Peaceplan goes down the toilet

Posted by: Claus

Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 04:44 PM

Is it only me or are you also getting sick and tired of hearing all the shit that is going on in the middle east?.

Things were on track, although on thin ice but there was hope. THEN the Israelis could not keep their pecker in their pants and had to stir the pot. We are now back to square 1 with more carnage than ever.

Did the Israeli's not learn ANYTHING about the past, History does obviously not play a role in their thinking, Give a little and quell the flames that has grown into a blind hatred.

The Arabs have not learned anything either, HELLOOOO Jihad and martyrdom does not win wars. You can not piss higher than the other guy.

I think Bush should have devoted a little more attention to that conflict instead of finishing up what Dad left behind. I think it is time that an international power goes in and stop this shit once and for all....

Posted by: BurgPath

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 04:52 PM

I cant really blame Israel for wanting to bitch slap those who continue to mame and destroy their people.

There will never be peace there. Not as long as 'Jihad' is taught to kids from birth. Its ingrained into their thinking. No peace plan will change that, unless all of Israel packs up and leaves. (Not gonna happen)
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 05:02 PM

Originally posted by BurgPath:
I cant really blame Israel for wanting to bitch slap those who continue to mame and destroy their people.

There will never be peace there. Not as long as 'Jihad' is taught to kids from birth. Its ingrained into their thinking. No peace plan will change that, unless all of Israel packs up and leaves. (Not gonna happen)
Not taking any sides, I just think Israel has shown they can not manage the problem, and it is time the international community takes over...this shit has to stop from both sides. Build a fucking wall.....
Posted by: Big Daddy Chia

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 05:08 PM

I think we need to get all the middle easterners(sp) shit faced drunk and high and see what happens.
Posted by: MyGoldX

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Chia:
I think we need to get all the middle easterners(sp) shit faced drunk and high and see what happens.
I like what Michael Savage said a while back on MSNBC
Carpet bomb the middle east with playboy magazines and those little airline bottles of booze

Those fuckers have been killing each other for thousands of years,what makes anyone think they're gonna stop now. I say, stand back, let them go to war and lets have a clear cut winner once and for all. Either that or give the Israeli's Montana, move them all over here and let the rest of the midddle east blow themselves to hell
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

Not taking any sides, I just think Israel has shown they can not manage the problem, and it is time the international community takes over...this shit has to stop from both sides. Build a fucking wall.....
But you are taking sides. I almost threw up my beer reading your original post.

Either you are totally clueless about the situation or maybe my original suspicions about you are true.

Maybe your cluelessness is derived from the anti-semites in the Axis of Media in both our countries. Do yourself a favor.. educate yourself a little about the truth in all this mess before you proclaim it is always Israel's fault. When Israeli's dress as Arabs with bomb belts under their clothes and when they fill Red Crescent ambulances with explosives and kill civilians intentionally then you might have a right to start bitching. Israel attacks in retaliation and targets the terrorists.

Palestinian leadership should worry about collateral damage to their own people before they plan their next attack. The truth is they don't care. They know the Axis of Media in the West will always portray Israel as the evil aggressor. Clueless people like you buy into it.

Hamas and the Palestinian terrorists will never stop and want the destruction of Israel. Plain and simple. What do you expect Israel to do? Just sit back and let their citizens be continually slaughtered. Just look how many Israeli's have been killed and maimed since this Roadmap to Murder started. President Bush should be ashamed of himself for the stance he has taken the past few days.

Appeasing Arab insanity and terrorism is totally out of control....

Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 06:15 PM

Got any pictures of Dead Palestineans?. I know which side you are on, taking sides is not the intent with this post. I am just sick and fucking tired of hearing about this shit day in adn day out. Pussy footing around the issue is not solving ANYTHING. Either Israel cleans house and ends the problem once and for all or lets the international community do it something has to give. I too am pissed when I see a 13 year old with 20lbs of semtex brainwashed into thinking he is going to make a difference, its fucked up and a waste of effort. All I am saying is that this shit has got to stop from BOTH sides.

Your original suspect about me does not really interest me, we have been down that road before and I consider myself objective enough to see both sides of a story. So if we are to have a talk about this let's be civil.

Posted by: KJ_dragon

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 06:15 PM

I think you could have made your point without posting those pics.
Posted by: BurgPath

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 06:37 PM

I agree Claus, I'm tired of it as well. Its senseless and us.

With such a cultural difference I don't think that peace could ever or will ever be achieved unless they just divide everything up and split it. Or, as some one said, just build a wall. smile

What amazes me is that when Israel closes down the boarders they have a lot less conflict, yet they seem to reopen them time after time.

Shut them down, wall it up and keep 'um all out.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 06:47 PM

Claus.. You took sides in this post...

Things were on track, although on thin ice but there was hope. THEN the Israelis could not keep their pecker in their pants and had to stir the pot.
Please explain how things were on track. Did you forget the terrorist attacks of last weekend? How about Monday?

If anything, the Israeli leadership is betraying it's own people by not protecting them. They don't protect them because of the anti-semitic and anti-Israeli sentiment that is rampant in the West. Israel knows exactly who all the terrorist leaders and enablers are. We all know they are not allowed to eliminate them. This should be the shame of the West but it is not. Liberal racism and insanity rule the day.

Israel is the canary in the birdcage down in the mine of bullshit. We are suffocating it.

The United States and Europe are just as guilty and complicit as the Palestinian terrorists. We enable them and provide support. Why don't Israel kill them? I think you know the answer.

I'm hoping Israel just says FU to the rest of the world and deals with this problem the way they should. I doubt it will happen.

Yeah KJ... The pictures are necessary. If you are offended by reality.. Too bad.

EDIT: The Anti-Semites at The NY Times were forced to make one of their frequent corrections regarding Israel:
Posted by: FANOF5

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 06:52 PM

the fighting and carnage in my opinion will never stop. there is so much behind closed doors that we do not know about. i have been to the middle east and there is not much to do there but pound sand. it is terrible that this type of terrorist warfare happens. i think that it is time for the international peace keepers to step in and try to restore some sort of peace, but it will never completely stop though. IMO
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 07:07 PM

Just out of curiosity...what would everyone think if suddenly it was decided that metro L.A. was to be carved out of the US and given to the survivors of Milosevic? And the current LA residents were told that LA was now to be miles the middle of Death Valley. So they still had a "home." Just not as choice.

I's an oversimplification. But is that not how the Palestinians feel? Sure, Israel was there 2,000 years ago. But it was lost. Did we re-organize Austria-Hungary? Or the Ottoman Empire? Will those ever be re-established? I seriously doubt it. Will we give part of Texas back to Mexico? No. How about the land that originally belonged to Indians in the eastern states? We destroyed them. But we're not going to give back what we took.

(And before anyone tries to tag me with some "anti-semite" label, I will have you know that my one of my best friends, whom I've known longer than anyone outside my immediate family is Jewish. I have been to his temple many times. His family and my family were extremely close. They put us up for several months when my parents took my brother to Duke to take care of his brain tumor. Anti-semite couldn't be further from me if you tried.)
Posted by: mr_omerta

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 07:35 PM

I'm a big time supporter of Israel, but I think that they need to scrap all of the outer settlements. But I do not have a problem with Israel defending itself after a homicide bombing.

Isn't it funny though how the neighboring Arab countries deal with Palestinians? How many did the country of Jordan kill in the past 100 years?

You have to give it to Israel, they took a relatively desolate area and made it into a agricultural, technological and cultural rich area in region cursed with jealousy, fanatacism and backstabbing.

Although not directly related, here's some fun propaganda:

Before and After
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 07:57 PM


You are talking more bullshit. There was no such thing as a Palestinian until Yassar Arafat and his buddies invented them.

Secondly the land there was always Jewish. For thousands of years. The Muslims weren't in existance until what.. the seventh century. Then they went on a slaughter spree of conversion. Later becoming the Ottoman Empire which fell.

I only wish you liberals attributed the same standards of modern Christian missionaries to the sword wielding Muslim conquerers of old. One of Islam's core tenets is the hatred and destruction of Jews from day one. Infidels like Christians would become "dhimi's".

And by your standards of modern countries taking land and not giving it back... Israel obtained the West Bank and Gaza through wars. If the US does not have to give back land we won in wars (Texas Independance), why should Israel? Does anti-semitism validate double standards?Especially when hordes of hostile people have moved there after the land was won. You are perpetuating the liberal mores of double standards(and anti-semitism maybe without realizing it).

You obviously don't know much of the timeline of Israel and the so-called Palestinians.

Don't hide behind the "I have friends who are Jews" bullshit. It's an old lie and exactly what I said.. it's bullshit. Liberals are always quick to pull that. Let me see you pull the same crap you espouse here in a synagogue. You would be run out on your ass.

The self loathing liberal Jews that think like you are apostates who never go to temple and who don't give a shit about their own.

You remind me of the people who claim The Holocaust never happened and those who deny Stalin's purges of millions never happened either.

The destruction of Israel is happening before your eyes and you are denying it and making excuses. That is either anti-semitism or ignorance. I'd like to know which side you are on. It does seem obvious...
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 08:28 PM

Again I think both Moby and the Madman makes good and valid points. I think we can all agree that spilling of blod on both sides is meaningless and will not solve anything, Yet I am so tired of hearing about the bullshit that goes on, and lack of action. Why is it that noone has said STOP, we are going in and splitting the 2 sides up once and for all, It happened in the Balkans.Lack of economic interest?. Are the US an Israel too close?.

I too do not for a moment think that carving out a homeland for anyone will solve anything.
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 08:28 PM

Again I think both Moby and the Madman makes good and valid points. I think we can all agree that spilling of blod on both sides is meaningless and will not solve anything, Yet I am so tired of hearing about the bullshit that goes on, and lack of action. Why is it that noone has said STOP, we are going in and splitting the 2 sides up once and for all, It happened in the Balkans.Lack of economic interest?. Are the US an Israel too close?.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

Yet I am so tired of hearing about the bullshit that goes on, and lack of action. Why is it that noone has said STOP, we are going in and splitting the 2 sides up once and for all, It happened in the Balkans.Lack of economic interest?. Are the US an Israel too close?.
Are the US and Israel too close?....

Amazing how you never question our support for the Palestinians.

Israel has almost 1 million Arabs in it's country as full productive equal citizens. How many Jews live in the Palestinian territories as productive equal citizens? How many Jews are welcome in the Palestinian territories as equal ctizens? How many Jews would be welcome in a new Palestinian State as equal citizens?

I thought liberals in the West were all about multiculturalism and tolerance? How come liberals never question Muslims regarding their "intolerance"? It must be that liberals hate the Jews. How else can it be explained? Their hatred of Christianity is also well documented.

Christianity and Judaism are on the chopping block. People like you Claus have the axe in your hand. You are the hate mongers whether you realize it or not. I think you are a "sheep" for the new left. I also think you are a bigot regardless of what you may think of me.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 09:08 PM

OK, let me go through each of these things...

Originally posted by NY Madman:
You are talking more bullshit. There was no such thing as a Palestinian until Yassar Arafat and his buddies invented them.
From Websters:
Palestine: former country bordering on the Mediterranean on W & Dead Sea on E; a part of the Ottoman Empire 1516-1917, a British mandate 1923-48; now approximately coextensive with Israel with Arab Palestinians in the West Bank having limited self-rule since 1993.

So yes, Palestine, and hence, Palestinians, have been in existence for a LONG time. Maybe not YOUR definition of one.

Secondly the land there was always Jewish. For thousands of years. The Muslims weren't in existance until what.. the seventh century. Then they went on a slaughter spree of conversion. Later becoming the Ottoman Empire which fell.
From Occupied since prehistoric times, it has been ruled by Hebrews, Egyptians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, and Turks.

It's not always been Jewish.

I only wish you liberals attributed the same standards of modern Christian missionaries to the sword wielding Muslim conquerers of old. One of Islam's core tenets is the hatred and destruction of Jews from day one. Infidels like Christians would become "dhimi's".
I never actually said who was right and who was wrong. I plainly stated, "That's how the Palestinians view it."

And by your standards of modern countries taking land and not giving it back... Israel obtained the West Bank and Gaza through wars. If the US does not have to give back land we won in wars (Texas Independance), why should Israel? Does anti-semitism validate double standards?Especially when hordes of hostile people have moved there after the land was won.
Right. And Israel was taken by others long ago. But it was not taken back by Palestine or the arabs. It was taken back by your favorite organization, the UN.

You are perpetuating the liberal mores of double standards(and anti-semitism maybe without realizing it).
Again, I never said who was right or wrong.

You obviously don't know much of the timeline of Israel and the so-called Palestinians.
I don't know much, no. I will freely admit that. Apparently you are the expert. I do know that Israel ceased to exist as a country in 70 AD.

Don't hide behind the "I have friends who are Jews" bullshit. It's an old lie and exactly what I said.. it's bullshit.
OK, I'll give you that. I erred in using that. It's the equivalent of saying, "I'm not against blacks, I have friends who are black." That being said, would an anti-semite go to a Friday night Jewish service? Would an anti-semite attend Bar Mitzvahs? Would an anti-semite wear a yalmulke in the temple? I know I'm not anti-semite, my friends know I'm not. That's enough for me.

Liberals are always quick to pull that. Let me see you pull the same crap you espouse here in a synagogue. You would be run out on your ass.
Actually, I have had the discussion with my friends dad, who is "extreme" Jewish (for lack of a better description). He even goes so far as to refuse to by any German auto (even though he can more than afford one).

The self loathing liberal Jews that think like you are apostates who never go to temple and who don't give a shit about their own.
Like I said...I never said who was right or wrong. I merely put out a hypothetical situation.

You remind me of the people who claim The Holocaust never happened and those who deny Stalin's purges of millions never happened either.
And yet it's the extreme right wingers who think that. (And we all know I'm FAR from that.)

The destruction of Israel is happening before your eyes and you are denying it and making excuses. That is either anti-semitism or ignorance. I'd like to know which side you are on. It does seem obvious...
It's not obvious. I agree with Claus. They BOTH need to get their acts together. It's a vicious cycle. One attacks. On retailates. The other retailiates. At least they got their act together in Northern Ireland (somewhat,'s still in progress). It's to the point where I'd wager most of the younger Arabs and Israelis don't even know the real reason they are fighting. Arabs are taught at a young age to hate Jews. I dare say a lot of Israelis are taught the same thing.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 09:11 PM

Another thing...

I don't think a lot of people realize that the Palestinians (the average Palestinian...not Arafat or his terrorist friends) have been pawns in this entire thing. When Israel became an official state again in '48, the surrounding Arab countries used the Palestinians. "Come here, we'll make sure you're treated right." And then turned around and fucked them.

