Xterra CSI contest...

Posted by: Burnszilla

Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 04:30 PM

All you CSI experts: Can you guess what happened here?
Posted by: Powerguy38

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 04:35 PM

Dare I say someone had a little TOO much to drink? [Spit]
Posted by: Huey

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 04:36 PM

Monkey flings poo? [LOL]
Posted by: Paul H

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 05:09 PM

Looks like a sucky passenger to me.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 05:11 PM

A teradactal gave birth mid flight and you happened to be the unlucky recipient of the byproduct?
Posted by: BigE515

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 05:30 PM

A passenger in the rear seat couldn't hold it and decided to hang ass?????
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 05:30 PM

Looks like you ran through a busted sewer line.
Posted by: Canadian5150

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 06:11 PM

Looks like projectile vomit at 40mph !!!!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 06:14 PM

Thats bad!!
Posted by: Burnszilla

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 06:18 PM

My wife would kill me if she saw this. I'll post the story tomorrow.
Posted by: mineralblue

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 06:24 PM

Somebody stick their head out too far?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 06:37 PM

I know! The passenger was playing airplane with their hand and a very big bug accidentally flew into it! :p
Posted by: TremorX

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 06:45 PM

That just looks nasty, like something either exploded or threw up all over your truck. Hit a corpse?
Posted by: Ramness

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 07:06 PM

lets see the inside!
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 09:00 PM

Probably ran over some small animal with the rear passenger side tire and it exploded the blood all over the side. Were you going in reverse?

I like the "hang ass" theory, but anytime I did that in someones car the rear of the vehicle had ass-plosion residue all over it. [Spit]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 09:17 PM

No, seems to be coming from the window or side, not the wheel well.
Reminds me of a truck I seen a few months ago that barely escaped colliding with 2 moose. I say barely, cause the guy went between them a clip the 2nd on the ass. Had the windshield full of moose shit.. [Laughing] [LOL]

Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 09:52 PM

Originally posted by DobermanN:

No, seems to be coming from the window or side, not the wheel well.
You might be right.

One thing to consider.... Look at the picture again. Check the "refuse" line under the front door handle. It looks kind of straight and neat. Would it be like that from someone puking? Maybe. I have a funny feeling that line is sort of straight because of splatter coming from the rear towards the front and an object like the step rails or something blocking part of the splatter, therefore creating the almost straight line.

If it is puke... there may not have been much of an attempt to stick the head out very far considering some got on the metal space up between the windows. If that was the case then some got inside the truck. The lack of filth on the front window could indicate a puking also. It could also mean that the window was open at the time of the incident.

Interesting considering the picture is dark. If it was a simple puking would he ask the other users to solve the puzzle?

I have a strange feeling the splatters came from rear toward the front... but I could be wrong. I'm not Henry Lee.
Posted by: Spencer

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 10:00 PM

you buddy had too much to drink and had tomato pasta for dinner, and on the way home you decide to go for a side 4x4 trip, he couldn't hold it in and threw up out the window as you are making a left turn
Posted by: DKX01

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 10:12 PM

Respect the Jaegermeister...it's like the ocean, you gotta respect it. laugh
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 03/11/03 11:06 PM

In a drunken stupor, after downing 3 too many White Russians, your wife swiped your X and took off into the muddy night.

After getting lost in the woods and going down the wrong trail, she got the ass end off the track and into a puddle measuring 4&3/4 ft by 2&3/16 ft. Upon finding that screaming Aw f%^$king shit at the top of ones lungs does not get the truck unstuck, she pukes for 3.37 minutes, causing the rear to slide down 2.3 meters to come to rest at an angle of +15.6 degrees from horizontal.

Jumping back in the rig with a puke stenched second wind, she throws it in reverse while stomping on it, causing a rampant upfling of mud and puke off the right rear wheel, just barely clipping the front door with the chunnky combination but managing to cover almost all of the rear door.

