Posted by: Carlton McMillan

Hey ILUVMYx - 30/05/03 07:36 PM

Why are you not allowing me to sign up on your message board?

That is rather shitty of you. Especially how you always talk about free speech and the right to be an annoying ass.


Posted by: ILUVMYX

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 30/05/03 08:02 PM

Why are you not allowing me to sign up on your message board?
Because I've seen pictures of you, and it's quite obvious that sports and nutrition are two of the furthest things from your mind. To that end, I can only assume you want to start trouble.

That is rather shitty of you. Especially how you always talk about free speech and the right to be an annoying ass.
Perhaps you can pull your finger from your butt for a second, and point to where I said anyone has a right to free speech on a message board. Good luck.

I would rather be the lone user on my board than have it turn into this. You notice there is no ALR. There's a reason for that. There will never be religious tirades (certainly not 12 new ones per day like there is here) and people who want to discuss nothing but politics can go elsewhere.

Sound like a double standard given my posting habits here? Well, that's because it is. My behavior is accepted--no, encouraged--here. Besides, I'm not hardly one of the greatest offenders. Count how many topics I have started on either religion or politics. I don't think you'll see many if any at all.

As I said in the worthless "waxed" thread, I'd be willing to do what was necessary with this place to make it like all the other great, flame-free discussion boards on the net. But I promise you this: if I dropped off the face of the Earth right this minute, this place would be no different. 90% of the top posters on this board behave just like I do. I am only a small part of the problem, which brings me back to you...

Why are you picking on me? Could it be because I called you out and asked you to explain why it is that you're such a huge part of the problem with this board instead of a solution? Could that be the burr in your britches?

Face it, Carlton, you now have power and responsibility with your new position. Unfortunately you took to the "power" concept pretty much instantly, but don't seem to have figured out the "responsibilities" end of it. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

As I said, this place could be a gold mine for Ian or whoever owns it. But not in its current state. The next move is yours. You can ban me, but that won't do anything more than set an example. Or you can do the right thing and truly start enforcing a new set of rules around here that makes this an "XTERRA" board instead of what it is now. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Posted by: XOC

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 30/05/03 09:13 PM

Originally posted by ILUVMYX:
As I said, this place could be a gold mine for Ian or whoever owns it. But not in its current state.
Once all the dead wood like you is out of here things will pick up.

5500+ posts, and you've never said anything.
Posted by: ILUVMYX

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 30/05/03 09:20 PM

Originally posted by xoc:
Once all the dead wood like you is out of here things will pick up.
Apparently there's a lot of dead wood other than just me; I've had breaks of 3 or 4 weeks at a time, and this place looks no different when I return. You give me way too much credit. It's shit like this thread that makes XOC what it is, and that won't stop just because I disappear.
Posted by: XOC

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 30/05/03 09:23 PM

Let's find out.
Posted by: Kerensky97

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 31/05/03 10:38 AM

Originally posted by ILUVMYX:
As I said, this place could be a gold mine for Ian or whoever owns it. But not in its current state...

Or you can do the right thing and truly start enforcing a new set of rules around here that makes this an "XTERRA" board instead of what it is now.
I think this place is fun and entertaining the way it is. The Political/Religious arguments are half the fun, as long as you remeber that this is the internet and don't take it seriously.

It keeps the board from getting boring, like yours. The bubble burst 3 years ago you can't put any crap on the net and expect it to draw significant intrest, you have to keep it exciting nowadays.

Besides its only the "OFF TOPIC" forums that go OFF TOPIC. All the Xterra forums are full of Xterra discussions. The arguments here are so that people can get do more than ask and answer qustions about Xterras all day. Plus you get to know the people on the board and what their personnal opinions are.

Posted by: ashleynatlanta

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 02/06/03 06:45 AM

Man, I hate to see people quarrel over utter crap. I think this website it still very useful, and to anyone who is thinking of buying an Xterra, or already owns one, it can be an invaluable FREE tool. Sure, there is crap going on in places, but who cares about that?

I like some of the non-Nissan Xterra related talk. It's good to see what other people think. Flaming and the like is NEVER called for, but it comes with the territory when a bunch of 'net geeks get behind the keyboard.

Sad to see long-time posters bid farewell, and I even did it myself once not too long ago. But I came back because there is very useful, and interesting stuff to be had here.

Man, I just wish we didn't have to always have a thread that is so personal. It hurts people sometimes.