A very interesting read (written by a Muslim):

The Quran and Jews

So as you can's NOT Islam that is the culprit.
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 09:30 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

Yet I am so tired of hearing about the bullshit that goes on, and lack of action. Why is it that noone has said STOP, we are going in and splitting the 2 sides up once and for all, It happened in the Balkans.Lack of economic interest?. Are the US an Israel too close?.
Are the US and Israel too close?....

Amazing how you never question our support for the Palestinians.

Israel has almost 1 million Arabs in it's country as full productive equal citizens. How many Jews live in the Palestinian territories as productive equal citizens? How many Jews are welcome in the Palestinian territories as equal ctizens? How many Jews would be welcome in a new Palestinian State as equal citizens?

I thought liberals in the West were all about multiculturalism and tolerance? How come liberals never question Muslims regarding their "intolerance"? It must be that liberals hate the Jews. How else can it be explained? Their hatred of Christianity is also well documented.

Christianity and Judaism are on the chopping block. People like you Claus have the axe in your hand. You are the hate mongers whether you realize it or not. I think you are a "sheep" for the new left. I also think you are a bigot regardless of what you may think of me.
Why do you always have to twist things into something they are not, me a hate monger and a Bigot!?, get the fuck over yourself. I look at EVERYTHING you say objectivly and honestly try to see your point. I admire your passion for what you believe regardless of weather I agree or not.

I have NOTHING against the Jews. To me there is only one race... No people should be percecuted like that.

Again in my original post I merely asked other people if they were tired of seeing the carnage and death. It is depressing and I think we have had enought shitty news the past 2 years or so.

I would still buy you a beer if we met in NY.
Posted by: Mosi

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 09:49 PM

Interesting article... read
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Mobycat:

I don't think a lot of people realize that the Palestinians (the average Palestinian...not Arafat or his terrorist friends) have been pawns in this entire thing. When Israel became an official state again in '48, the surrounding Arab countries used the Palestinians. "Come here, we'll make sure you're treated right." And then turned around and fucked them.
Please tell me what an "average " Palestinian is? Until recently most were born elsewhere. Arafat was born in Egypt.

You are wrong. There was no such thing as a "Palestinian" until Arafat and his buddies invented the whole bullshit in the late 1950's. The whole scam was invented as a way to comabat the State of Israel. The Palestinians that moved there were Arabs not wanted in other states and Arabs who re-invented themselves and were reborn as "Palestinians". How come no other Arab country wants these people anywhere near their borders? They are rabble.

Jordon killed tens of thousands of "Palestinians" in the 70's yet no one hears anything about that. They tried to overthrow the government and over 100,000 were killed. Jordan's population is 60% of what can be considered "Palestinians". No other Arab country wants these people because they are rabble. They would rather kill them than take them into their country... and no one in the West cares. Except for the propagnda value.

The original State of Jordan was designed as the so-called "Palestinian State". It's name was "Trans-Jordan". People who call themselves "Palestinians" today were either thrown out of other countries and resettled in the existing terratories and the decendants of those that did not accept life in countries like Jordan.

The world is now fucking Israel in it's sympathies to this discarded rabble. It is wrong. It is all born out of anti-semitism and hatred for Israel.

Israel needs to defend itself and kill all the terrorist infrastructure.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 09:56 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Please tell me what an "average " Palestinian is? Until recently most were born elsewhere. Arafat was born in Egypt.
A non-jew who has lived in Jerusalem and family has lived there for generations. It's not like the area was not populated before the 50s you know.

The Jews didn't start repopulating there until the 1880s.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 09:59 PM

Just reposting a link I edited in earlier...

An interesting read, written by a muslim.

(This is what I'm talking about when I say the Palestinians are pawns.)

The Qur\'an says that Allah gave the Lan...the end of days
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

Why do you always have to twist things into something they are not, me a hate monger and a Bigot!?, get the fuck over yourself. I look at EVERYTHING you say objectivly and honestly try to see your point. I admire your passion for what you believe regardless of weather I agree or not.

I have NOTHING against the Jews. To me there is only one race... No people should be percecuted like that.
You're a liar Claus. You started this thread to get a reaction and you got it.

You are probably the biggest bullshit artist to ever post on XOC. You knew exactly what you were doing. Your bigotry and bias comes to the forefront and now you deny it. Yeah right...

Posted by Claus A Christensen

Things were on track, although on thin ice but there was hope. THEN the Israelis could not keep their pecker in their pants and had to stir the pot. We are now back to square 1 with more carnage than ever.

Did the Israeli's not learn ANYTHING about the past, History does obviously not play a role in their thinking, Give a little and quell the flames that has grown into a blind hatred.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Mosi:
Interesting article... read
Which backs up my assertion of pawns. And coming from a conservative newspaper.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Mobycat:

The Jews didn't start repopulating there until the 1880s.
Stop the leftist bullshit Moby. Jews have been there for thousands of years.

I guess Abraham was born in Beverly Hills. What about Jesus. I guess he was born in Newark and there wasn't a single Jew to be found within thousands of miles. Moses must have led them to Las Vegas where the liberals built a golden idol of Wayne Newton.

The land was always the Jew's land. Going back thousands of years. All you anti-semites will always find bullshit excuses.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 10:30 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by Mobycat:

The Jews didn't start repopulating there until the 1880s.
Stop the leftist bullshit Moby. Jews have been there for thousands of years.

I guess Abraham was born in Beverly Hills. What about Jesus. I guess he was born in Newark and there wasn't a single Jew to be found within thousands of miles. Moses must have led them to Las Vegas where the liberals built a golden idol of Wayne Newton.

The land was always the Jew's land. Going back thousands of years. All you anti-semites will always find bullshit excuses.
Give me a break. Are you really going to take it that literally? I never said there were NO Jews there. That's like saying there's no Christians in the arab countries.

The Zionist Movement. Approximately 1880s.

"Hibbat Zion was a pre-Zionist movement, beginning in the 1880s, advocating revival of Jewish life in the Land."

Source: The Father of Zionism

Note that it's from the ISRAELI Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Is that "official" enough for you?

How about this one:

Another one

That one is from the Jewish Agency for ISRAEL

Maybe this one...

Yet another

That one is the World Union of Jewish Students
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 10:49 PM

Another note... I think the closest they have ever gotten to a chance at peace was with Rabin. And who killed him? An arab terrorist? Nope. An Israeli Jew.
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 11:15 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

Why do you always have to twist things into something they are not, me a hate monger and a Bigot!?, get the fuck over yourself. I look at EVERYTHING you say objectivly and honestly try to see your point. I admire your passion for what you believe regardless of weather I agree or not.

I have NOTHING against the Jews. To me there is only one race... No people should be percecuted like that.
You're a liar Claus. You started this thread to get a reaction and you got it.

You are probably the biggest bullshit artist to ever post on XOC. You knew exactly what you were doing. Your bigotry and bias comes to the forefront and now you deny it. Yeah right...

Posted by Claus A Christensen

Things were on track, although on thin ice but there was hope. THEN the Israelis could not keep their pecker in their pants and had to stir the pot. We are now back to square 1 with more carnage than ever.

Did the Israeli's not learn ANYTHING about the past, History does obviously not play a role in their thinking, Give a little and quell the flames that has grown into a blind hatred.

Yup and I lost the bet too. I had you pegged to chime in within an hour (you took 1hour 20, you must have been out) you only used 2 familiar Madman words (I lost again).

But Bigot and Bias were calculated as I knew your love for everything Jewish. So It was fouled out.

I can play you like a used fiddle any time I want. You are predictable, but you make a helluva good betting game.
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Mosi:
Interesting article... read
Interesting indeed Mosi, I was unaware about the Lebanses.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 11:35 PM

Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

Bigotry and Bias, the only Bias I am gaining slowly is towards the people who hates you...I tried but you absolutly want to pick a fucking fight with everything you do...I do pity you
You're full of shit Claus.

You started the thread with an immediate anti-Israeli slant. You brought the reaction upon yourself. You knew from the get-go that very few would defend the Jewish point of view here.

You're happy I responded.

If you want some Palestinian pictures... here you go. These are pictures of the commencement ceremonies at An-Najah University in the West Bank. This is a place where a Palestinian child is never too young to learn to hate and kill.

Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 11/06/03 11:42 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

Bigotry and Bias, the only Bias I am gaining slowly is towards the people who hates you...I tried but you absolutly want to pick a fucking fight with everything you do...I do pity you
You're full of shit Claus.

You started the thread with an immediate anti-Israeli slant. You brought the reaction upon yourself. You knew from the get-go that very few would defend the Jewish point of view here.

You're happy I responded.

If you want some Palestinian pictures... here you go. These are pictures of the commencement ceremonies at An-Najah University in the West Bank. This is a place where a Palestinian child is never too young to learn to hate and kill.

Beautiful sight, colorful and that should give you ammo enough for a few more rants..

Having trouble sleeping?
Posted by: Costas

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 12:29 AM

When the fuck are you guys going to realize that this middle east issue is so far beyond our Starbuck slurping, McDonalds eating, history-lacking, culturely-deprived minds?????

What the fuck does an American or a Canadian know about what these guys are fighting about? From CNN? Yeah, right - you're ALL fucked! Leave them alone to solve their problems without interfering. That includes US support of Isreal!

North Americans know NOTHING about history, religion, or peace in the middle east, so give it a rest, grab a beer, and enjoy the Stanley Cup finals (they're over now, so watch REAL TV). That's all you'll ever understand!

Soooo...where's the party??
Posted by: XOC

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 01:41 AM

Wanna know how fucked up the middle east is ?
Egypt bans Matrix Reloaded

I'm sorry, but these fucking people live in a fantasy world where they base everything on fictional characters and fictional gods.

They need to realize that their entire history is just a story and fighting over something someone wrote down 2000 years ago solves nothing.

Send them some calendars.
Posted by: XOC

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 01:47 AM

Then again, the US is just as fucked up when Wal*Mart starts censoring magazines (like Cosmopolitan and Glamour) because they have words like 'orgasm' on the cover, which offends people who only fuck in the missionary position with the lights off.
Posted by: Samueul

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 04:17 AM

You know I am slowly changing my tune on where I sit on some of these issues. I love the fact that more of our soldiers have died in Iraq since the war ended... Nobody of real importance was brought to "justice" and so far the whole reason for the war is completely circumstantial.... I am starting to doubt...

I was never a democrat, and I was starting to lean to the right a lot more, but I think I will take my old stance as a libertarian.

The MiddleEast will always be fucked as far as I am concerned. Getting involved over there has changed absolutely nothing as far as US interests go, so fuck em. Let em all kill themselves, and we need only get involved when it spills over to here.

Oh yeah, I'm sick of this euro trash talk about how we americans "know nothing" about history etc. etc. I think we know plenty, we (not I) are so hell bent on having a hand in making things better, that we can't see the forest through the trees is all. It's time to pull out, and just take the "don't tread on me" stance again. Everyone for em selves and we'll see which nation is standing when the dust settles.
Posted by: Stonecoldchavez

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 07:54 AM

First off,
They have been fighting for thousands of years, nothing will be decided in two.......

Now my take:
It is a Catch-22 thing. The Jews are greedy bastards and are not willing to stop spreading out into these settlements. Yes, they created life from desert sand, but BFD. I was watching the news the other night and they were showing Israeli soldiers trying to kick these settlers out. They were fighting each other and basically told Sharon "FU", we are not leaving. It is always more, more, more.... But, on the other hand I do not understand we they do not obliderate these Palestinian terrorist cells. They should not have to put up with this terror.

As for the Palestinians...they just don't get it. Their hatred of non-muslims, especially Jews, is blinding their chances for advancement. They believe killing innocent people is a means to an end. Clearly they are wrong. But, there is nothing we can do to change that. Their new PM is negotiating a pretty decent deal for them, and what do they do, three terrorist organizations basically say "FU" and we are not going along and are going to continue to kill Jews. So, to them, it has nothing to do with being a free state. They just want to kill Jews.

I agree we, the USA, should have NOTHING to do with this area. It is a MiddleEast problem. Let them go to war.....If the Palestinians think they can win, more power to them.

Not sure if I fully agree with you. Aren't the Israeli's just as much "mutts" in the Middle East as Palestinians? Aren't the Jews there from Europe after WWII when Israel was formed? There was no Israel before 1947. They basically have as much right to the land as the Palestinians. Just because they "claimed" it 2,000 years ago, doesn't mean it is all theirs. That would be just like American Indians claiming the USA is theirs because they were here first, but have come back now to "reclaim" it. Right? Land is always fought over and exchanged during wars, but you don't give it back after?

Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 08:04 AM

Originally posted by xoc:
I'm sorry, but these fucking people live in a fantasy world where they base everything on fictional characters and fictional gods.
So, who are you referring to?

Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus or Christians?

Probably all of the above . . .
Posted by: Uzbad

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 08:21 AM

Originally posted by Stonecoldchavez:
... I was watching the news the other night and they were showing Israeli soldiers trying to kick these settlers out. They were fighting each other and basically told Sharon "FU", we are not leaving. It is always more, more, more.... But, on the other hand I do not understand we they do not obliderate these Palestinian terrorist cells. They should not have to put up with this terror. ..
They actually did till two recent goverments. Retaliation strikes - like when Palestinian blew up another place, Israel just would move tanks to another settlement of P. , ask everyone leave and level it to the ground. It did stop terorrist attacks for a serious while. And people stopped sleep with gas masks under pillows for first time in years. Then all the peaceloving crap started and terrorists were back....

But then all those settlements in desert got enough people who actually been living there even before Israel was formed as modern country, so why the heck they should leave..

I agree we, the USA, should have NOTHING to do with this area. It is a MiddleEast problem. Let them go to war.....If the Palestinians think they can win, more power to them..
Amen to that, but you forgetting one little detail. Israeli got arsenal enough to wipe out most of MidEast completely. One nutty palestinian terrorist getting near it, and you got cool mushroomy cloud there.

