Wanting subs but also haveing room

Posted by: Anonymous

Wanting subs but also haveing room - 01/11/05 04:08 PM

Sorry if this is already a thread but i am new to this forum and i have tryed useing the search and used key words such as Sub, Subwoofer,s, And a couple more but i couldnt find any to my pasific wants. So what i am wanting to do is get eather a box or encolsure that will not take up that much space or i have seen where they have made like side boxes that were like molded where the curnt speakers are in the back of the xterra. And i am just wondering which would be easyer and how do you do them. And if someone could give me some good sites to find out how to do which ever is beter. As well which type of subs work best in the xterra. Sorry for all the information that i need to know i just figure i might as well ask. Cause i dont want to screw up and waste my money. Please and thank you for your comment.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 01/11/05 04:28 PM

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 01/11/05 08:32 PM

Hey it happens i miss spell alot because i am in computer programming and most of what i do for work is short hand writing and short hand spelling so i sometimes forget to complet my words. But thank you for pointing that out. But now can someone help me out instead of criticize me of my spelling?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 01/11/05 09:42 PM

Depends on how much bass you want really. A bass tube would sound good. The self powered ones are easy to install and require no amp and take minimal room. Or Crutchfield.com has kicker subs in truck boxes that would sit against the seats in the cargo area and not occupy any room. I have a bandpass box (best for SUV's IMO) with Alpine R's-10 inchers. They sound good but can be to much if setting off alarms is not what you want. There is a How To on how to build the box in the side but that is difficult unless you know what you are doing. The how to in on an O5 I believe and the amps in that are mounted under the front seats. I have mine mounted to my back seats and covered by wet okole's. here is a pic of my box and the amps are mounted right behind them covered by the seat covers....

And a pic of my deck......

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 02/11/05 06:41 AM

i haven't heard it in an xterra, just in the showroom, but one of the easiest "drop-in" solutions is the JL Audio stealth box:

Infinity makes a Basslink that I hear is pretty good. And it's fairly easy to mount out of the way. I haven't heard this sub myself.

Otherwise start learning how to fiberglass your own enclosure as many of us here have done in our x's. The most popular location is in the passenger side wall of the cargo area. it will most likely require some plastic and metal cutting, some wood work, some fiberglass work and then some finish work. I started mine back in June and I'm still working on it. I just don't have the time to finish it. It sounds good, but i have to do all the finish work to make it look pretty.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 02/11/05 07:22 AM

Originally posted by TheTyler:
Hey it happens i miss spell alot because i am in computer programming and most of what i do for work is short hand writing and short hand spelling so i sometimes forget to complet my words. But thank you for pointing that out. But now can someone help me out instead of criticize me of my spelling?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 02/11/05 08:21 AM

Originally posted by NYCe_XTerra:
Nazi [Finger]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 02/11/05 04:30 PM

Originally posted by TheTyler:
Hey it happens i miss spell alot because i am in computer programming and most of what i do for work is short hand writing and short hand spelling so i sometimes forget to complet my words. But thank you for pointing that out. But now can someone help me out instead of criticize me of my spelling?
This will obviously be off topic but.......Not that I care too much about spelling issues, but after reading your comment I thought I'd chime in with my two cents. If you look through my post history(albeit somewhat short) you'll notice that I don't have too many spelling errors. I sit in my cubicle all day long and write insurance software, so just because you're a programmer doesn't mean you should be exempt from all grammar and spelling rules.

With that out of the way, it all depends exactly what kind of space you're looking to use. The fiberglass method would be my choice, but I'm too lazy to actually do it(I NEED my trunk/hatch space). Good luck and let us know what you do! laugh
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 02/11/05 04:34 PM

Thank you very much for your time and your corroboration in my lack of knowledge about the Xterra. I do believe that i am going to go with the JL system and see how that goes. If i dont like it i bet i can sale it on here or something. Thank you again.