One more thing: Consider Paxil. It works.
Posted by: PackRat

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 02/06/03 02:18 PM

So its ok to be an utter troll here, because others do it. But on your board it is not ok to be an utter troll because you don't want anyone else to do so.


Posted by: Todrick

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 02/06/03 03:52 PM

Originally posted by PackRat:
So its ok to be an utter troll here, because others do it. But on your board it is not ok to be an utter troll because you don't want anyone else to do so.


Hey Packrat, I think it is safe to say it is not ok on this board either.
Posted by: PackRat

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 02/06/03 04:11 PM

Umm yeah. That was my point.

Posted by: DGX Factor

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 02/06/03 04:42 PM

Originally posted by xoc:
Let's find out.
....And we haven't heard from ILUVMYX in 2 whole days, something must have happened, hmmmmmmmmm.
Posted by: number41

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 02/06/03 06:08 PM

Originally posted by DGX Factor:
Originally posted by xoc:
[b]Let's find out.
....And we haven't heard from ILUVMYX in 2 whole days, something must have happened, hmmmmmmmmm.[/b]
He's been banned...
Posted by: Bobby_X

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 02/06/03 06:40 PM

Originally posted by number41:
Originally posted by DGX Factor:
Originally posted by xoc:
[b]Let's find out.
....And we haven't heard from ILUVMYX in 2 whole days, something must have happened, hmmmmmmmmm.[/b]
He's been banned...[/b]
Smartest move ever.
Posted by: MOLTAR

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 04/06/03 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Bobby_X:
Originally posted by number41:
[b]He's been banned...
Smartest move ever.[/b]
c'mon, i know you guys miss him... :rolleyes:
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 04/06/03 01:27 PM

Originally posted by sean yeager:
Originally posted by Bobby_X:
Originally posted by number41:
[b]He's been banned...
Smartest move ever.[/b]
c'mon, i know you guys miss him... :rolleyes: [/b]
I don't know if I miss him, but I don't think he did any more than anyone else to deserve being banned . . .
Posted by: XOC

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 04/06/03 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Graham:
I don't know if I miss him, but I don't think he did any more than anyone else to deserve being banned . . .
5000+ posts that had nothing to do with Xterras. He used this board simply as a place to pick fights without getting his ass kicked.

BTW, I didn't ban him, Mr. C did.
Posted by: MOLTAR

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 04/06/03 02:24 PM

Originally posted by xoc:
5000+ posts that had nothing to do with Xterras. He used this board simply as a place to pick fights without getting his ass kicked.

BTW, I didn't ban him, Mr. C did.
so is it just a matter of time before Mr. C starts banning all the other people who post solely in the ALR and Club House? collectively, they (myself included) have to have well over 5000 posts!
Posted by: XOC

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 04/06/03 02:39 PM

Uh, no.

ILUVMYX was the poster child for how to be annying on a community forum. I should have banned him 2 years ago.
Posted by: MidnightX

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 04/06/03 06:28 PM


I agree with Graham on this one.


P.S. -
Originally posted by xoc:
ILUVMYX was the poster child for how to be annying on a community forum. I should have banned him 2 years ago.
There are a lot of people still posting here who are equally as annoying or worse (see: this thread). Dumb argument.

See you next year when I decide to post again. smile
Posted by: PrimeX

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 04/06/03 06:40 PM

Originally posted by MidnightX:
See you next year when I decide to post again. smile
Oh, golly gee Beav. Thanks for gracing us peons with your presence.

Posted by: MidnightX

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 04/06/03 06:48 PM

Originally posted by PrimaryXtc:
Oh, golly gee Beav. Thanks for gracing us peons with your presence.

^^^Annoying, and has not been banned!^^^
Posted by: electrobuzz

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 04/06/03 07:26 PM

Dang, I love those Google image searches. laugh
Posted by: DGX Factor

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 04/06/03 07:39 PM

Originally posted by MidnightX:
Originally posted by PrimaryXtc:
[b]Oh, golly gee Beav. Thanks for gracing us peons with your presence.

^^^Annoying, and has not been banned!^^^[/b]
Did you two get married without telling us?
Posted by: PrimeX

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 04/06/03 07:48 PM

Originally posted by DGX Factor:
Did you two get married without telling us?
You're a funny guy, DGX. laugh
Posted by: DGX Factor

Re: Hey ILUVMYx - 04/06/03 11:11 PM

Originally posted by PrimaryXtc:
Originally posted by DGX Factor:
[b]Did you two get married without telling us?
You're a funny guy, DGX. laugh [/b]
If your not being sarcastic, thanks laugh