Did I win the cookie???

laugh [Too much XOC]
Posted by: gmaxis

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 04/11/03 01:35 AM

Regurgitated fish guts? I thought it was chocolate but there's too many small solid stuff and the color has a reddish tinge. Maybe fruit preserve, like raspberry or strawberry? I doubt it puke coz the stuff on the truck looks too sticky.

I'm in suspense!
Posted by: XOC

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 04/11/03 01:57 AM

I would guess Chili (maybe from Wendy's) out the window at about 60MPH after a night of drinking.

You were trying hard to stop, but you were on the highway, and couldn't get over in time.

Leslie has done this twice in two years, both times on Christmas Eve. Once on my Xterra, once on her WRX. Washing it off at 3AM at the car wash is a very cold experience.
Posted by: off2cjb

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 04/11/03 06:33 AM

Done what? Did she purposefully throw the chili from Wendy's out the window both times, or did she heave the chili from Wendy's out the window both times?
Posted by: wordtothis

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 04/11/03 06:47 AM

whatever you want to think it is, it's freakin' sick and next time a bird shits on my windshield, i'll take some macro shots of the seeds in it in the hopes of topping the gross factor of this. i hope it didn't do anything to the paint... eek

Posted by: Mapman

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 04/11/03 07:09 AM

Now that's ALOT of puke!
Posted by: RI Xterra

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 04/11/03 02:43 PM

I think I see some apple in there.. confused
Posted by: ClaptoVaughn

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 04/11/03 08:46 PM

well? what is it?
Posted by: storm2175

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 05/11/03 05:03 AM

damn ya'll look good. it's on the window too. if the window were down it would not be on the bottom of it. some one must have thrown something at it. like shit or something. or it's dried blood from the poor bastards brains he blew out, for pissin on his tire, or somethin.
it's on both windows. hmm. were you goin in reverse? sorry mr. anderson.
Posted by: bennet

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 05/11/03 10:55 AM

Here's my guess...

There was this great Halloween party at Yoel and Tina's. Everything started out tame, with most everyone (Father Drew, Mullethead Yoel, Old Man Emery, Etc.) just talking and drinking a few beers. Full beer, mind you, not Bud Light. As the night passed, after the last of the trick-or-treaters had vanished from the front door, the beer bottle kept showing it's bottom, especially for The Hooker. Party foods were being eaten, junk like chips and crackers, and dip with chili in it, things that when mixed together look like puke, but not enough was eaten to counter the rising blood alcohol content. *hic*

The Hooker drank a lot of beer, and started feeling no pain, moving from person to person, and soon she found herself in the kitchen, wear she switched from massive amounts of beer to stuff you can put in red plastic cups that will make you see in triplicate. Maybe some wine, tequila, whatever. Who knows what they put in red plastic cups? At this point, it all tastes like weak beer.

The Hooker, not going to remember any of this on November 1, started flirting heavily with Sister Mary Discipline, Miss Informed, and A Devil In A Blue Dress (wait a minute, now). The Hooker couldn't talk the Devil into anything, and so she kept hitting on Discipline and Informed, until everything went dark. Yes, The Hooker entered the blissful land of unconsciousness.

Sister Mary Discipline and Miss Informed decided to make sure that The Hooker got home safely, and Miss Informed drove The Hooker's Xterra as The Hooker slept in the passenger seat. But The Hooker woke up before she was halfway home, and her tummy was upset. She fiddled with the power window, but not being used to being in the passenger seat, she only got it halfway open before she thrust her head halfway out of the halfway-open window. And she spewed, and she spewed. The next morning, The Hooker woke up in the morning sun, finding herself laying safely in her driveway beside her slightly soiled Xterra.

So am I right? Did I win?
Posted by: daventx

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 05/11/03 11:27 AM

oh oh oh is it the water solution dropped from the planes and helos when they were putting out the fires in CA?
Posted by: Kaiser

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 05/11/03 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Xorand:
I guess I'll cheat a little bit. I happened to hit the forums just after Burnszilla posted the pic. He edited out the original explanation of what happened, but the "Today's Active Topics" page still showed the original text of the message.

