permanent water spots?

Posted by: Anonymous

permanent water spots? - 22/05/06 11:26 AM

I have what looks like water spots all over my hood. Problem is, I try to rub them out by hand with a soft cloth and it doesn't work. I did have my vehicle hand washed and waxed a few weeks ago, is it possible that those water spots are permanent? They could probably be buffed out with a machine but I don't want to risk compromising the clear coat. Any ideas?
Posted by: ATFrontier

Re: permanent water spots? - 22/05/06 11:27 AM

1st try to use a clay bar to remove the spots and if that don't work have the truck high speed buffed by a professional.
Posted by: 2 the X

Re: permanent water spots? - 22/05/06 11:50 AM

Another trick that works well w/ water spots is to rub with a dilute concentration of distilled vinegar and water. Once you wash your X, use a foam wax applicator and gently apply the dilute vinegar/water mix to the affected area. Flush the area w/ some water, dry and wax immediately to prevent additional spotting. I've had a good deal of success w/ this Vinegar treatment. There is a decent write up on this and other techniques for damaged paint on

Hope this helps.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: permanent water spots? - 24/05/06 09:30 PM

my sisters car had that, very hard stains. I used meguiars paint scrub, a couple applications got them off.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: permanent water spots? - 30/05/06 01:05 PM

Use Mothers Clay bar and either a pre-wax cleaner or to save steps use a Cleaner wax.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: permanent water spots? - 21/06/06 10:08 PM

i agree with the clay and stuff, but if you dont have the materials do the water and viegar thing and that mr clean auto dry thing does kiddin definatly worth the 18 bucks it costs!!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: permanent water spots? - 22/06/06 02:12 PM

Will the vinegar damage the clear coat? Seems it would definitely strip the wax.

I've got this problem in my driveway really bad for my 2 cars due to the damned auto sprinklers. Our new car is black, and that only amplifies it.
Posted by: DocNo

Re: permanent water spots? - 22/06/06 07:09 PM

No-touch auto glass stripper .

Works great on glass. Also works really good on shower doors too.

Clay bar, as others suggested, would be best for the paint.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: permanent water spots? - 23/06/06 09:19 PM

you can try regular dish soap like DAwn. IT shoudl peel most crap off, including any wax/polish you have.

Obviously you would need to re-wax your paint.