chip repair

Posted by: rjmny

chip repair - 02/02/01 06:36 PM

i have a small chip in my windshield.has anybody used those chip repair kits from the auto stores?? any success??

Posted by: SkiCalif

Re: chip repair - 05/02/01 01:51 PM

Can't help you with the kit.

I can tell you my insureance paid the $50 for a guy to come out and do the chip repair.

He said most insurance companies would rather pay for the repair w/o a deductible than pay for a replacement windshield.

Silver 2001 4WD XE 3 Pak
Posted by: BoarderPhreak

Re: chip repair - 05/02/01 02:03 PM

Basically what SkiCalif said... They make a goo that you can inject into the chip to make it less visible and reinforce it. If it's an "interior dimple" kinda thing, it shouldn't crack any further. Just avoid undue pressure on the glass near it.

2001 Solar Yellow SE 4x4 V6 5spd
Posted by: rjmny

Re: chip repair - 05/02/01 04:06 PM

who guys are right. i called the auto glass company. they are going to come out and repair it. its easier that way, plus like you said, the insurance company will waive the deductible.

Posted by: XChemist

Re: chip repair - 05/02/01 08:49 PM

In several states (Florida for sure) it is illegal to drive with a cracked windshield. And by law, and insurance company has to fix the windshield with no deductable.

2001 4x4 V6 Auto 3-pack
Cloud White
Posted by: Nova

Re: chip repair - 16/02/01 07:06 PM

My winshield is chiped in a couple of spots from those studid salt trucks in the sierra nevada. I am just going to claim it on my insurance and get a new winshield. lata

"I want the world, I want the whole world, give it to me."

Veruca Salt
Willy Wanca's Chocolate Factory
Posted by: Awesome X

Re: chip repair - 16/02/01 08:20 PM

I have used one of the repair kits you buy from an auto parts store on my truck. It was about 5 yrs ago and still no problems.

'00 Aztec Red 4X4 V6 XE 3 Pack