First Damage

Posted by: Anonymous

First Damage - 20/03/05 04:51 AM

This thread may be little premature (hopefully), but has anyone gotten their first ding yet? My wife, may she rest in peace, opened the passenger side door in a strong wind without holding onto the handle (after I advised her to do earlier) and the door flung open and crashed into the driver side mirror of her 99 Altima parked next to us. It took the plastic housing off her mirror and left a quarter-sized dent and scratch on the door panel of the X just below the handle.

How do I make her see that the damage to the X, which is considerably smaller and less noticable, is infinitely more devestating than that to her Altima. I still cry sometimes at night when I think too much about it.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: First Damage - 20/03/05 04:55 AM

Make her pay to fix it!

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: First Damage - 20/03/05 04:58 AM

How do I make her see that the damage to the X, which is considerably smaller and less noticable, is infinitely more devestating than that to her Altima.
Maybe use a metaphor or simile related to clothing or shopping time?

Wife: What's the big deal?

Husband: Imagine that small ding is enough to keep the X from being able to shop until repaired... it would feel like everyone would be staring at it in the mall.

Wife: What about my Altima?

Husband: Ah but you see, the Altima would reap the rewards of sympathy from other shoppers and most certainly be able to cash in on sales that the X couldn't, and we both know that sales save money.

For some reasons, women think they can save money by spending money during sales, so be sure to use that last part.