And you are right that was a sad excuse but i was at work and was thinking about how i could change some code around and i must have just not payed attition. But that is that. But dont you hate those little 15x12 rooms you have to work in there a pain no room to move or anything.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 02/11/05 04:44 PM

Originally posted by AHTOXA:
Originally posted by NYCe_XTerra:
[b] http://www.spellcheck.net/
Nazi [Finger] [/b]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 02/11/05 05:43 PM

You gotta love it...... [Argue]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 03/11/05 02:34 PM

haha oh well, So can any one help me out?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 03/11/05 07:00 PM

I can try to help you out, I have a basslink and I love it, believe it or not, it bumps pretty hard, I have friends that have some mtx's (not sure which kind) and my 10 is just as loud or louder then his 12. I love it and made a custom shelve and carpeted it to put all my tools in. It works perfect for me and I hope I can help you out.

sorry about pics, took them when it was dark out..
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 03/11/05 08:12 PM

a 10 in a small sealed enclosure is what i'm running and it provides plenty of bass. Unless you are wanting the neighborhood to hear, this is a good solution.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 04/11/05 08:53 AM

IMO if your looking to keep the space in the cargo area and still have the option of easily removing the sub to fold down the seats your best bet would be a self powered bass tube, bazooka is generally the standard in tubes, a 12" or even a 10" would be plenty in an xterra and its extremely easy to remove, they are held in by straps that you mount to the floor or side with a simple wiring harness/rcas rather than having to hide an amp and having all the wires running everywhere... just my .02
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 04/11/05 10:03 AM

Originally posted by TheTyler:
I do believe that i am going to go with the JL system and see how that goes. If i dont like it i bet i can sale it on here or something. Thank you again.
If you do indeed go with the JL Stealthbox, let us know how it sounds. I don't recall seeing anyone on here post about having it. I'm sure I can speak for others when I say that I'm interested in at least knowing how it sounds. Good luck!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 04/11/05 02:43 PM

Originally posted by reksav:
IMO if your looking to keep the space in the cargo area and still have the option of easily removing the sub to fold down the seats your best bet would be a self powered bass tube, bazooka is generally the standard in tubes, a 12" or even a 10" would be plenty in an xterra and its extremely easy to remove, they are held in by straps that you mount to the floor or side with a simple wiring harness/rcas rather than having to hide an amp and having all the wires running everywhere... just my .02
K so you don't need a amp that sounds good. I am kinda scared about getting one cause i have never seen them in use or heard of anything about them. So if you can please tell me more about them.

Still very into the stealth box so will see which one is cheaper and what people have to say about it. I am not interested in waking the neighbors so the tube seems to be a good idea. But i will let everyone know how either one sounds as soon as i can figure out which one i want.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 05/11/05 07:14 AM

Still very into the stealth box so will see which one is cheaper
I can tell you right now, a bass tube is going to be WAY CHEAPER then the stealth box. Stealth Boxes are $$$ and will require an amp (even more $$$) but will sound 1000X nicer then any bass tube.

One thing to watch out for if you go the sub/enclosure/amp route is the enclosure volume for subs you buy at BestBuy / Circuit Shitty. Unless you buy the high end ($$$) models, most of their cheap subs require 1 cubic foot enclosure or more.

In contrast, quality subs (I like JL personally) cost a bit more, but only require 1/2 or even a 1/3 of that volume. I had a JL AUDIO 8W3V2 in my S10 and it SLAMMED....only needs .33 cubic feet so its enclosure is tiny.

For less then $100 you can find MTX / Clarion / Kicker / Fosgate / Pioneer / Directed amps (mono) on ebay.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 05/11/05 09:38 AM

Could you send me a link or post some pics of your system that you had in your S10? Because that sounds great. I dont want to spend money and it sound crapy, i would reather spend the extra buck and get a good sounding system. So if you have any like subs, sub boxes that you think i should look in to please post them and there link i am very very interested.

Posted by: dezurtrat

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 05/11/05 10:54 AM

Originally posted by NYCe_XTerra:
Hey thanks! I'm spelling challenged!!!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 06/11/05 07:03 AM


sorry, no picks of the S10. I think you need to decide what's more important....taking up less space, or costing less money, or ease of installation.

Option 1 - Bass Tube $75-100
This will be the simplest if you aren't experienced with sub/amp/box installs. It will take the least room, and cost the least. It will also sound the worst of the three options. By worse I mean it probably rattles and distorts at medium volume and sounds like trash at high volumes

Option 2 - entry level amp/sub/box $150+ combo
This will require more install knowledge and cost two or three times more then a bass tube. You'll get more/cleaner bass, but will sacrafice space. You can find a cheap Pioneer/Kenwood for $50 or less on ebay. I imagine you'll spend at MINIMUM $100+ even on a "cheap" amp. You can build your own box for the sub for the cost of the MDF and your time or buy one for less then $50, but be warned, the best sub in the world powered by the best amp in the world will sound like CRAP in a shitty box. In my experience (and I'm sure many on the forum would agree) you should NOT cut corners with the sub enclosure or the amp. You don't need to buy the JL / PPI lines, but stay away from 'el cheapo units like BOSS, Pyrimad. Jensen, Dual, Visonic. The decent units aren't _that_ much more expensive then the shitty units, and you'll get more/cleaner power capabilites which means less distortion at medium/high volumes