Its internal affair, yep, by all means no one has right to tuck their nose into things of state. Overwise whats next? States getting down to Bellfast and sorting out Ireland and UK? But then no one would like oil lands to be blown in pieces either. 8)

Not sure if I fully agree with you. Aren't the Israeli's just as much "mutts" in the Middle East as Palestinians? Aren't the Jews there from Europe after WWII when Israel was formed? There was no Israel before 1947. They basically
You kind of wrong. There were plenty of jews living about modern Palestinian/Israeli borders. Majority of course came from Europe , but there quite decent numbers of "natives".

have come back now to "reclaim" it. Right? Land is always fought over and exchanged during wars, but you don't give it back after?
8) Tell that to Poland that lost huge chunks of its territory (they are actually decent about it), or to Japan and their "northern islands" thing, that keep bugging them for years (they are NOT very decent about it). Or to all the russians who think that Alaska has to be returned, as it was just rented temporarily to United States, and no one fucking care 'bout it 8)
Posted by: Uzbad

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 08:30 AM

Originally posted by xoc:
Wanna know how fucked up the middle east is ?
Egypt bans Matrix Reloaded

I'm sorry, but these fucking people live in a fantasy world where they base everything on fictional characters and fictional gods..
Ortodox church officially proclaimed Harry Potter books/movies as satanic, rotten and overall bad for good christians, so? People have right to stand for their beliefs 8)

Its mad world all they way from here to the moon.
Posted by: BurgPath

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Samueul:
..... I love the fact that more of our soldiers have died in Iraq since the war ended...
Did you mistype that? If not, your a complete asshole. [Finger]
You wish American solders to die? Screw you you worthless piece of shit. [Finger]
Posted by: Samueul

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 09:57 AM

Originally posted by BurgPath:
Originally posted by Samueul:
[b]..... I love the fact that more of our soldiers have died in Iraq since the war ended...
Did you mistype that? If not, your a complete asshole. [Finger]
You wish American solders to die? Screw you you worthless piece of shit. [Finger] [/b]
I really hope that your post is a joke.

It's called sarcasm..... remember sarcasm.... Of course I don't like it. I fucking hate it.
We have had more than 30 casualties after the war was declared ended... Somebody needs to tell the Iraqi side that......
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 09:59 AM

Originally posted by BurgPath:
Originally posted by Samueul:
[b]..... I love the fact that more of our soldiers have died in Iraq since the war ended...
Did you mistype that? If not, your a complete asshole. [Finger]
You wish American solders to die? Screw you you worthless piece of shit. [Finger] [/b]
You haven't read many of his posts, have you?
Posted by: pseacraft

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 10:44 AM

I wish our government would wise up and completely cutoff both sides from any kind of aid, period. Arafat needs to go away and so does the majority of the Israeli Government. Both sides need to quit quoting their holy books and open their eyes to reality. This stupid eye for an eye shit is doing wonders. Both sides are wrong and neither is justified in their actions.

Cut them all off and let them wipe each other out. The whole place is nothing but an oversized shithole. Nearly everything "nice" over there was built by American tax dollars - boy are we getting our monies worth. I've been there twice and am glad my passport expired so that my new one doesn't have the stamp in it. I got more "love" from the freakin' French then I got from the Israelis. Every damned day it was "...tell your congress to give us more money..." and "the arabs do this and the arabs do that". These people dug their own hole - they can live in it.

I only feel bad for the true native peoples of the area, the arab christians, muslisms and hebrew. After all, they've lived there for ages in better harmony then currently exists. (I know they all were repressed by the resident power of the time.) Typical foreigners, we had to go someplace and screw it up. We could blame the Brits since the majority of the crap started with the British operations there in WWI against the Ottomen with promises of a free Palestine but the WWII Allies pushed it further towards it's present day situation at the end of the war as part of the repatriation policies.

I wish I could have seen the mid-east during the time of Gilgamesh.

I'm as biased and prejudiced as the next guy but I treat everyone the way I wish to be treated because that's what is right. But there are two countries (note the word: countries) that I would absolutely like to wipe off the map:

Remember the USS Liberty - and the USS Pueblo -
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Stonecoldchavez:

Not sure if I fully agree with you. Aren't the Israeli's just as much "mutts" in the Middle East as Palestinians? Aren't the Jews there from Europe after WWII when Israel was formed? There was no Israel before 1947. They basically have as much right to the land as the Palestinians. Just because they "claimed" it 2,000 years ago, doesn't mean it is all theirs. That would be just like American Indians claiming the USA is theirs because they were here first, but have come back now to "reclaim" it. Right? Land is always fought over and exchanged during wars, but you don't give it back after?
No the Israeli's are not "mutts" in the whole thing. They have gone out of their way to please the Palestinians. Arafat turns everything down. Have you forgotten the deal in 2000 with Ehud Barak already?

All the countries in the Middle East were carved out of European colonialism in the last century. Even Iraq is a manufactured country. In the 1940's when Israel was created Jordan was the state created for the so called Palestinians.

Does anyone think that even if Israel gave them half of their country that the Palestinians would stop? Of course not. Their whole cause is the destruction of Israel. Hamas and the other Palestinian terrorist organizations have been openly admitting this and repeating it the past few days.

So it's time for Israel to thrown down and just kill every fucking terrorist and all their supporters. Any Palestinian who wants peace just stay out of their way. This has to end and all out war is the only way. Over 280 terrorist incidents in the past 3 weeks. The graph in the link doesn't even include the attacks in the last week so it is over 300. It's time to kill Arafat and all his men. It's time to roll tanks into Gaza and close all the tunnels bringing bombs and weapons from Egypt. It's time to kick ass and shut down the Palestinians.

Costas.... That is a stupid remark. Yeah a lot of Canadians and Americans are misinformed. Hence my comments regarding our Axis of Media. We don't get the truth from our media. They have clearly taken sides and are anti-Israeli. Anyone who wants to be informed the information is out there. You Canadians are probably the most misinformed. Canada is the headquarters of anti-semitism and Palestinian support in North America. Hamas and Hezbollah both have headquarters in Canada and collect a hell of a lot of money from you suckers to support their terrorist activities.
Posted by: BurgPath

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Samueul:
Originally posted by BurgPath:
Originally posted by Samueul:
[b]..... I love the fact that more of our soldiers have died in Iraq since the war ended...
Did you mistype that? If not, your a complete asshole. [Finger]
You wish American solders to die? Screw you you worthless piece of shit. [Finger] [/b]
I really hope that your post is a joke.

It's called sarcasm..... remember sarcasm.... Of course I don't like it. I fucking hate it.
We have had more than 30 casualties after the war was declared ended... Somebody needs to tell the Iraqi side that......[/b]
Sorry, I didn't pick up on the sarcasm.
I apologize for calling you an asshole.
Posted by: BurgPath

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Mobycat:
Originally posted by BurgPath:
Originally posted by Samueul:
[b]..... I love the fact that more of our soldiers have died in Iraq since the war ended...
Did you mistype that? If not, your a complete asshole. [Finger]
You wish American solders to die? Screw you you worthless piece of shit. [Finger] [/b]
You haven't read many of his posts, have you?[/b]
Guess not.....
Posted by: Samueul

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 11:31 AM

Originally posted by BurgPath:
Sorry, I didn't pick up on the sarcasm.
I apologize for calling you an asshole.
No problem man.
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 11:49 AM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
You Canadians are probably the most misinformed. Canada is the headquarters of anti-semitism and Palestinian support in North America. Hamas and Hezbollah both have headquarters in Canada and collect a hell of a lot of money from you suckers to support their terrorist activities.
I like the fact you use the word probably, care to back up those comments?. I would love to know more about where and how those HQ's operate?.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

I like the fact you use the word probably, care to back up those comments?. I would love to know more about where and how those HQ's operate?.
Don't you read your newspapers up there? Hezbollah has a huge operation up there. It was all over your papers a few months back because there was a big debate in your Parliament whether to outlaw them. Most of the sick radical leftists in your government didn't want to do it. They thought it was "intolerant" and "bias" against Arabs. Imagine that. Arguing against banning a major terrorist organization because it would be culturally insensative.

Finally sanity prevailed and they are technically outlawed now. Whether your government is enforcing this or clamping down on their fund raising activities is another issue. I hope they are but who knows. The leftist PC insanity is much worse up there in Canada then it is down here.

There are numerous Arab charities in Canada with ties to terrorism. Our government asked yours to shut some down. I doubt they did it though. Canada has not been very cooperative in the many terrorist investigations since 9/11. Canada is a great place to set up shop if you want to raise money for terrorism. It's so PC up there no one would dare to ask any questions. Every Middle Eastern Studies program in all your major universities are packed with fund raising professors and terrorist enablers (a lot of ours too). Concordia University immediately comes to mind. Anti-semitism and Palestinian support is the rule at that place.

Run some searches on The National Post. You'll find some stuff if the articles have not been purged now that they have turned into a typical liberal newspaper
Posted by: XOC

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Uzbad:
People have right to stand for their beliefs 8)
People need to realize their beliefs are complete bullshit and cause nothing but death and suffering.
Posted by: ashleynatlanta

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 12:51 PM

If this world ends tomorrow, it won't be because of economic differences. Or oil. Or because of the second coming of Christ, Budda, whoever.

It will be because of "organized religion".

I disagree that all beliefs are bad. If it weren't for belief and faith, why even bother going on? But why kill over it?
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 12:53 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

I like the fact you use the word probably, care to back up those comments?. I would love to know more about where and how those HQ's operate?.
Don't you read your newspapers up there? Hezbollah has a huge operation up there. It was all over your papers a few months back because there was a big debate in your Parliament whether to outlaw them. Most of the sick radical leftists in your government didn't want to do it. They thought it was "intolerant" and "bias" against Arabs. Imagine that. Arguing against banning a major terrorist organization because it would be culturally insensative.

Finally sanity prevailed and they are technically outlawed now. Whether your government is enforcing this or clamping down on their fund raising activities is another issue. I hope they are but who knows. The leftist PC insanity is much worse up there in Canada then it is down here.

There are numerous Arab charities in Canada with ties to terrorism. Our government asked yours to shut some down. I doubt they did it though. Canada has not been very cooperative in the many terrorist investigations since 9/11. Canada is a great place to set up shop if you want to raise money for terrorism. It's so PC up there no one would dare to ask any questions. Every Middle Eastern Studies program in all your major universities are packed with fund raising professors and terrorist enablers (a lot of ours too). Concordia University immediately comes to mind. Anti-semitism and Palestinian support is the rule at that place.

Run some searches on The National Post. You'll find some stuff if the articles have not been purged now that they have turned into a typical liberal newspaper
Believe me they have started clamping down. I only read the Globe and Mail beside our local rags.Concordia should be shut down anyways.

Speaking of Racists heres one for ya : Aboriginal leader Charged

Finally a proof that the laws in Canada are working.
Posted by: Samueul

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 01:17 PM

Originally posted by ashleynatlanta:
If it weren't for belief and faith, why even bother going on?
Because I am. Therefore I will spend my days, filling my family and loved ones with as much happiness and support that I can muster until I finally fizzle out and expire. I need no faiths or beliefs apart from the confidence of my own being to sustain me in that endeavor. What fuels that desire? Something as simple as an acknowledgement or smile of apreciation(sp) from a loved one, or the return of happiness and support from a loved one. That's all the fuel I need.
Posted by: XOC

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 01:19 PM

Yeah, what Samueul said.
Posted by: KJ_dragon

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 01:24 PM

Originally posted by xoc:
Originally posted by Uzbad:
[b]People have right to stand for their beliefs 8)
People need to realize their beliefs are complete bullshit and cause nothing but death and suffering.[/b]
That's a pretty broad generalization. Those same beliefs spawned organizations like the Red Cross, The Salvation Army, and schools like Harvard and Yale. Also, don't forget the YMCA [Freak] .

I am not an expert on Islam, but anyone who studied Christianity knows that its main focus revolves around love and the "golden rule". Those idiots over there fighting are not prime examples of their religion and should not be used to base a judgement on all who believe - because they obviously have missed the point.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

Speaking of Racists heres one for ya : Aboriginal leader Charged

Finally a proof that the laws in Canada are working.
Actually that article is proof that Canada is turning into a sick society. I don't think that guy should be charged with a crime. What is wrong with Canada? You now have "thought crimes". What the guy said was fucked up but it should not warrant a criminal prosecution. The offending parties should try to bring civil litigation if they feel they have a case. Criminal prosecution for something a guy said in a speech is wrong. No matter how fucked up his comments may be.

I guess there is no such thing as freedom of speech in Canada. Show me some instances of Canada prosecuting Muslims for the hate they spew on a daily basis. I'm sure you can't. Canada won't do it. They seem to be practicing selective prosecution of their insane thought crimes laws. If the guy were a Muslim they would have deemed that hating Jews is part of his culture and they would have looked the other way and done nothing.

I think people do have a right to say anything they want. Even if it is hateful. It is up to society to shun them and if the lines are crossed into slander or liable then bring civil litigation. Never criminal prosecution for something someone says ....that is wrong.

Canada is slowly turning into a sick leftist totalitarian state.
Posted by: XOC

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 01:37 PM

Originally posted by KJ_dragon:
That's a pretty broad generalization. Those same beliefs spawned organizations like the Red Cross, The Salvation Army, and schools like Harvard and Yale. Also, don't forget the YMCA [Freak] .
You can build 2 schools and 2 charities without a god too.

Go search Google for 'scandal' and 'Red Cross' or 'Harvard' or 'Yale' for some fun reading.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 01:38 PM

Originally posted by KJ_dragon:
That's a pretty broad generalization. Those same beliefs spawned organizations like the Red Cross, The Salvation Army, and schools like Harvard and Yale.
I agree that's how the Salvation Army started...but how did that spawn the International Red Cross?
Posted by: RedX

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Samueul:
Originally posted by ashleynatlanta:
If it weren't for belief and faith, why even bother going on?
Because I am. Therefore I will spend my days, filling my family and loved ones with as much happiness and support that I can muster until I finally fizzle out and expire. I need no faiths or beliefs apart from the confidence of my own being to sustain me in that endeavor. What fuels that desire? Something as simple as an acknowledgement or smile of apreciation(sp) from a loved one, or the return of happiness and support from a loved one. That's all the fuel I need.
Great statement there, Samuel. Probably one of the more insightful things said here in a while.

These folks are going to continue doing what they are doing to each other. Some of the greatest conflicts in mankind's history have been over ideolical differences. This one is no different.

Thank you, Samuel, for reminding me, at least, what is important.

Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 01:41 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

Speaking of Racists heres one for ya : Aboriginal leader Charged

Finally a proof that the laws in Canada are working.
Actually that article is proof that Canada is turning into a sick society. I don't think that guy should be charged with a crime. What is wrong with Canada? You now have "thought crimes". What the guy said was fucked up but it should not warrant a criminal prosecution. The offending parties should try to bring civil litigation if they feel they have a case. Criminal prosecution for something a guy said in a speech is wrong. No matter how fucked up his comments may be.
This I agree with. The guy is an idiot. But he should have the right to say it.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 01:45 PM

Uhh guys.....

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is more political then religious.

