotta CANCEL that check bro!!
Then when his boss chews him out for not making the sale on you, you tell him boss he wasnt a man of his words and he will continue to lose customers with that tactic....

I never knew what was so "sporty" or "cool" about pinstriping. To me it makes the vehicle look old and outdated.

You seriously need to cancel that check.

He's exactly right. Cancel that check without waiting another second, hopefully it's not too late. Don't be, as you said, a "little bitch." Go right to the GM and tell him what's up. $180 isn't pocket change, and the principle of it is even more. Be assertive and demanding to your point.

Trust me, I'm a Purchasing Agent, I deal with salesman and contracts and whatnot for a living. If you tell him your terms or you walk, he'll agree. That $180 prob goes right to his commish.
Posted by: Close1

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 01:01 PM

Mmmm pinstripes [Laughing] how [Rainbow]

Well unless you are just using it to pick lil timmy up from soccer practice. :rolleyes:
Posted by: Lightning

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 01:38 PM

Hmm, cancelling the check....
You know as pissed as I usually get at salesmen and dealerships... yeah, I think I would probably stand in front of him while you call the bank and tell them to cancel the check. I'd take the $25 hit for the check fee. F#@% the dealerships!

Yep, then see it they can see the point behind it. AHHHH I hate them!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 02:11 PM

Ahh but that is what's great about cancelling a check! There shouldn't be a $25 fee if you cancel it. So its a win win situation for him.

I really hope he decides to cancel it because you should never ever be forced to pay for petty things like pinstriping!!!

Posted by: spalind

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 02:13 PM

If you can stop payment on the check then I would say to do havent mentioned signing a contract as of yet so that would be my second contract signed no deal...and thirdly I would say to refuse to take delivery of the vehicle...there is tiny little wording on the back of the contract about the customer having to take delivery of the vehicle for the deal to be complete....If you refuse to take delivery of the unit there is no deal---unless of course the dealership tows the truck over to your house and dumps it in your driveway, takes a picture, and leaves(which I have known to happen on occasion), in which case that counts as having taken delivery....Take my advice--NO DEAL IS REALLY FINAL....look at the tag on my ID here...I know what I'm talking about...just ask Ian smile
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 02:28 PM

Who was your salesman? Gary Hensley was mine. That is strage for Harrisonburg Nissan...they pride themselves on being "1st in Customer Service in VA" for 2001 and 2002. Basically, tell them you'll give them bad results on the survey. I'm sure John Booker will credit for you then.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 04:51 PM

Go eat a huge meal at your favorite fast food place, wait 4-5 hours, try anyway, then take a huge dumparo in the bathroom, and don't flush...

And when the bring the truck out for you to take, make sure to have some other license plate covers, say your favorite sports team, as the sale person to have them put on and trash the dealrones, they love that!!!

Oh and call your sttorney general office, and report the SOB, that ain't legal.
Posted by: Xterrian

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 05:18 PM

Be a man. Cancel the sale out of principle. I would do it even if it meant that it would cost me more than $180. The reason scumbags do shit like that is because people stand for it. Break the cycle and tell them to kiss your ass. I like the suggestion to cancel the check over your cell phone right in front of them. I have a direct TV dish in my garage, new in the box, never used. Just because they changed their story at installation. They never got another cent from me and never will. I will be canceling my AT&T cellphone contract when it expires because they won't stop calling me about changing my long distance carrier. We should start dealer/salesman boycott/buy from lists here and point them out to salesmen when buying. That shit pisses me off.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 05:33 PM


That's right! I agree. I am going to cancel my Chase Mastercard tomorrow because not only do they send me those stupid advance checks(just trying to get me into more debt) to pay off other credit cards almost every other day, their sales/marketing dept. keeps calling my house telling me about more offers.
So I called them up and told them to stop, they said they had a "do not call" on my profile so it should never happen again. Well, it hasn't stopped!

It's really unfortunate that they already have me as a customer(the hard part) but they don't know how to keep them!
All they had to do was shutup and stop calling me!
Is that really that hard??

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 08:07 PM

Originally posted by XMountaineer:
Who was your salesman? Gary Hensley was mine. That is strage for Harrisonburg Nissan...they pride themselves on being "1st in Customer Service in VA" for 2001 and 2002. Basically, tell them you'll give them bad results on the survey. I'm sure John Booker will credit for you then.
Randy Traber was the salesman. He was all good til we talked about the pinstriping. I've even talked to Duane, the Financial Coordinator, and the General Manager, all of which gave the same answer, "No!".

