SE-SC Sold..sniff...sniff

Posted by: Costas

SE-SC Sold..sniff...sniff - 04/05/03 01:10 PM

Had to do it...did it. I finally found a buyer for the X - I got the deposit yesterday, and will finish the deal on Tuesday. Sale price of $28,500 CDN plus taxes. I owe $29,900 to buy out the lease, so I'm into it for $1,500. Not bad, considering the dealer was screwing me almost $4,000 if I handed back the keys.

Anyway, it will be a while before I get another one, but I WILL buy another X (probably an SE).

Thank you all for allowing me to share this message board, and I hope it's alright to lurk around once in a while.

Posted by: ButterBean

Re: SE-SC Sold..sniff...sniff - 04/05/03 01:30 PM

Sorry to hear that. I picked up my X for invoice from the dealer.
Posted by: Rickster43

Re: SE-SC Sold..sniff...sniff - 04/05/03 04:34 PM

sad...sad...sad.... frown man, that sucks...I guess you have to do what you have to do....I always thought Gold Rush looked good on a Xterra....Good Luck on your next X...
Posted by: Costas

Re: SE-SC Sold..sniff...sniff - 04/05/03 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Rickster43:
sad...sad...sad.... frown man, that sucks...I guess you have to do what you have to do....I always thought Gold Rush looked good on a Xterra....Good Luck on your next X...
I will probably get the same colour looks sharp!

Maybe next year, if I get my finances straightened out.
Posted by: ecfiffer02

Re: SE-SC Sold..sniff...sniff - 04/05/03 06:42 PM

Dude I shed a tear for your loss. I know that when time comes you will be pounding down the dealers door for one. And a word of advise when you do make the dealer come to your wants and needs. remember you can go someplace else and buy an x, they need you to buy it from them. thats how I got mine. I told them how much I was going to pay a month and they said OK. Again I am sorry for your loss and I hope and pray that it works out in the end. Eric frown
Posted by: XTario

Re: SE-SC Sold..sniff...sniff - 04/05/03 07:50 PM

Ela brother..
pos etsi?
I'm sad to hear that.. gamiseta..

I hope all goes well megalle...
You take it easy ok...
Good luck and I'm sure you'll be behind another beast soon enough!
Don't stop coming around this board...
I won't miss you writing 'malaka' all the time..but all else...will be. wink
Posted by: XTario

Re: SE-SC Sold..sniff...sniff - 04/05/03 08:00 PM

Originally posted by ButterBean:
Sorry to hear that. I picked up my X for invoice from the dealer.
Ya I'm sure you did.
I'm sure they only made $100.00 bucks off you :rolleyes:

If everyone paid as they think they did..Being invoice and even less at times..Nissan would be in trouble giving away goods like that..
I'm sorry to rant but I find it hard to believe that everyone is getting super cheap invoice or under invoice deals etc etc etc all over this place.
I'm sure some of us have gotten deals and what have you..But HOW DO YOU REALLY KNOW what invoice price is? I'm not talking about oil change free packages, free this and free that-this is one thing but I mean truck price.
That price they show you,when they say "I'm not suppose to show you this invoice price but just for you.... (wink wink)" C'man..gimme break. That's not the real invoice orice they're showing you.
Posted by: ClaptoVaughn

Re: SE-SC Sold..sniff...sniff - 04/05/03 09:17 PM

you can get some invoice listings online, from different sites and just compare to see if they all match. of course there's the possibility that the sites are wrong.
but at least people are getting it cheaper than the shown sticker. i know people who put no effort into bargaining and they end up buying the car for exactly (or marked-up) the dealer tells them to.
Posted by: Costas

Re: SE-SC Sold..sniff...sniff - 04/05/03 11:43 PM

Originally posted by ButterBean:
Sorry to hear that. I picked up my X for invoice from the dealer.
'Dealer invoice' is not always what it says...they've got monthly incentives, and other 'stuff' you will not hear about. They're in it to make money like anyone else, so the only time you'll get a deal like that is if it involves factory-to-dealer incentives.

Good job if you negotiated that, though.
Posted by: DocNo

Re: SE-SC Sold..sniff...sniff - 05/05/03 04:38 AM

Originally posted by XTario:
If everyone paid as they think they did..Being invoice and even less at times..Nissan would be in trouble giving away goods like that..
Well, there is invoice cost and then there is what the Xterra really cost the dealer - rarely are the two the same.

And it isn't hard to get good deals because the vast majority of people are clueless when buying cars and dealers have NO trouble making lots of money off of them :rolleyes: For something as expensive as a vehicle, you think people would read up and learn how to negotiate..

I'm sure some of us have gotten deals and what have you..But HOW DO YOU REALLY KNOW what invoice price is? [...] That's not the real invoice orice they're showing you.
Sure it is. But that doesn't mean that's what the vehicle ended up really costing them (you paid taxes, right? If you got a refund, what you paid in taxes is not what they really cost you - same deal). And never take their word for it on the invoice price, you should always do your homework and find it out before on your own.

Check this out:

The only way to know if you are really getting a good deal is to crunch the numbers - a really nice spreadsheet is provided here:

I crunched the numbers, factoring in the $750 factory to dealer rebate that was offered at the time and got a number. Then I faxed around asking for quotes (didn't give them the number - I wanted to see what the best deal I could get back would be). I got one response that was $300 BELOW what I figured my best deal would be - and according to my spreadsheet, $300 was all the profit they were going to make on the sale.

Then when I got up there to pick up the truck, turns out they sourced it from another dealer - they didn't even have it in stock! So something else was going on - they were probably just shy of some hidden factory/dealer sales quota (it was the end of the month - the best time to buy) that got them a bonus. Add in it was last years model at the end of the year - I can guarantee they made money somewhere on the deal.

But who cares - I personally got a hell of a deal. They were a good $1000 below the best offer I got from other dealers, so more power to me. That's why you fax every dealer you can think of and then some (I faxed almost 30) - one of them will be hungry and cough up a good no-nonsense deal.

Make sure you read up and do your homework before you go to purchase a vehicle - you can literally save thousands!
Posted by: ButterBean

Re: SE-SC Sold..sniff...sniff - 05/05/03 01:44 PM

dealer is a really good friend, what can i say.
Posted by: Costas

Re: SE-SC Sold..sniff...sniff - 09/05/03 01:03 AM

Well, the X is officially gone...I miss it does the wife! The good news is, my buddy is a used car dealer, and gets to go to the dealer auctions, so I'll be looking for a used '00 lease return soon (at wholesale) so I may have one back soon. laugh
Posted by: Viper X

Re: SE-SC Sold..sniff...sniff - 09/05/03 10:01 AM

Same here, the dealer owner is a friend. Got the X for his cost, then threw on all the accesories (about $3-4k retail) on for free. I think many people mistake MSRP with invoice price.