Another thing... Yes Islam is a religion. I would not consider it an "organized" religion. There is no central authority as in most western religions.
Posted by: KJ_dragon

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Mobycat:
Originally posted by KJ_dragon:
[b]That's a pretty broad generalization. Those same beliefs spawned organizations like the Red Cross, The Salvation Army, and schools like Harvard and Yale.
I agree that's how the Salvation Army started...but how did that spawn the International Red Cross?[/b]
Source for Red Cross
Source for Yale.
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Mobycat:
Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

Speaking of Racists heres one for ya : Aboriginal leader Charged

Finally a proof that the laws in Canada are working.
Actually that article is proof that Canada is turning into a sick society. I don't think that guy should be charged with a crime. What is wrong with Canada? You now have "thought crimes". What the guy said was fucked up but it should not warrant a criminal prosecution. The offending parties should try to bring civil litigation if they feel they have a case. Criminal prosecution for something a guy said in a speech is wrong. No matter how fucked up his comments may be.
This I agree with. The guy is an idiot. But he should have the right to say it.[/b]
Nope I disagree, a man in his position should not get away with uttering shit like that, I am comfortable with a law that protects us from people trying to get their message through by spreading hate towards others due to race or religion.
Posted by: KJ_dragon

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 01:54 PM

Originally posted by xoc:
Originally posted by KJ_dragon:
[b]That's a pretty broad generalization. Those same beliefs spawned organizations like the Red Cross, The Salvation Army, and schools like Harvard and Yale. Also, don't forget the YMCA [Freak] .
You can build 2 schools and 2 charities without a god too.

Go search Google for 'scandal' and 'Red Cross' or 'Harvard' or 'Yale' for some fun reading.[/b]
I wasn't saying that you needed to believe in God to found those organizations. I was saying that Christians founded those organizations. That certainly could contradict your generalization that their beliefs "cause nothing but death and suffering". On the contray, those same beliefs also provide alot of humanitarian aid to the needy.

I am not saying that you are wrong. I happen to agree that many of the conflicts in the history of mankind were caused by a religious disagreement. I was just bringing your statement back to center.

I looked up "scandal" on google as you suggested. I did find the reading to be interesting, but I couldn't understand why you pointed it out. It seemed to me to be the normal corrupt corporate dealings, just like any other organization in the world. It didn't seem to fit in with this discussion.
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

Nope I disagree, a man in his position should not get away with uttering shit like that, I am comfortable with a law that protects us from people trying to get their message through by spreading hate towards others due to race or religion.
You are confused Claus. There is nothing protective at all about those laws. They are RESTRICTIVE. I feel sorry for you if you think it is OK for any government to dictate what you are allowed to say. I also think it is scary as to which situations and to whom these laws are selectively applied.
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 02:04 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Actually that article is proof that Canada is turning into a sick society. I don't think that guy should be charged with a crime. What is wrong with Canada? You now have "thought crimes".
What do you mean, "now?"

Ernst Zundel.

James Keegstra.


Look it up . . .
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Graham:

What do you mean, "now?"

Ernst Zundel.

James Keegstra.


Look it up . . .
How come these Canadian laws don't apply to anyone named Mohammed?
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 02:27 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
How come these Canadian laws don't apply to anyone named Mohammed?
Because Canada knows it twists your panties when we do shit like that . . .

Go rant at the neighbours some more . . .
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 02:31 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

Nope I disagree, a man in his position should not get away with uttering shit like that, I am comfortable with a law that protects us from people trying to get their message through by spreading hate towards others due to race or religion.
You are confused Claus. There is nothing protective at all about those laws. They are RESTRICTIVE. I feel sorry for you if you think it is OK for any government to dictate what you are allowed to say. I also think it is scary as to which situations and to whom these laws are selectively applied.
Do not feel sorry for me, I know the Canadian Government can not dictate what I say or do. But I am aware that If I spread hate through Racism in this Country I am liable to be procsecuted. This is NOT unique to Canada, but in effect in many other countries as well. I do not find it restrictive to my freedom as I am not paranoid but choose to live in a country that stands for promoting equality for all regardless of Colour, Race,religion.

There are MANY things about the way Canada is run I do not agree with. but by large when I compare life in North America to Europe (I have lived in Denmark,Gernmany and the Netherlands) I count my blessings.
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Graham:
Originally posted by NY Madman:
[b]How come these Canadian laws don't apply to anyone named Mohammed?
Because Canada knows it twists your panties when we do shit like that . . .

Go rant at the neighbours some more . . .[/b]
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:
Originally posted by Mobycat:
Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

Speaking of Racists heres one for ya : Aboriginal leader Charged

Finally a proof that the laws in Canada are working.
Actually that article is proof that Canada is turning into a sick society. I don't think that guy should be charged with a crime. What is wrong with Canada? You now have "thought crimes". What the guy said was fucked up but it should not warrant a criminal prosecution. The offending parties should try to bring civil litigation if they feel they have a case. Criminal prosecution for something a guy said in a speech is wrong. No matter how fucked up his comments may be.
This I agree with. The guy is an idiot. But he should have the right to say it.[/b]
Nope I disagree, a man in his position should not get away with uttering shit like that, I am comfortable with a law that protects us from people trying to get their message through by spreading hate towards others due to race or religion.[/b]
But criminal? No way. If a man in a high position says something like that, he should be ridiculed. He should be asked to step down (Trent Lott anyone?), but not prosecuted. Nobody called for Lott to be prosecuted (no...he didn't say something that harsh). Has anyone tried to prosecute Jesse Jackson for his heimy (sp?) statement? Of course not. Has anyone tried to prosecute Fred Phelps for his inflammatory remarks (and I'd venture he makes this guy look like Mr. Rogers).

The Government can not, and should not, regulate speech.
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 02:52 PM

Good explanation of Canada's Hate Crime law:

Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:
Good explanation of Canada's Hate Crime law:

There's no such thing as a good explanation of that thing . . .
Posted by: BurgPath

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Samueul:
Originally posted by ashleynatlanta:
If it weren't for belief and faith, why even bother going on?
Because I am. Therefore I will spend my days, filling my family and loved ones with as much happiness and support that I can muster until I finally fizzle out and expire. I need no faiths or beliefs apart from the confidence of my own being to sustain me in that endeavor. What fuels that desire? Something as simple as an acknowledgement or smile of apreciation(sp) from a loved one, or the return of happiness and support from a loved one. That's all the fuel I need.
Well put!

AMEN. smile
Posted by: rrdstarr

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 06:22 PM

Originally posted by xoc:
Originally posted by Uzbad:
[b]People have right to stand for their beliefs 8)
People need to realize their beliefs are complete bullshit and cause nothing but death and suffering.[/b]
More people have died because of their religous beliefs then all the wars combined!!!
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 12/06/03 09:12 PM

Originally posted by rrdstarr:

More people have died because of their religous beliefs then all the wars combined!!!
That's wrong. Communism and Socialism are responsible for many more deaths. Easily over 100 million in the 20th century alone (probably more). That's more than all the "religious" murders in history combined.

It's interesting too that commies and socialists are almost always atheists too.
Posted by: Uzbad

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 12:33 AM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by rrdstarr:

More people have died because of their religous beliefs then all the wars combined!!!
That's wrong. Communism and Socialism are responsible for many more deaths. Easily over 100 million in the 20th century alone (probably more). That's more than all the "religious" murders in history combined.
Rubbish. Where you got numbers like that?
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 02:55 AM

The conflict in the Middle East is over land, not religion. Not every Israeli is Jewish, and not everyone from Palestine is a Muslim. It is over land, and land only. You can put any twist you want it, religion included, but it is still land.
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 03:03 AM

Revolutionary War not about religion. War of 1812 not about religion. Mexican War not about religion. Civil War not about religion. Spanish-American War not about religion. World War I not about religion. World War II not about religion. Korean War not about religion. Vietnam War not about religion. Gulf Wars not about religion. Not many other wars were over religion. Other than the Crusades and the minor wars the French fought, name some more. Were do you get these statistics that more people were killed in wars over religion than any other?

Really, post your facts.
Posted by: XOC

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 03:06 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
The conflict in the Middle East is over land, not religion. Not every Israeli is Jewish, and not everyone from Palestine is a Muslim. It is over land, and land only. You can put any twist you want it, religion included, but it is still land.
Who the hell would want the Gaza Strip and the West Bank ? It's a strip of dirt the size of Rhode Island.
No one fights over dirt unless it has oil under it, or has religious significance.
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 03:10 AM

Originally posted by xoc:
Then again, the US is just as fucked up when Wal*Mart starts censoring magazines (like Cosmopolitan and Glamour) because they have words like 'orgasm' on the cover, which offends people who only fuck in the missionary position with the lights off.
So, you would be really proud of showing your little girl or boy those magazines and having them practicing what they read and see on those magazines? Just because you think you are holier than thou in your quest for porn, doesn't mean the rest of us join in your perversions. Walmart is doing the right thing. They are run by a good group of family oriented values. Have some kids Ian, and see your world and belief structure change in the blink of an eye.
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 03:12 AM

Originally posted by xoc:
Originally posted by off2cjb:
[b]The conflict in the Middle East is over land, not religion. Not every Israeli is Jewish, and not everyone from Palestine is a Muslim. It is over land, and land only. You can put any twist you want it, religion included, but it is still land.
Who the hell would want the Gaza Strip and the West Bank ? It's a strip of dirt the size of Rhode Island.
No one fights over dirt unless it has oil under it, or has religious significance.[/b]
Having religious significance is totally different than fighting because of religion. Who cares if they have oil. Lets take our money out of there and give it to Russia for all their oil. Money is the root of all evil, not religion. Wars are fought over money, land, power, and greed.
Posted by: Sean

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 05:15 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:

So, you would be really proud of showing your little girl or boy those magazines and having them practicing what they read and see on those magazines? Just because you think you are holier than thou in your quest for porn, doesn't mean the rest of us join in your perversions. Walmart is doing the right thing. They are run by a good group of family oriented values. Have some kids Ian, and see your world and belief structure change in the blink of an eye.
I don't know any "little boys" who read Cosmo, teenage girls are the only ones I ever see picking up those types of magazines. You don't have a problem with teenage girls learning about their own sexual idenity, do you? What is so dirty about the word "orgasm" anyway? It's a normal human response for those who are not sexually repressed. Are you ashamed you didn't know what the word was until picking up a copy yourself? Are Christians even allowed to have orgasms? Should Walmart also ban magazines that reference the word "penis"? I sorry, but I have a son, and I have no problem with him knowing what the name of his own body part is and what it's function is. No wonder why you Christians have so many issues...

Posted by: xterra2k

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 05:17 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
Originally posted by xoc:
Originally posted by off2cjb:
[b]The conflict in the Middle East is over land, not religion. Not every Israeli is Jewish, and not everyone from Palestine is a Muslim. It is over land, and land only. You can put any twist you want it, religion included, but it is still land.
Who the hell would want the Gaza Strip and the West Bank ? It's a strip of dirt the size of Rhode Island.
No one fights over dirt unless it has oil under it, or has religious significance.[/b]
Having religious significance is totally different than fighting because of religion. Who cares if they have oil. Lets take our money out of there and give it to Russia for all their oil. Money is the root of all evil, not religion. Wars are fought over money, land, power, and greed.[/b]
Are you saying that religion has not been apart of war?
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 08:09 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
Originally posted by xoc:
[b]Then again, the US is just as fucked up when Wal*Mart starts censoring magazines (like Cosmopolitan and Glamour) because they have words like 'orgasm' on the cover, which offends people who only fuck in the missionary position with the lights off.
So, you would be really proud of showing your little girl or boy those magazines and having them practicing what they read and see on those magazines? Just because you think you are holier than thou in your quest for porn, doesn't mean the rest of us join in your perversions. Walmart is doing the right thing. They are run by a good group of family oriented values. Have some kids Ian, and see your world and belief structure change in the blink of an eye.[/b]
I wouldn't let my kids near a fucking Wal-Mart . . .

You ever been in there on Sunday?

Lots of good, family-oriented (Uncle Daddy springs to mind) cyclops' in there . . .

Nothing says celebrating a Sabbath like taking the fam-damily to Wally world on Sunday to buy a gross of new, one-size-fits-none wife-beaters . . .
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Sean:
Are Christians even allowed to have orgasms?

Maybe that answers the majority of our questions . . .

Should Walmart also ban magazines that reference the word "penis"?

No more New England Journal of Medicine, no more JAMA . . .

Wait, what the fuck am I thinking, this is Wal-Mart . . .

Why do they even have magazines? Who the hell is reading them?

Posted by: Uzbad

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 08:12 AM

Originally posted by xoc:
Originally posted by off2cjb:
[b]The conflict in the Middle East is over land, not religion. Not every Israeli is Jewish, and not everyone from Palestine is a Muslim. It is over land, and land only. You can put any twist you want it, religion included, but it is still land.
Who the hell would want the Gaza Strip and the West Bank ? It's a strip of dirt the size of Rhode Island.
No one fights over dirt unless it has oil under it, or has religious significance.[/b]
It had strategic importance for the Israel, as it open walk nearly to the heart of country. Hence they didnt want to give it up. Now its nearly worthless - thats why Sharon speaking about giving it up.
Posted by: MBFlyerfan

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 09:35 AM

i am away from here for one day and this is what I find.

I have been so encouraged by these peace initiatives until Hamas ( Hamas is a terrorist organization, you see there IS other terrorists out there besides Al Queda you liberal freaks! ) started getting into the act.

I believe it is time for The US to take its thumb off of Israel and let them go and do what we here in America seem unwilling to do. That is, destroy every last one of the people who want to drive Israel into the sea.

If anything, the Palestinians and Muslim countries should be thanking the US everyday for keeping Irael from going in and anihilating every last one of them.

In ten years or less, this country is going to be involved in a full-scale war with the so-called "Muslim" nations of this world. They will try to sell it as a jihad, we will be protecting ourselves. So why not let Israel do it now? If something is not done, the terrorism will NEVER stop, here, or in Israel. The Israelis know where they are, The Massad makes the CIA look like the Mayberry Police Dept. I say lets start lobbying the government to allow the Israeli dog to hunt.

It Us or them people, I would prefer it to be us, Liberals, Canadians, and all. wink
Posted by: XOC

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 11:19 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
So, you would be really proud of showing your little girl or boy those magazines and having them practicing what they read and see on those magazines?
Yes I would. I would like my children to learn what things like orgasm and masturbation are at a young age so they will be informed about natural things that happen to the human body.

I'm sure your son gets hit with a belt every time he has impure thoughts of playing with his dick.
Posted by: Samueul

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 11:39 AM

Edited --- Man, after re-reading that, I really would have opened myself up to some comments smile Not this time Graham! Not this time!
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Sean:

Should Walmart also ban magazines that reference the word "penis"? I sorry, but I have a son, and I have no problem with him knowing what the name of his own body part is and what it's function is.
Is that what you have at your house, penis magazines? Is this part of the liberal deviant in training program? I'm sorry you have a son too. I feel sorry for any kid whose parents don't care about or want to protect the innocence of childhood.