As for the rest of you, I've bought the X, signed the papers. I can't take the car back once the deal is done. It's $180.00 for the pinstriping, so they won't get the money I have to give for service, I'll head out to another dealer. You people are telling me to cancel the check and all this shit, but the check is directly from the bank to the dealership. (Loan!) I'm going to just suck it up and not take my X there for service. I'll just goto the closer dealership, Staunton Nissan.

Last, but not least, my wife is the person who thought the purple pinstriping would look "OK". The vehicle is just as much hers as mine, so if she wants them, we're getting them.

Thanks for the help guys, but I'm going to suck it up.
Posted by: ClaptoVaughn

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 08:34 PM

Didn't you post a thread with pictures of your X already? It was posted a day before you posted about this.

So you took the X home...then they told you that you NEEDED to get pinstripping?

Just admit it. You're the one who wants the purple stripes. You just wanted an excuse to ask for everyone's opinion smile .
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 09:28 PM

Originally posted by ClaptoVaughn:
Didn't you post a thread with pictures of your X already? It was posted a day before you posted about this.

So you took the X home...then they told you that you NEEDED to get pinstripping?

Just admit it. You're the one who wants the purple stripes. You just wanted an excuse to ask for everyone's opinion smile .
They never said I NEEDED to get pinstriping, they just said I would be charged whether I wanted them or not.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 29/04/04 09:59 PM

According to BBB , Harrisonburg Nissan has a pretty bad BBB standing. mad
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 30/04/04 05:36 AM

Ok, so maybe the battle is over, but we'll win the war! Those Nissan Survey's they send out, well they take those seriously. If you give them a shit rating, they'll hear about it. So bash them good on it. Also, you're likely to get a call from Nissan asking how your "experience" was. More bashing, mention to them the BBB comments too. Shit flows down-hill and eventually will land right where it belongs...on the shitheads at that dealership.

Or, you could monitor the salesman for about a week, find out his after-work habits, if he stops by somewhere for a beer or the grocery store, and then get yourself a ski mask and some brass knuckles. Ambush baby, ambush. But you didn't hear that from me. wink
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 30/04/04 05:40 AM

nahh, just follow him around till he goes shopping somewhere.

Then when his car is all alone and ready for the taking, you take the pinstriping off your X and put it on his car!!!

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 30/04/04 06:32 AM

hell dealers arent qualified to put on pin stripes there normal way is to put them on and do the trimming with a raizor blade while they are on the car which cuts the paint and in 6 months you'll have big rust scabs at the ends of each pin stripes... i dont even let the dealer wash my car after the oil change let alone do something beyound there technical ability like this
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 30/04/04 06:37 AM

Originally posted by indy:
nahh, just follow him around till he goes shopping somewhere.

Then when his car is all alone and ready for the taking, you take the pinstriping off your X and put it on his car!!!

You know, I was having similiar thoughts along the same line, but something a little more bold...find out where the dick lives, get yourself a can of purple paint and a roller, and give his house a nice stripe. [Finger]
Posted by: rb42

Re: Pin Stripes - 30/04/04 12:00 PM

Well, I guess it's too late, but in TX, you have 3 days to return the vehicle, according to state law. So no matter what they wrote in a contract, you could return it... supposedly.

I don't know if you'd get processing and filing fees back however. It would probably be an expensive decision.

Nissan called me to ask about the truck about a week after I got mine. Give em hell!

Posted by: XChosen

Re: Pin Stripes - 30/04/04 12:21 PM

I guess I'll answer the guys question. I have silver pin striping. If done well it looks pretty good.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 30/04/04 01:00 PM

Originally posted by rb42:
Well, I guess it's too late, but in TX, you have 3 days to return the vehicle, according to state law. So no matter what they wrote in a contract, you could return it... supposedly.
Interesting?? So if you return it, can they turn around and sell it for new??

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pin Stripes - 30/04/04 01:26 PM

Same deal in Missouri. You have 3 days. You do have to pay the loan app fee and couple of other things. But they can sell the car as new until a certain mileage. I don't remember exactly what that is.