Clay bars, and wax

Posted by: Anonymous

Clay bars, and wax - 12/03/04 02:40 PM

I just used that new NXT wax,but I forgot to use the clay bar system first. Should I wait until the wax wears off or just use the clay bar and then rewax? How often do you guys/gals wax your truck anyway?
Posted by: bpdA

Re: Clay bars, and wax - 12/03/04 02:44 PM

I'd say you are better off just waiting until you need to wax again. I like doing as much at one time as possible rather than doing things at all different times making it difficult to keep track of when I did what.

In the end, its a personal preference of how you like to do things
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Clay bars, and wax - 12/03/04 03:08 PM

Well dude, If you don't mind rewaxing then go for it. The clay bar will remove all the wax along with the crap built up underneath it.

I plan on using the mothers clay bar system soon and then putting a few coats of wax afterwards.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Clay bars, and wax - 12/03/04 03:38 PM

Originally posted by EnderMyst:
Well dude, If you don't mind rewaxing then go for it. The clay bar will remove all the wax along with the crap built up underneath it.

I plan on using the mothers clay bar system soon and then putting a few coats of wax afterwards.

Yeah its just on the hood so I'll re wax it.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Clay bars, and wax - 15/03/04 04:11 PM

Just wanted to post after I washed and then used they clay it was AMAZING how much shit it puled out of the paint!!! I've never felt such smooth paint, then I re-waxed the hood with the new NXT wax and I ......almost pissed my self lol.. this NXT stuff is really quite amazing as well!