At what age will you start explaining the penis to him? You might as well start at 4 years old. That way he can be one of the cool "progressive" kids in kindergarten. After all you want him to impress the teachers in the public school you will be sending him. They start teaching tolerance and acceptance of deviant lifestyles in public schools at an early age. I'm sure you want him to get a good mark and have a thorough knowledge of the subject matter. I can only imagine your embarassment when socializing with your liberal friends if your son recieved a failing grade in "Bathhouse 101".
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Samueul:
Edited --- Man, after re-reading that, I really would have opened myself up to some comments smile Not this time Graham! Not this time!
What you, your wife, and the belt do in your own spare time is your call, man . . .

No judgement here . . .
Posted by: Sean

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 02:30 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:

I can only imagine your embarassment when socializing with your liberal friends if your son recieved a failing grade in "Bathhouse 101".
Ah, the deuch bag from NY chimes in. Still taking pot shots at others family members I see. If any one on this board takes the cock, it's you closet case. Your the one here who makes the most references to homosexuals and their "deviant" acts. Only fags like yourself thinks when a young boy learns about their penis and what other functions it has, it's time to "test" it out with other men. That's your private fantasy, so please keep it to yourself. In the future, if you got anything to say to me personally, be a man and direct it to me only, and leave my family out of it, pussy.
Posted by: 2001frontier

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 05:03 PM

I am scared as hell. I agree with Sean AND Ian at the same time. [Finger]

I think kids should know about sex. For a few reasons. Making it a dirty evil thing will just fuck them up and make them feel like an outcast when they figure out what masturbations is. My family treated it that way, and I thought I was some kind of 'deviant' for pulling on the 'ol pud when I was young. I had no idea that it was normal.

They are going to hear about it from friends anyway, and there is no telling what kind of BS they are going to 'learn' that way. Isn't it better for them to hear it from the parents, with correct information first?

I think it can protect them somewhat from the real deviants. The child molesters in the world. If they know for sure what the person is trying to do, and they know that it is not their fault ahead of time, the may not end up in the spiral of shame, that so many molested kids go through. They think it is there fault. At the very least I would tell mine, that if anyone touches you in these ways, or tries to get you to touch them tell me. You won't be in any trouble at all, and we will protect you from them.

I am not saying that we should show our kids pornos or have sex in front of them. I just feel that giving the kid the knowledge puts them at a very high advantage. If your religious beliefs dictate that sex before marriage is wrong, make that part of what you teach your child. Making it the evil dirty thing is just going to fuck them up in the long run.
Posted by: Samueul

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 13/06/03 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Graham:
Originally posted by Samueul:
[b]Edited --- Man, after re-reading that, I really would have opened myself up to some comments smile Not this time Graham! Not this time!
What you, your wife, and the belt do in your own spare time is your call, man . . .

No judgement here . . .[/b]
Posted by: MBFlyerfan

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 14/06/03 08:10 AM

What I want to know is how the hell can you idiots laugh turn every Political debate into a sexual deviant debate, and every sexual debate into a family bashing contest.

2001Frontier was right on the money about sexuality.

The US has to put it to the UN. We pool our forces now, US, France, Britain, Israel, Palestinians, Muslims, everyone. Militarily hunt down every known terrorist cell in the world. Whoever doesnt want to be involved is considered a terrorist supporter. Then we can see where all parties sit.
Posted by: bn300

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 14/06/03 11:03 AM

I thought this thread was about the Middle East? Silly me, I treat most threads like any book I've ever read; I read the last page first.
I agree. My kids will know all about sex by the time they are 10. Sex is good, sex is bad. We make decisions, these are the outcomes. It's better to be prepared for life than have it sneak up on you and ruin your day.
Some quotes that relate...
"I asked my wife if she wanted a third kid. She said she didn't think she could go through the conception again".
"I need a license to catch fish, but any moron can have a kid?"
BTW, how did this thread turn to sex? [Freak]
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 15/06/03 02:18 AM

Originally posted by Sean:
Originally posted by NY Madman:

[b]I can only imagine your embarassment when socializing with your liberal friends if your son recieved a failing grade in "Bathhouse 101".
Ah, the deuch bag from NY chimes in. Still taking pot shots at others family members I see. If any one on this board takes the cock, it's you closet case. Your the one here who makes the most references to homosexuals and their "deviant" acts. Only fags like yourself thinks when a young boy learns about their penis and what other functions it has, it's time to "test" it out with other men. That's your private fantasy, so please keep it to yourself. In the future, if you got anything to say to me personally, be a man and direct it to me only, and leave my family out of it, pussy.[/b]
If you're that free about your sexual thinking and raising your children that way, then bring them to the next X function so we can bend them all over the hood of your truck. Maybe even you can charge a few dollars to watch us. You too Ian, bring your wife along and pass her down the line. Bring your free thiking perversion to center stage and wear what you believe on your sleeve. You are both valueless and moralless human beings. I have pity for your children Sean, I really do.
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 15/06/03 02:28 AM

Originally posted by 2001frontier:
I am scared as hell. I agree with Sean AND Ian at the same time. [Finger]

I think kids should know about sex. For a few reasons. Making it a dirty evil thing will just fuck them up and make them feel like an outcast when they figure out what masturbations is. My family treated it that way, and I thought I was some kind of 'deviant' for pulling on the 'ol pud when I was young. I had no idea that it was normal.

They are going to hear about it from friends anyway, and there is no telling what kind of BS they are going to 'learn' that way. Isn't it better for them to hear it from the parents, with correct information first?

I think it can protect them somewhat from the real deviants. The child molesters in the world. If they know for sure what the person is trying to do, and they know that it is not their fault ahead of time, the may not end up in the spiral of shame, that so many molested kids go through. They think it is there fault. At the very least I would tell mine, that if anyone touches you in these ways, or tries to get you to touch them tell me. You won't be in any trouble at all, and we will protect you from them.

I am not saying that we should show our kids pornos or have sex in front of them. I just feel that giving the kid the knowledge puts them at a very high advantage. If your religious beliefs dictate that sex before marriage is wrong, make that part of what you teach your child. Making it the evil dirty thing is just going to fuck them up in the long run.
Sorry, those magazines don't teach anyone about sex. They teach you how to act like a porn star. The magazine is run by whores for whores.
Posted by: Sean

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 15/06/03 05:41 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:

[qb]If you're that free about your sexual thinking and raising your children that way, then bring them to the next X function so we can bend them all over the hood of your truck. Maybe even you can charge a few dollars to watch us.
Taking pointers from NY Pussman I see. I always knew you were a closet homosexual anyway, this just proves it now. No moral or decent human being would make a comment like yours. And just for the record, I never stated at what age I would teach my son about the "birds and bees", and since he can't read yet, he won't be getting this information from magazines any time soon. You have got to be the most pathetic member on this board.

Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 15/06/03 10:03 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
Originally posted by Sean:
Originally posted by NY Madman:

[b]I can only imagine your embarassment when socializing with your liberal friends if your son recieved a failing grade in "Bathhouse 101".
Ah, the deuch bag from NY chimes in. Still taking pot shots at others family members I see. If any one on this board takes the cock, it's you closet case. Your the one here who makes the most references to homosexuals and their "deviant" acts. Only fags like yourself thinks when a young boy learns about their penis and what other functions it has, it's time to "test" it out with other men. That's your private fantasy, so please keep it to yourself. In the future, if you got anything to say to me personally, be a man and direct it to me only, and leave my family out of it, pussy.[/b]
If you're that free about your sexual thinking and raising your children that way, then bring them to the next X function so we can bend them all over the hood of your truck. Maybe even you can charge a few dollars to watch us. You too Ian, bring your wife along and pass her down the line. Bring your free thiking perversion to center stage and wear what you believe on your sleeve. You are both valueless and moralless human beings. I have pity for your children Sean, I really do.[/b]
Holyshit, never thought I would hear stuff like that from are a sick fuck eek
Posted by: MBFlyerfan

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 04:59 AM

You say they are valueless and have no morality, yet you are the one volunteering to bend children and other people's wives over a car and sodomizing them while they watch and possibly pay for it.

You certainly do preach hate on this subject.

I suprised at you Off2cjb. [Freak]
Posted by: Paul H

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 06:18 AM

As am I. That was a bit out there off2c. [Freak]
Posted by: 2001frontier

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 06:43 AM

I knew you were a little nutty off2cjb, but that post takes the cake. That is one of the most offensive things I have ever read. I think you need to do some thinking about that.

As far as your response to my post goes, you are not seeing the bigger picture. I wasn't saying to give your kids copies of Cosmo, to teach them about sex. I was pointing out the benefits of giving them knowledge without making sex evil.
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 08:01 AM

I am shocked at anyone who is shocked by what off2cjb said . . .

Looked about right for him . . .

Interesting progression . . .

First, Ian and Sean say (to paraphrase):
"I want to teach my children about sex. I want to make sure they are not taught lies, or fear, or guilt. I want them to know the benefits and the consequences of the most natural act in the animal kingdom . . . "

To which, off2blowJC replies:
"If you're that free about your sexual thinking and raising your children that way, then bring them to the next X function so we can bend them all over the hood of your truck. Maybe even you can charge a few dollars to watch us. You too Ian, bring your wife along and pass her down the line."

Yeah, sounds 'bout right . . .
Posted by: Trihead

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 08:14 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
If you're that free about your sexual thinking and raising your children that way, then bring them to the next X function so we can bend them all over the hood of your truck. Maybe even you can charge a few dollars to watch us. You too Ian, bring your wife along and pass her down the line. Bring your free thiking perversion to center stage and wear what you believe on your sleeve. You are both valueless and moralless human beings. I have pity for your children Sean, I really do.[/QB]
By far the most fucked up thing I have ever seen anyone post.
Posted by: Guido

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 08:38 AM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
At what age will you start explaining the penis to him? You might as well start at 4 years old. That way he can be one of the cool "progressive" kids in kindergarten. After all you want him to impress the teachers in the public school you will be sending him. They start teaching tolerance and acceptance of deviant lifestyles in public schools at an early age. I'm sure you want him to get a good mark and have a thorough knowledge of the subject matter. I can only imagine your embarassment when socializing with your liberal friends if your son recieved a failing grade in "Bathhouse 101".
My daughter just turned 3 in April, she knows that Mommy is built like her, and Daddy has a penis (or as she calls it a "peanut"), and that her and mommy sit to go potty and daddy stands up.

Does this make my wife and I deviants?

It is obvious to me that you don't have children Madman, if you do, than you had no input on potty training them. When children are being potty trained, they are very interested in watching mommy and daddy "go" and the various body parts that are used in the process. This is part of the learning process, there is nothing deviant about it.

Until you have children, you need to keep your pie hole closed and stop handing child raising advice.
Posted by: Guido

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 08:45 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
If you're that free about your sexual thinking and raising your children that way, then bring them to the next X function so we can bend them all over the hood of your truck. Maybe even you can charge a few dollars to watch us. You too Ian, bring your wife along and pass her down the line. Bring your free thiking perversion to center stage and wear what you believe on your sleeve. You are both valueless and moralless human beings. I have pity for your children Sean, I really do.
If this is the way you think Off2cjb, then I don't only pity your children, I am frightened for their safety.

I used to give you the benefit of the doubt in terms of the content of some of your posts because you feel strongly strongly about your religion and I respect that.

With that being said, that was the most idiotic and repulsive post I have ever read. You really stepped over the line.

It is time for Ian to ban you from ever posting here again.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 08:49 AM

I find it hard to post this and quite honestly, beyond comprehension that I would defend him, BUT...

I do believe Off2 was trying to make a point (however extreme it may be, and odd to some of us). I seriously doubt you'd see him do anything of the sort, or have any ideas of the sort. I do believe if he witnessed even the hint of such an event, you'd see an Off2 nobody's ever seen.

Perhaps it might have been easier to understand if he said "others" instead of "we."

Just my opinion. (Seems like a lot of people take things too literally...on both sides)

Strange world we live in if I'm giving Off2 some defense. laugh
Posted by: Guido

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Mobycat:
I find it hard to post this and quite honestly, beyond comprehension that I would defend him, BUT...

I do believe Off2 was trying to make a point (however extreme it may be, and odd to some of us). I seriously doubt you'd see him do anything of the sort, or have any ideas of the sort. I do believe if he witnessed even the hint of such an event, you'd see an Off2 nobody's ever seen.

Perhaps it might have been easier to understand if he said "others" instead of "we."

Just my opinion. (Seems like a lot of people take things too literally...on both sides)

Strange world we live in if I'm giving Off2 some defense. laugh
I really don't care what point he was trying to make, you don't talk about raping a person(s) wife and or kids. Off2cjb seemed like an intelligent person, he could have worded it better. I don't care if this is the ALR, those kind of comments have no place here. You can make a point without personally attacking another person or their family (a concept NY Madman has had a hard time grasping).

When you resort to these kind of tactics, you are just proving you don't have anything to back up your argument.

How would Off2cjb like it if Sean had made those comments about his family?
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 08:59 AM

Originally posted by Mobycat:
I find it hard to post this and quite honestly, beyond comprehension that I would defend him, BUT...

I do believe Off2 was trying to make a point (however extreme it may be, and odd to some of us). I seriously doubt you'd see him do anything of the sort, or have any ideas of the sort. I do believe if he witnessed even the hint of such an event, you'd see an Off2 nobody's ever seen.

Perhaps it might have been easier to understand if he said "others" instead of "we."

Just my opinion. (Seems like a lot of people take things too literally...on both sides)

Strange world we live in if I'm giving Off2 some defense. laugh
Okay, for the sake of argument, let's say off2blowJC was trying to make a sarcastic argument, attempting to use, I don't know, humor (??) to make his point . . .

His idea was still that if Sean and Ian and other parents wanted to teach their kids about sex, and let them learn about sex, and even *gasp* read magazines that mention the word sex, that they are deviant, and immoral, and metaphorically raping their kids . . .

Am I that far off? Was that your intention, to accuse Sean and Ian and other parents and parents-to-be that their views about healthy education and information for their kids was detrimental to their well-being? That they were, metaphorically, raping their kids or setting them up for physical harm?

It's still a backwards, ignorant, guilt-driven, fear-based suggestion . . .

Personally, I don't think this nimrod would ever really do the things he was suggesting. The fact that he made the remarks at all, however, is very enlightening . . . you have some fucked-up fantasies, dude . . .
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Guido:
I really don't care what point he was trying to make, you don't talk about raping a person(s) wife and or kids. Off2cjb seemed like an intelligent person, he could have worded it better. I don't care if this is the ALR, those kind of comments have no place here. You can make a point without personally attacking another person or their family (a concept NY Madman has had a hard time grasping).

When you resort to these kind of tactics, you are just proving you don't have anything to back up your argument.