His wife stuck head out window to get rid of dinner before he could get the X pulled safely off the road.

Those impatient bulemics... always "I wanna throw up NOW!!!"... eek
Posted by: TremorX

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 05/11/03 02:16 PM

The anticipation is killing me. WHAT HAPPEN!!!
Posted by: Ski_Patrol_Guy

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 05/11/03 02:16 PM

Too large of a splatter to be a milkshake out the nose!

I would concur with the 40mph. Taking a WAG (Wild Assed Guess) from the angle of spewage. Just be glad she got the window down.

My buddies (pregnant) wife yarked too quickly to get the window down. Thought they had it all cleaned up till after a few days parked in the sun. Did I mention it was chocolate milk....

Just hope it nothing CSIish like... head out the window driving too close to a telephone pole...
Posted by: bennet

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 05/11/03 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Xorand:
I guess I'll cheat a little bit. I happened to hit the forums just after Burnszilla posted the pic. He edited out the original explanation of what happened, but the "Today's Active Topics" page still showed the original text of the message.

His wife stuck head out window to get rid of dinner before he could get the X pulled safely off the road.

Was it after Yoel and Tina's crazy party?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 05/11/03 06:00 PM

It looks phlegmmy. eek
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 05/11/03 07:40 PM

Hmm you have Kids,
They did not like what you gave them to drink
AHhh and they tried to dump it out the back window at high speed
Hot Chocolate? [Geek]
Posted by: xterra2k

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 06/11/03 06:03 AM

I got violently sick one day driving home from work. I haven’t puked in years, so this one caught me driving. It was so fast it covered the front windshield, down into the dash and the entire driver’s door. Due to heavy traffic and a lack of visibility out the front, window all I could do was run off the road and open the door.
My wife got sick trying to clean it since I couldn’t get out of bed, so she just put it in the shade until I got better. She called 3 different car detailers, none would touch it.

It took me 2 full days and getting sick twice, to take it all apart and clean everything.
The seat covers are great.
I can dig up some pics if anyone would like. laugh
Posted by: NY Madman

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 06/11/03 06:53 AM

Originally posted by xterra2k:

I can dig up some pics if anyone would like.
Yeah sure.... Why not. If you have some pics go ahead and post them.
Posted by: Burnszilla

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 09/11/03 05:57 AM

Ok. After the party at Yoel & Tina's The Hooker (Me) drove the nauseous Miss Informed (wife) home. She was drinking red wine and eating chicken drumsticks. Occurred on the I-280 southbound at 65 miles/hour.
Very small amounts of vomit also blew into the cabin.
When we got home at 2am I hosed down the Xterra because I knew if waited till morning it would be impossible to get the dried barf off.
We cleaned the X thoroughly the next day. Had to wash all the seat covers.
Posting the image on here was my way of getting back at my wife. [LOL]

Ian's description was very close and Bennet you were quite clever to visit my website and view the photos.

For some odd reason chicks just love guys in drag.
Posted by: puffdc

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 09/11/03 07:29 AM

which ones your wife??? confused
Posted by: jaws_o_life

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 09/11/03 12:19 PM

Up to this point, I would guess that your X was struck by a "Boeing Bomb"... [Spit]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 09/11/03 02:30 PM

I think that photo is the single most horrific thing I have ever seen. It's disgusting!

Oh yeah, and the puke on the Xterra's kinda bad, too.

laugh laugh laugh
Posted by: BigE515

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 09/11/03 08:48 PM

Whoa!! Hey Beavis, these drunk chicks are pretty hot!! Hey, ba-by! Come to Butthead.
Posted by: storm2175

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 10/11/03 05:29 AM

that's one hell of an afro!!!!!!!!!
damn ese` you need a hair dresser [LOL]
Posted by: Burnszilla

Re: Xterra CSI contest... - 10/11/03 01:09 PM

Originally posted by dirty dee:
which ones your wife??? confused
my wife's on the right.