How would Off2cjb like it if Sean had made those comments about his family?
That's true. Bringing family into it is uncalled for.
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Mobycat:
I find it hard to post this and quite honestly, beyond comprehension that I would defend him, BUT...

I do believe Off2 was trying to make a point (however extreme it may be, and odd to some of us). I seriously doubt you'd see him do anything of the sort, or have any ideas of the sort. I do believe if he witnessed even the hint of such an event, you'd see an Off2 nobody's ever seen.

Perhaps it might have been easier to understand if he said "others" instead of "we."

Just my opinion. (Seems like a lot of people take things too literally...on both sides)

Strange world we live in if I'm giving Off2 some defense. laugh
I do not really give a fuck if he was trying to make a point or not. I think an apolopy is needed, or I sincerely hope Ian cans his ass. This is a public board, in my mind making a statement about raping kids and other members wifes is way out of line in ANY content.
Posted by: Guido

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 09:06 AM

I find it very interesting that Off2cjb has not posted anything to defend what he said.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 09:26 AM

Well, here's my view of how this has digressed...

Madman made his personal attacks, Sean responded. Off2 made the comment about magazines like Cosmo and the like (not American Medical Journal). Off2 viewed it as people allowing kids to read Cosmo. Off2 views those magazines as teaching people how to be whores. (I don't see it...but that's just me). So he figured, since you might allow your kids to read those, you don't care what your kids think about sex, and if they read those magazines, then they are going to be promiscuous, and think nothing of bonking whomever is standing next to you.

So if Off2 thought this, he thought that it nobody would care what their kids were doing, and in Off2's eyes, the kids would be willing participants.

Obviously, that is not what Ian and Sean meant when they said they are OK with their kids knowing about sex and knowing it's not the "dirty little secret" that seems to pervade Christianity (and Islam and plenty of other religions, I'm sure).

So yeah, now that I've thoroughly confused myself trying to type this, what Off2 said is pretty fucked up. I think I understand what he was trying to say, but it was an extreme poor choice of words.

And no, I don't have kids. If I did, I'm guessing I'd have the same reaction as everyone else has.

(Hmm...I think I'm digging myself a hole...)

Time to go to the dentist.
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 10:07 AM

I am far too busy these days to keep up with the lunacy on here. First of all, you all can think what you want. This is the first comment I have directed towards anyone's family, ever. This came about because your fearless hero, Ian made two comments about my son in the last two days. Not one of you Ian clonies mentioned that.
Second, all you Christian haters have no problem calling us names, making fun of, etcc...I have never done any of these towards you haters. I have only defended myself. Thirdly, my comments made towards Ian and Sean were to prove a point which they made for me. They want to teach their children the ins and outs of sex using Cosmo and those other trashy mags which everyone knows is all bullshit. Fine, then from what they said, they wouldn't mind bringing their children into a situation like that. Their open minds, yeah right, deviant minds. Sean, I don't know where your fascination with homos stems from, but quit running back into your closet and calling all those that oppose you gay. No, you never mentioned an exact age to teach your children. Knowing you on this board, you probably already sat them down and watched man/man pornos. And Sean, you made your last comment different from the two prior to that in which you came right out once again and bashed us Christians. Geez, to be so blatantly discrimminatory like you.

To those who attempted to paraphrase, you were all wrong. No, this had nothing to do with raping anyone. You are the sick ones. These two talk so openly about their openness towards sex and their children. Then prove it. That's all. If they are going to use Cosmo to teach their kids sex, then their kids will be completely void of any of feelings and emotions towards and about sex other than lying on their back and having their ass slammed. Sorry Christian haters, sex is between a married couple. There are far more feelings and emotions that go into it other than a few beers. I feel bad for those of you that live in a world where you feel you need to suscribe to Cosmo or Maxim to get your jollies or your sexual education. When you are done living in fantasy land, we will be waiting for you in the real world.

Ian, ban me if you want. There is life without XOC.
Posted by: 2001frontier

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 10:17 AM

You are an idiot. They never said they were going to teach their kids about sex through some magazine. What I find ironic is the fact that you post all this tripe, and have the quote you have in your signature. I guess you only want liberty for people that think exactly like you do, huh?
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 10:19 AM

then bring them to the next X function so we can bend them all over the hood of your truck. Maybe even you can charge a few dollars to watch us. You too Ian, bring your wife along and pass her down the line
You call yourself a Christian with comments like these?. Again I do not really care how they are used the mere factor you posted this.

I have read and re-read the last few pages and I think you are not getting the point. Banning Cosmo from Wal-Mart or K-mart shelves because they have the word Orgasm on the front page is worng. look around you you would have to blindfold yourself to avoid any sexual related material, Billboards, TV Commercials, Storefronts. Taking a natural approach to sex only helps children to get the right values and not look at the commercial side of sex and get a skewed view. Yes sex is supposed to be a private matter between 2 people, I agree but the world as we see it today does not limit you from seeing sexual oriented input...wake up.
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:
then bring them to the next X function so we can bend them all over the hood of your truck. Maybe even you can charge a few dollars to watch us. You too Ian, bring your wife along and pass her down the line
You call yourself a Christian with comments like these?. Again I do not really care how they are used the mere factor you posted this.

I have read and re-read the last few pages and I think you are not getting the point. Banning Cosmo from Wal-Mart or K-mart shelves because they have the word Orgasm on the front page is worng. look around you you would have to blindfold yourself to avoid any sexual related material, Billboards, TV Commercials, Storefronts. Taking a natural approach to sex only helps children to get the right values and not look at the commercial side of sex and get a skewed view. Yes sex is supposed to be a private matter between 2 people, I agree but the world as we see it today does not limit you from seeing sexual oriented input...wake up.
You sir, are the idiot. They are not banning the magazines like the Nazis or the Catholic Church ban things. They are choosing not to sale it. They did this not because the word orgrasm was on the cover, but rather children ages 4-? do not need to have that type of magazine thrusted into their face every time they walk through the checkout counter. Those magazines are at their eye level, not yours. Grade school children do not need to read about orgasms or how to enlarge your penis in three weeks while they are waiting to buy their first veggie tales lunchbox. Do you get it now? And thank you once again for bringing up the Christian label. Bash, bash, bash away hater. Must be nice to live in a world where discrimmination and predujice are justified.
Posted by: Guido

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 10:25 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
To those who attempted to paraphrase, you were all wrong. No, this had nothing to do with raping anyone.
How could this be anything other than describing a rape? And I didn't paraphrase, that is what you posted.

Originally posted by off2cjb:
If you're that free about your sexual thinking and raising your children that way, then bring them to the next X function so we can bend them all over the hood of your truck.
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 10:27 AM

Originally posted by 2001frontier:
You are an idiot. They never said they were going to teach their kids about sex through some magazine. What I find ironic is the fact that you post all this tripe, and have the quote you have in your signature. I guess you only want liberty for people that think exactly like you do, huh?
They said they didn't see what the big deal was with their kids seeing the magazine and learning about sex from the covers. Do you not read all the threads and just jump into it when you feel perky? And my quote has nothing to do with any of this.
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Guido:
Originally posted by off2cjb:
[b]To those who attempted to paraphrase, you were all wrong. No, this had nothing to do with raping anyone.
How could this be anything other than describing a rape? And I didn't paraphrase, that is what you posted.

Originally posted by off2cjb:
If you're that free about your sexual thinking and raising your children that way, then bring them to the next X function so we can bend them all over the hood of your truck.
Because if you want to take everything I said as pure futuristic fact, then you would have read that since Ian and Sean are so open about teaching their children all aspects of sex, then the events I described would be perfectly ascceptable to them and they wouldn't have a problem with folks teaching their children about sex. I am sure by the posts written by these two, that they would give permission to do the things, therefore it would not be rape. You can't rape the willing. Or in their words, you couldn't rape the willing to learn about sex.
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 10:33 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
To those who attempted to paraphrase, you were all wrong.
You're right.

I was wrong to paraphrase you . . .

I edited that post, and instead of paraphrasing, I quoted your words.

Much more potent, it turns out . . .
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 10:36 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
If you're that free about your sexual thinking and raising your children that way, then bring them to the next X function so we can bend them all over the hood of your truck. Maybe even you can charge a few dollars to watch us. You too Ian, bring your wife along and pass her down the line.
You sure you aren't Catholic, off2blowJC?

You'd make an excellent priest . . .
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 10:39 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
You sir, are the idiot
Do not bother calling me Sir, I means I have earned your respect and that is the furthest from what I would like to earn right now. You are a narrow minded bigot, your post about raping children is sick and I hope you get what you deserve.
Posted by: Guido

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 10:42 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
Originally posted by Guido:
Originally posted by off2cjb:
[b]To those who attempted to paraphrase, you were all wrong. No, this had nothing to do with raping anyone.
How could this be anything other than describing a rape? And I didn't paraphrase, that is what you posted.

Originally posted by off2cjb:
If you're that free about your sexual thinking and raising your children that way, then bring them to the next X function so we can bend them all over the hood of your truck.
Because if you want to take everything I said as pure futuristic fact, then you would have read that since Ian and Sean are so open about teaching their children all aspects of sex, then the events I described would be perfectly ascceptable to them and they wouldn't have a problem with folks teaching their children about sex. I am sure by the posts written by these two, that they would give permission to do the things, therefore it would not be rape. You can't rape the willing. Or in their words, you couldn't rape the willing to learn about sex.[/b]
Let me take a step into your world and see if I can get this straight.

Ian and Sean would be willing to let you and your buddies bend their children and wives over the hood of your X and "teach them about sex". You say you can't rape the willing, in your litte dissertation only Sean and Ian are the willing, so you should be bending Sean and Ian over your truck to show the kids and wives what sex is. You made no reference to the kids/wives being willing participants, only that Ian and Sean would be willing to offer them up.
Posted by: 2001frontier

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 10:50 AM

Which is total BS anyway. There is no way in hell either of them would 'offer them up', and suggesting so is ridiculous. I went back and read the entire thread again. Ian's comment about letting his kids read Cosmo to learn about sex, is being taken a litlle to literally by you off2.

I believe his point was that he wants his children to know about their bodies, which to me makes perfect sense as I said in a previous post.
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Graham:
Originally posted by off2cjb:
[b]If you're that free about your sexual thinking and raising your children that way, then bring them to the next X function so we can bend them all over the hood of your truck. Maybe even you can charge a few dollars to watch us. You too Ian, bring your wife along and pass her down the line.
You sure you aren't Catholic, off2blowJC?

You'd make an excellent priest . . .[/b]
Sticks and stones, sticks and stones....Yet another homosexual comment from the hater group. I guess there is something to be said about Christian haters...they all are in the closet. At least the ones posting here, right Sean?
Posted by: Guido

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:14 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
Originally posted by Graham:
Originally posted by off2cjb:
[b]If you're that free about your sexual thinking and raising your children that way, then bring them to the next X function so we can bend them all over the hood of your truck. Maybe even you can charge a few dollars to watch us. You too Ian, bring your wife along and pass her down the line.
You sure you aren't Catholic, off2blowJC?

You'd make an excellent priest . . .[/b]
Sticks and stones, sticks and stones....Yet another homosexual comment from the hater group. I guess there is something to be said about Christian haters...they all are in the closet. At least the ones posting here, right Sean?[/b]
But talking raping other people's children and wives is ok. riiiiiight.
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:14 AM

Originally posted by 2001frontier:
Which is total BS anyway. There is no way in hell either of them would 'offer them up', and suggesting so is ridiculous. I went back and read the entire thread again. Ian's comment about letting his kids read Cosmo to learn about sex, is being taken a litlle to literally by you off2.

I believe his point was that he wants his children to know about their bodies, which to me makes perfect sense as I said in a previous post.
Please define literal in your words. He said he would let his children learn from that magazine. That magazine has no clue. If he is willing to let a magazine like that teach his children, then there are no morals or values in that household therefore he would be willing to let anyone teach his children about sex, no matter how or in what form. I know he is a hyprocrit already, but a man has got to know his limitations, and these don't seem to have any.
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Guido:
Originally posted by off2cjb:
Originally posted by Graham:
Originally posted by off2cjb:
If you're that free about your sexual thinking and raising your children that way, then bring them to the next X function so we can bend them all over the hood of your truck. Maybe even you can charge a few dollars to watch us. You too Ian, bring your wife along and pass her down the line.
You sure you aren't Catholic, off2blowJC?

You'd make an excellent priest . . .[/b]
Sticks and stones, sticks and stones....Yet another homosexual comment from the hater group. I guess there is something to be said about Christian haters...they all are in the closet. At least the ones posting here, right Sean?[/b]
But talking raping other people's children and wives is ok. riiiiiight.

Whatever, you pea-brained dimwit. Where did the word rape ever come into play in one of my posts? You brought it up. You want to do it, don't you? You want to be the first in line don't you? You can admit it. You already admitted to being stupid. Come on now Guido, you want to rape someone don't you?
Posted by: lemsip

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:19 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
Sorry Christian haters, sex is between a married couple.
Yeah right !
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:25 AM


Anyone in Favor?

Posted by: superjens

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:27 AM

Come on now Guido, you want to rape someone don't you?
This thread is making me hot.
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:30 AM

I say don't ban him.

He's fun to wind up.

And he's great for saying outrageous things!

I say keep him. He's great fun . . .
Posted by: Guido

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:31 AM

Posted by: XOC

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:35 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
Ian, ban me if you want. There is life without XOC.
I would, but I'm too busy masturbating to this thread while my dog watches.

Posted by: Guido

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:41 AM

Originally posted by xoc:
Originally posted by off2cjb:
[b]Ian, ban me if you want. There is life without XOC.
I would, but I'm too busy masturbating to this thread while my dog watches.

laugh [/b]
[Spit] [Laughing]
Posted by: XOC

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:42 AM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
You sir, are the idiot. They are not banning the magazines like the Nazis or the Catholic Church ban things. They are choosing not to sale it.

Actually, they are just hiding the covers of the magazines.

Originally posted by off2cjb:
Grade school children do not need to read about orgasms or how to enlarge your penis in three weeks while they are waiting to buy their first veggie tales lunchbox.

They would much rather buy the new Veggie Tales Vibrator instead.

Posted by: bennet

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Graham:
He's fun to wind up.

Yeah, but it appears he's winding all of you up.

Like Madman... he just types a few paragraphs on the keyboard and keeps about 15 or 20 of you going full tilt.
Posted by: MBFlyerfan

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:45 AM

If you banned Off2, you would have to ban Madman. Dont ban either. I will admit, except for thier views on sexuality, I agree with the both of them the majority of the time on other issues, and I am an atheist! Even among christians you will find a wide disparity of views on homosexuality and so-called sexual deviancy. I personally do not want you showing off your sexuality in front of me gay or straight. Get a room. That being said, once you are in that room, and there are 2 consenting ADULTS, I dont care what you do. Keep your parades off the street.

Cosmo is a rag, If WAL-MART doesnt want to sell it, thats thier right. You can go to WaWa or 7-11 to buy it. Personally I wouldnt because Cosmo teaches women the wrong message about what it is to be a women. Women who actually take what this rag has to say seriously are brainwashed beyond repair.

Personally, I will start teaching my kids (when I get them) about sexuality a little at a time as they ask. Mainly because I want to preempt any wrong notions they could get if they learn about it from TV, or magazines, or worse, their friends. I will teach them the consequences as academically as possible. I will not be showing them deep throat, or Hustler and visual aids. But I will be telling them the truth. How old will be old enough? That is up to me. I , as a parent, will determine the time and place. Be them 3 , or 13. And anyone who doesnt agree with the path I have mapped out for my children can kiss my ass.

How bout DEm crazy Israelis and Palestinians. Those kids wink
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:45 AM

Originally posted by bennet:
Yeah, but it appears he's winding all of you up.

Like Madman... he just types a few paragraphs on the keyboard and keeps about 15 or 20 of you going full tilt.
How about that?
Posted by: NthLJ

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 12:26 PM

I thought it was "offtogiveBJ" confused I get so mixed up with the name calling... wink I hope he really didn't wan't to have sex with kids, sick bastard frown .

Oh, and here is a good price on the dancing Cuke [Spit]
Posted by: Sean

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 01:46 PM

Originally posted by off2cjb:

Sticks and stones, sticks and stones....Yet another homosexual comment from the hater group. I guess there is something to be said about Christian haters...they all are in the closet. At least the ones posting here, right Sean?
You seem to be the resident "Homosexual Expert" on this board, so why don't you explain it to us. By the way, have you told your wife yet?
Posted by: Uzbad

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 03:07 PM

Funny how it all started with issues of peace making in middle east... 8)
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Uzbad:
Funny how it all started with issues of peace making in middle east... 8)
Yeah 2 more weeks of this and I have enough material start my book..
Posted by: superjens

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 03:31 PM

This thread inspired me to visit the local 7-11 and put some porno mags down below with the comics.
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 03:53 PM

Originally posted by superjens:
This thread inspired me to visit the local 7-11 and put some porno mags down below with the comics.
Let me know which one it was, As you know I am babysitting Damons Kid on Wedensday, I'll bring him in and parade him through a dozen times. Hopefully you moved JUGS and SWANK (my favorite)
Posted by: Paul H

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 07:23 PM

I agree he is just trying to justify himself now instead of shuting up and letting it go away. Keep digging Off2cjb you know darn good and well no one here will let it drop if you kep posting crap like that.
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:

Anyone in Favor?

Whatever Claus....I am not like in that I have a life outside XOC. You don't. You wear this hokie pokie membership like some Medal of Honor. Ban my ass. Yeah. Hurt me hurt me. Get a life punk.

It is so funny to sit back and read these threads and see so many of you speaking for others. So many of you attempting to speak for others, and for me, just to further your cause.
You people couldn't remember the facts surrounding this if you had too.

Sean, yes I am gay. Happy now. It seems only and Madman are the ones to bring that inuendo up in threads.

Ian, those little posts with the veggie tale vibrator and the one with your dog watching were funny. Sorry, it didn't spin me up.
Posted by: XOC

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:27 PM

Originally posted by off2cjb:
Ian, those little posts with the veggie tale vibrator and the one with your dog watching were funny. Sorry, it didn't spin me up.
They were supposed to be nimrod laugh

You still haven't quite figured out my sense of humor, but you're trying.
Posted by: Strom

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 16/06/03 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Graham:
You sure you aren't Catholic, off2blowJC?

You'd make an excellent priest . . .
I know you were joking, but dammit... :p

Originally posted by Sean:
No wonder why you Christians have so many issues...
This shit really pisses me off.

Originally posted by ashleynatlanta:
But why kill over it?
Yeah, people seem to have forgotten the whole "turn the other cheek" and "love your neighbor" thing in the Christian religion(s). Other religions have similar beliefs that people seem to forget as well. Independent of religion, even, why can't people be nice to each other??!?!
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 03:58 AM

In the immortal words of one of the most frequently arrested men in America ... "Can't we all just get along?"

Speaking about the subject of radical left wing asswipes also being the biggest deviant supporters .... I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this story...\Politics\archive\200306\POL20030617b.html

It seems the insane left wing radical Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) thinks a presidential judicial nominee should have no problem with bringing his kids to "Gay Days" at Disney World.

Forget about the question of why a so-called "family" and "child friendly" company like Disney even does this ... Why the fuck are questions like this even being addressed by politicians? Do these radical nuts think normal people are supposed to expose their children to this perverted deviance? Is this now the standard in order to be accepted as a Federal judge by the deviant Democrats? Is deviance that much of a controlling platform of all the Democrats? This is insanity.

What the hell ever happened to the innocence of childhood and protecting children as long as possible from this filth? I really don't think people in America give two shits about children anymore.

One culture in the East teaches their children hate, murder and terrorism while the West teaches their children deviance and perversion. Both are sick.
Posted by: Sean

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 06:11 AM

Originally posted by Strom:

Originally posted by Sean:

[b]No wonder why you Christians have so many issues...
This shit really pisses me off.[/b]
And this shit really pisses me off...

Phoenix bishop arrested in deadly hit and run

Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 09:38 AM

Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 09:38 AM

Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 09:39 AM

Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 09:40 AM

Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 09:41 AM




I like Frosted Flakes . . .
Posted by: TravelingFool

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Graham:
I wouldn't let my kids near a fucking Wal-Mart . . .

You ever been in there on Sunday?

Lots of good, family-oriented (Uncle Daddy springs to mind) cyclops' in there . . .

Then again, there's lots of bra-less trailor trash there too, and some of them are kinda cute to look at (in a bra-less, "please check that lower shelf again" kinda way).

Sorry to interrupt, on with the burning of the witch...
Posted by: ashleynatlanta

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 11:48 AM

Talk about bringing a pocket knife to a gun fight.... [Spit] [Laughing]
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 12:15 PM

Originally posted by ashleynatlanta:

Talk about bringing a pocket knife to a gun fight.... [Spit] [Laughing]
Caption should read, Hey look at me!. Come run me over I have media coverage, I have been prommised a better life in heaven if I die like a martyr.
Posted by: superjens

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 12:38 PM

"I don't get it, this worked in Tiananeminem Square"
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 12:46 PM

Originally posted by superjens:
"I don't get it, this worked in Tiananeminem Square"
So how do you type the phrase, "I'm Slim Shady/Yes I'm the real Shady/All you other Slim Shadies . . . " with a Chinese accent?
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Graham:
Originally posted by superjens:
[b]"I don't get it, this worked in Tiananeminem Square"
So how do you type the phrase, "I'm Slim Shady/Yes I'm the real Shady/All you other Slim Shadies . . . " with a Chinese accent?[/b]
If you knew the super one you would understand. Goes a little something like this:

"Ri'm Shrim Shlady/Res Ri'm the real Shlady/Rall you rother Shrim Shladies............

It's Flench Flies you plick
Posted by: KJ_dragon

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:
It's Flench Flies you plick
I thought the line was "It's flied lice, you plick"?
Posted by: 2001frontier

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 03:13 PM

Actually wasn't it "Its Fried Rice you Prick."? They were making fun of Uncle Benny, and he said it correctly. The laughing gas scene was greatness. I hope I am talking about the same movie. [Uh Oh !]
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 03:27 PM

all the same...My favorite (while we are making fun of accents) was "A Christmas Story" in the Chineese Resturant, the staff singing "Deck the halls...." classic
Posted by: KJ_dragon

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 04:01 PM

Originally posted by 2001frontier:
Actually wasn't it "Its Fried Rice you Prick."? They were making fun of Uncle Benny, and he said it correctly. The laughing gas scene was greatness. I hope I am talking about the same movie. [Uh Oh !]
I think you are correct! The dentist scene was my favorite too. "You're baby, is having MY baby, and your baby,... OH BABY!"

"Deck the rols, fraw raw raw raw fraw raw raw raw" - classic!

those are all fine entries, but the all time best chinese accent goes to Gedda Watanabe. Better known as.....

Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 04:27 PM

[Spit] LMFAO..good one
Posted by: Strom

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Sean:
Originally posted by Strom:

Originally posted by Sean:

[b]No wonder why you Christians have so many issues...
This shit really pisses me off.[/b]
And this shit really pisses me off...

Phoenix bishop arrested in deadly hit and run

:rolleyes: [/b]
Yeah, you caught us. All Christians molest children and then hit pedestrians and drive away. Just like all atheists are completely immoral and devoid of any care for others, right?

Try not stereotyping or generalizing or hating or even disliking someone for what they believe (or don't believe). Try to think for a second that everyone should be considered as a person first rather than just as a part of a group.

By the way, he should go to jail - for the hit and run as well as for letting abusive priests work near children. Why would that make me not want to be a Christian or a Catholic? It just makes me not want to be like him.
Posted by: Sean

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Strom:

Yeah, you caught us. All Christians molest children and then hit pedestrians and drive away. Just like all atheists are completely immoral and devoid of any care for others, right?

Try not stereotyping or generalizing or hating or even disliking someone for what they believe (or don't believe). Try to think for a second that everyone should be considered as a person first rather than just as a part of a group.

By the way, he should go to jail - for the hit and run as well as for letting abusive priests work near children. Why would that make me not want to be a Christian or a Catholic? It just makes me not want to be like him.
I don't understand where you're going with this, have you been reading my posts fully? Of course I think the majority of Christians are moral and decent members of society. Your view of considering someone as a person first and a part of some organization second, is my view as well. If you've noticed, I only make a point of ridiculing certain homophobic, closed minded, backward, paranoid, exstremist, hypocritical, and "holier than thou" members of this board. I have nothing against ANY peaceful, moderate, and caring religious groups or individuals, so long as they don't try forcing their religious beliefs on me or our government.
Posted by: Strom

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Sean:
Originally posted by Strom:

[b]Yeah, you caught us. All Christians molest children and then hit pedestrians and drive away. Just like all atheists are completely immoral and devoid of any care for others, right?

Try not stereotyping or generalizing or hating or even disliking someone for what they believe (or don't believe). Try to think for a second that everyone should be considered as a person first rather than just as a part of a group.

By the way, he should go to jail - for the hit and run as well as for letting abusive priests work near children. Why would that make me not want to be a Christian or a Catholic? It just makes me not want to be like him.
I don't understand where you're going with this, have you been reading my posts fully? Of course I think the majority of Christians are moral and decent members of society. Your view of considering someone as a person first and a part of some organization second, is my view as well. If you've noticed, I only make a point of ridiculing certain homophobic, closed minded, backward, paranoid, exstremist, hypocritical, and "holier than thou" members of this board. I have nothing against ANY peaceful, moderate, and caring religious groups or individuals, so long as they don't try forcing their religious beliefs on me or our government.[/b]
So when you said "No wonder why you Christians have so many issues...", you weren't generalizing or stereotyping Christians?
Posted by: 2001frontier

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 08:45 PM

Busted! [Finger]
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 17/06/03 09:13 PM

Originally posted by Sean:

I have nothing against ANY peaceful, moderate, and caring religious groups or individuals, so long as they don't try forcing their religious beliefs on me or our government.
But you have no problem with a small percentage of the population forcing and imposing their immorality, perversion and twisted views on the majority of the population through the instrument of government.

It's interesting that you don't see yourself as an extremist. You are. Of the left wing and atheist anti-Judeo/Christian type.

You are some kind of a victim now? When the hell did any religious organization try to inflict their beliefs on you? Never... It's all in your sick mind.
Posted by: Sean

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 04:43 AM

Originally posted by Strom:

So when you said "No wonder why you Christians have so many issues...", you weren't generalizing or stereotyping Christians?
No I wasn't. Do you remember who I was debating against when I made this comment?
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 04:43 AM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
When the hell did any religious organization try to inflict their beliefs on you?
Every time there is an attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Defense of Marriage Act.
Posted by: Samueul

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 05:35 AM

Originally posted by Mobycat:
Every time there is an attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Defense of Marriage Act.
What do you think about Roe trying to overturn it now???? Funny how things go eh?
Posted by: nolarocks

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 05:45 AM

She's probably being paid by anti-choice groups. Who better to be their spokesperson?

[Too much XOC]
Posted by: TravelingFool

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 05:47 AM

Now abortion is in the fray? SHIT people, its fairly obvious that nobody in this train wreck is:

A) A policy maker on a local, state, or national level
B) EVER going to say, "I'm sorry, you're right!"

Why can't we have a booty call thread, or a beer thread, or an XTERRA thread that lasts this long.

You guys make me tired. [Sleep]
Posted by: Sean

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 05:58 AM

Originally posted by NY Madman:

But you have no problem with a small percentage of the population forcing and imposing their immorality, perversion and twisted views on the majority of the population through the instrument of government.
What no comments about my son or my family? Have we finally grown a set? You'll have to be more specific with your over-the-top generalizations here.

Morality - immorality technically is in the eye of the beholder. You'll have to be more specific in this area if you are looking for my opinion on a certain matter.

Perversion - Just what is your definition of perversion, and what are you benchmarking it against?

It's interesting that you don't see yourself as an extremist. You are. Of the left wing and atheist anti-Judeo/Christian type.
How can you prove this? Just because I have posted comments about Israel giving land back to the Palestians to help end the conflict, this makes me anti-Judeo? Or that I don't want to see the 10 commandments posted on the wall of a public building, this makes me anti-Christian? I don't have a right to disagree with these groups without being labeled "hater"? You know NOTHING about me, all you can do is spew shit.

You are some kind of a victim now? When the hell did any religious organization try to inflict their beliefs on you? Never... It's all in your sick mind.
I have the sick mind? Who made the comment about my 3 1/2 year old son, and "Bath House 101"? Off-his-Crib even went as far as posting about bending my wife and kid over, and I'm the immoral one?

Now reguarding religious organizations trying to inflict their beliefs on me, let's start with the subject of abortion (womans right to choose). I still remember the media/newspaper stories about the abortion clinic shooting/killing that occured here in Boston a while back (I've walked by that clinic many times prior). That wacko shot two people, killing one (a receptionist), hell I could have been walking by that day, and I could have been a victim too.

Now they're trying extra hard again to overturn Wade vs Roe (Roe "converting" to the Christian side I guess). This will cause the many teenagers/young adults who are not ready for children to seek life threatening "back room abortions" (have you ever seen "Cider House Rules"?). If my next child is a girl, this could possibly effect her in the future as well.

These "Christian Beliefs" slowly taking more of a toe hold in government could possibly effect my job as well (as well as the health of the nation) with the advent of new rules restricting experimentation on fetal tissue and cloning. With this knowledge, someday we will have the ability to "regrow" damaged organs in the human body, but with the passing of new restrictions, who knows?

Now go crawl back under that rock you came from, you know jack about me. I've already spent way too much time posting to someone who has no honor.
Posted by: superjens

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 07:24 AM

I've already spent way too much time posting to someone who has no honor.
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 08:57 AM

Ridicule or compliment? :

Posted by: Guido

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 09:36 AM

Originally posted by PNUTMNM:
Now abortion is in the fray? SHIT people, its fairly obvious that nobody in this train wreck is:

A) A policy maker on a local, state, or national level
B) EVER going to say, "I'm sorry, you're right!"

Why can't we have a booty call thread, or a beer thread, or an XTERRA thread that lasts this long.

You guys make me tired. [Sleep]
Is it finally time to break out the snake???
Posted by: Guido

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 09:37 AM

Originally posted by Guido:
Originally posted by PNUTMNM:
[b]Now abortion is in the fray? SHIT people, its fairly obvious that nobody in this train wreck is:

A) A policy maker on a local, state, or national level
B) EVER going to say, "I'm sorry, you're right!"

Why can't we have a booty call thread, or a beer thread, or an XTERRA thread that lasts this long.

You guys make me tired. [Sleep]
Is it finally time to break out the snake???[/b]
I think it is!!!! laugh
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 09:41 AM

Originally posted by Guido:
Originally posted by Guido:
Originally posted by PNUTMNM:
[b]Now abortion is in the fray? SHIT people, its fairly obvious that nobody in this train wreck is:

A) A policy maker on a local, state, or national level
B) EVER going to say, "I'm sorry, you're right!"

Why can't we have a booty call thread, or a beer thread, or an XTERRA thread that lasts this long.

You guys make me tired. [Sleep]
Is it finally time to break out the snake???[/b]
I think it is!!!! laugh [/b]
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 09:49 AM

Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:
Originally posted by Guido:
Originally posted by Guido:
Originally posted by PNUTMNM:
Now abortion is in the fray? SHIT people, its fairly obvious that nobody in this train wreck is:

A) A policy maker on a local, state, or national level
B) EVER going to say, "I'm sorry, you're right!"

Why can't we have a booty call thread, or a beer thread, or an XTERRA thread that lasts this long.

You guys make me tired. [Sleep]
Is it finally time to break out the snake???[/b]
I think it is!!!! laugh [/b]
Posted by: Samueul

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 10:31 AM

Originally posted by Graham:
Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:
Originally posted by Guido:
Originally posted by Guido:
Originally posted by PNUTMNM:
Now abortion is in the fray? SHIT people, its fairly obvious that nobody in this train wreck is:

A) A policy maker on a local, state, or national level
B) EVER going to say, "I'm sorry, you're right!"

Why can't we have a booty call thread, or a beer thread, or an XTERRA thread that lasts this long.

You guys make me tired. [Sleep]
Is it finally time to break out the snake???[/b]
I think it is!!!! laugh [/b]

Alright! It amazes me to see how many here on XOC love the snake! smile
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Samueul:
Originally posted by Graham:
Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:
Originally posted by Guido:
Originally posted by Guido:
Originally posted by PNUTMNM:
Now abortion is in the fray? SHIT people, its fairly obvious that nobody in this train wreck is:

A) A policy maker on a local, state, or national level
B) EVER going to say, "I'm sorry, you're right!"

Why can't we have a booty call thread, or a beer thread, or an XTERRA thread that lasts this long.

You guys make me tired. [Sleep]
Is it finally time to break out the snake???[/b]
I think it is!!!! laugh [/b]

Alright! It amazes me to see how many here on XOC love the snake! smile

yee haw . . .
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Graham:
Originally posted by Samueul:
Originally posted by Graham:
Originally posted by Claus A Christensen:
Originally posted by Guido:
Originally posted by Guido:
Originally posted by PNUTMNM:
Now abortion is in the fray? SHIT people, its fairly obvious that nobody in this train wreck is:

A) A policy maker on a local, state, or national level
B) EVER going to say, "I'm sorry, you're right!"

Why can't we have a booty call thread, or a beer thread, or an XTERRA thread that lasts this long.

You guys make me tired. [Sleep]
Is it finally time to break out the snake???[/b]
I think it is!!!! laugh [/b]

Alright! It amazes me to see how many here on XOC love the snake! smile

yee haw . . .
Posted by: KJ_dragon

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 11:01 AM

Posted by: MBFlyerfan

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 11:51 AM

Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Mobycat:

Originally posted by NY Madman:
[b]When the hell did any religious organization try to inflict their beliefs on you?
Every time there is an attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Defense of Marriage Act.[/b]
That is very naive of you Moby, or maybe a little spin on your part.

While Christians and some Jewish groups are against abortion and deviant marriages, many people, maybe more, also oppose them for clear moral reasons. Religious reasons are by far not the only opposition to these abominations (infamnia's).
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Sean:

I have the sick mind? Who made the comment about my 3 1/2 year old son, and "Bath House 101"?
When you post some sick shit like you will be training your son in the "use of the penis" you opened yourself up to ridicule, and rightfully so. That was a sick and twisted comment. Coming from you it did not surprise me.

Regarding your rants about religion forcing overturning abortion... see my above response to Moby.

Many issues are fought on moral principles, not just religious. Seeing that you are an immoral man I don't expect you to understand that. (Yes I can make that conclusion from reading your leftist bullshit and ideals for well over a year now)
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 07:45 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
Originally posted by Mobycat:

Originally posted by NY Madman:
[b]When the hell did any religious organization try to inflict their beliefs on you?
Every time there is an attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Defense of Marriage Act.[/b]
That is very naive of you Moby, or maybe a little spin on your part.

While Christians and some Jewish groups are against abortion and deviant marriages, many people, maybe more, also oppose them for clear moral reasons. Religious reasons are by far not the only opposition to these abominations (infamnia's).[/b]
I'm not saying religuous reasons are the only reason, but if you think religious beliefs didn't have the most impact, then you truly have blinders on. People who are supportive of the Defense of Marriage act do it because they are morally against it. And a majority (I'd bet a good 90%) base those morals solely on the teachings they have had from religion. VERY few people get their morals elsewhere - I imagine that Samueul's child will be brought up outside of religion, and I'd bet he/she turns out just fine.

Abortion is a different matter - I realize some people are against it for not just religious reasons. I do find it incredulous that people can oppose abortion because it extinguishes a life and yet be fully behind the death penalty.

I have no problems with abortion, if the fetus is viable. Death penalty, I'm still unsure of - it certainly doesn't deter - if it did, wouldn't the population of death row have dropped off even a hair?
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Mobycat:

Abortion is a different matter - I realize some people are against it for not just religious reasons. I do find it incredulous that people can oppose abortion because it extinguishes a life and yet be fully behind the death penalty.

I have no problems with abortion, if the fetus is viable. Death penalty, I'm still unsure of - it certainly doesn't deter - if it did, wouldn't the population of death row have dropped off even a hair?
An unborn child is purely innocent. A convicted murderer on death row is not. He has forfeited his rights through his actions.

I don't think death penalty laws are meant to deter crime. They are an instrument of the state to protect society and remove it's most dangerous. The death row population will not decrease because of death penalty laws. Most criminals on death row are sociopaths.

A law abiding citizen with normal mental health considers the consequences of his actions. A sociopath generally does not.

Then you have those murderers that acted out of crimes of passion. Juries have leway in deciding punishment on these criminals. If it is extremely egregious, than the death penalty is used. Sometimes it is not.

Death penalty laws are for society. They were never really meant as a deterant. That has always been the liberal spin.

Think about this... would you rather receive the death penalty or 40 or 50 years in a shithole state peniteniary with no chance of parole? Unless you are 18 years old, most would choose death.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 18/06/03 08:58 PM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
I don't think death penalty laws are meant to deter crime. They are an instrument of the state to protect society and remove it's most dangerous. The death row population will not decrease because of death penalty laws. Most criminals on death row are sociopaths.
If that's how you view it, I respect that. I just hear too many people try to justify it by saying it's a deterent (sp?).

And a LOT of people argue against abortion because it violates the sanctity of life. They should be against the death penalty, too, as it violates the sanctity of life, even if the one who may get executed is the absolute worst criminal possible.

Oh...and I realized I worded a sentence wrong - I meant to say I have no problem with abortion if the fetus *isn't* viable. Beyond that... I can't say. I don't know if anyone can truly say what their view is until they find themselves in that situation.
Posted by: Samueul

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 19/06/03 04:17 AM

Moby/NY Madman

I agree a little with both of you (Moby, thanks for the kind words in regards to my child).

I will not raise my child in religion, but as he/she grows I will not deter them from seeking and learning. It's a tough thing, cause on one hand you don't want to "limit" a person seeking answers, but on the other, you have to trust in your own ability to "teach" them??? I am sure it will get tougher for me too.....

Abortion. I am against it on a solely moral stance and it has nothing to do with religion. Like Madman says. A newborn,fetus,infant whatever, is innocent and has so much potential. To willingly cut off that potential to me just seems wrong.... I use my wife as an example all the time. She was adopted. She could have been aborted, and her mother has even told us that she thought about it etc... I can look on this world with a lot of "warm" "fuzzy" feelings knowing people like my wife walk it...

Death Penalty - Again, 40 years down the line, if this person who was given the chance to expand upon the potential of his/her life is raping, murdering, etc... They have proven that they do not deserve the right to life in our society. Not judged by god as I don't believe in him, but judged by his fellow man, because to me, who else is there to judge?? We have to police our own society.

I also do not believe the death penalty is a deterent, but a tool. A tool that is not used often enough.
Posted by: Sean

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 19/06/03 04:58 AM

Originally posted by NY Madman:

[QUOTE]When you post some sick shit like you will be training your son in the "use of the penis" you opened yourself up to ridicule, and rightfully so. That was a sick and twisted comment. Coming from you it did not surprise me.
You truely live in your own little world don't you, and I'm now convinced along with all your other short comings, you have a severe case of AADD too. My exact quote reguarding my son's body part was:

"I sorry, but I have a son, and I have no problem with him knowing what the name of his own body part is and what it's function is"

At no point did I state at what age would I inform my son on the above statement. How old were you when your father told you about the "birds and the bee's", 35?

Many issues are fought on moral principles, not just religious. Seeing that you are an immoral man I don't expect you to understand that. (Yes I can make that conclusion from reading your leftist bullshit and ideals for well over a year now)
I'm immoral? That's a good one, this coming from someone who has no honor or respect for others who don't think like you. Your judgement of others on this board is totally meritless, and should only be read for the shear entertainment value of it (if one could call it that). You're just a pissed off little boy with a chip on his shoulder, using this web site to release your fustrations. Maybe if you had a good woman who could actually put up with you, or at least masterbate to pictures of women for a change, you wouldn't be so mad at the world around you. So go away cry baby, go peddle your bullshit propaganda somewhere where people actually care about what you say. No matter what you say about me here on XOC, at least I don't make leud comments about others family members when I'm losing an argument.

Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 19/06/03 07:03 AM

Originally posted by Sean:

I'm immoral? That's a good one, this coming from someone who has no honor or respect for others who don't think like you. Your judgement of others on this board is totally meritless, and should only be read for the shear entertainment value of it (if one could call it that). You're just a pissed off little boy with a chip on his shoulder, using this web site to release your fustrations. Maybe if you had a good woman who could actually put up with you, or at least masterbate to pictures of women for a change, you wouldn't be so mad at the world around you. So go away cry baby, go peddle your bullshit propaganda somewhere where people actually care about what you say. No matter what you say about me here on XOC, at least I don't make leud comments about others family members when I'm losing an argument.
That's the best you could do? ..... You even hurl insults like a little kid.

There are only two or three members I hate and have judged. You are at the top of the list.

Yes.. I would say you are immoral in many ways. At the very least you are definitely an ammoral person. I'll call you a person because describing you as a man was a mistake and is an insult to the entire gender.

So let's hear it.... at what age will you teach your kid the "function" of his penis? 99.9% of parents toilet train and leave it at that. I'm also curious to know what "functions" you will be including in the curriculum. A deviant supporter like you should leave nothing out.
Posted by: superjens

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 19/06/03 07:32 AM

Posted by: Sean

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 19/06/03 08:48 AM

Originally posted by NY Madman:

That's the best you could do? ..... You even hurl insults like a little kid.
[Crybaby] [Crybaby] [Crybaby] [Sleep]

There are only two or three members I hate and have judged. You are at the top of the list.
I didn't know you cared, and no I won't be taking any long showers with you.

Yes.. I would say you are immoral in many ways. At the very least you are definitely an ammoral person. I'll call you a person because describing you as a man was a mistake and is an insult to the entire gender.
I'm more of a man than you'll ever be.

So let's hear it.... at what age will you teach your kid the "function" of his penis?
Right now he's a little over 3 1/2, and he knows it by name only. I figure about 6th grade I'll give him the "birds and bees" speech.

99.9% of parents toilet train and leave it at that.
Is that all the sex education you got from your parents? No wonder why you're so fucked up.

I'm also curious to know what "functions" you will be including in the curriculum. A deviant supporter like you should leave nothing out.
I'm sure you would. Sorry to disappoint, but you'll get no masterbating material from me. Why don't you try calling Pete Townshend? I'm sure he could hook you up.
Posted by: Mobycat

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 19/06/03 09:33 AM

Originally posted by NY Madman:
So let's hear it.... at what age will you teach your kid the "function" of his penis? 99.9% of parents toilet train and leave it at that. I'm also curious to know what "functions" you will be including in the curriculum. A deviant supporter like you should leave nothing out.
I hope that's not all people teach their kids. If so, we're in a heap of trouble. I'd rather teach a child of mine all the "ins and out" (no pun intended) of sex rather than them learning it from their friends and what they may see in a magazine or on TV. At least then I can say that I've tried my best to teach them the proper "use" of said instrument, and what judgement they should be using when doing whatever. When I do have kids, I will teach them assuming they are like most others (read: hetero), but I also intend to teach them that it's not a sin if they aren't, and that I am open enough that they don't have to fear telling me if they realize they are gay/bi/whatever. I don't care if they are or not. I would hope they know that I will accept them no matter what. The child is mine, and that is the most important thing - I would/will do anything in my power to make their life a happy life, regardless of what other people think of them. And I will defend them in anyway humanly possible.
Posted by: Claus

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 19/06/03 10:12 AM

Posted by: Paul H

Re: Peaceplan goes down the toilet - 19/06/03 10:25 AM