Option 3 - high quality sub/amp/box combo $350+
here you'll get the nicest sounding system that should last you forever (durable) and take up very little space. You can go with a quality 8" or 10" sub and a mono amp. Build yourself a box to the spec of the sub and you'll be soundin' sweet. If you are ambitious, you can go 4 channel amp and power your sub with 2 channels bridged together and some upgraded door speakers on the remaining two channels

with any of these options, you'll spend some money on wires/fuses, so keep that in mind

decide on a budget/route and be realistic with yourself.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 06/11/05 08:26 PM

I got on ebay and was looking around and one of the few brands i have herd about was Audiobahn and i came to this and i was just wondering what do you think? I am willing to spend probly up to $400 for the speakers and probly about 100 to 125 for the amp.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 06/11/05 10:23 PM

didnt you want to save space? this auction for 2 12" subs isnt the best idea for saving space IMO.

but watevers, your ride
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 07/11/05 06:18 AM

Stay far, far away from Audiobahn. Build quality is at best questionable and they consistently overrate their products. Spend some time on any dedicated car audio forum and you'll see how poor of a reputation Audiobahn has.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 07/11/05 09:05 AM

Originally posted by skydive814:
Option 1 - Bass Tube $75-100
This will be the simplest if you aren't experienced with sub/amp/box installs. It will take the least room, and cost the least. It will also sound the worst of the three options. By worse I mean it probably rattles and distorts at medium volume and sounds like trash at high volumes
sky i think your tragically wrong with that statement... if you go with a quality tube they are perfect if your not trying to rattle houses and just want to have that little extra to get the full sound of the music. after wiring youll spend a little over $200 on a quality tube bought off ebay, if you buy in a store your looking at over $400 for a powered tube. they do not distort at medium volume nor sound like trash at high volumes... i had a 12" powered bazooka tube in my focus hatchback and sounded MUCH better all around than my 2 12" JLs. IMO if your not going for competition sound and trying to save space/money the tube is the absolute best way to go. plus its easy extremely simple to install.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 07/11/05 10:49 AM


I am willing to spend probly up to $400 for the speakers and probly about 100 to 125 for the amp.

that's $525 total.

JL e4300 @ $220
45W RMS x 4 @ 4 ohm
150W RMS x 2 @ 4 ohm

JL 8w3v2-D2 (125w) @ $122
wire in series for 4 ohm

JL TR600-cxi 6" coaxial speakers @ $100
take 50W each

- all from ebay, prices include shipping -

that's ~$450 total for a 4 channel amp, 8" sub, and new door speakers. That leaves you about $100 for wiring / fuses / sub enclosure (which I assume you can build yourself)

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 07/11/05 10:59 AM


wasn't trying to offend. I'll never believe that a bass tube sounds better then a quality amp/sub. Ofcourse one average 12" tube sounded better then 2 12" JL subs in a focus hatchback...that's like putting racing fuel in a labarron. I'm sure you would have been just as happy, and probably happier with a quality 8" sub and decent amp....like I recommended to Tyler.

to each their own...he asked for advice and I gave him mine.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 07/11/05 01:03 PM

oh nono wasnt offended at all, just voicing my experiences with subs in automobiles. i agree that subs are louder/crisper at high volume but when your just going for filling in what the stock speakers are missing and dont want to wake the neighborhood i still think putting a tube in is whats needed, boxed subs in this situation (as i understood it) are just as you said "that's like putting racing fuel in a labarron" laugh
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 07/11/05 02:18 PM

Thank you all so much for your help so far i have learned alot from the little i knew befor. But i am willing to have a bigger system if that means then it sounding beter i can give up that space. So are there any like boxes that already come with subs in them that i can buy instead of buying them all by them selfs? And if so which one would probly be the best?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 07/11/05 06:52 PM

Kenwood amp/sub/box "all in one"
Never heard a unit like this, but it "seems" like it would sound good. Maybe others can comment.
For $200 w/ shipping, that gives you everything you need "bass" wise and might be the best idea for someone with your level of audio experience.
Here's what crutchfield has to say about it:
crutchfield review

Kicker 10" sub (you'd need an amp if you go this route)
fosgate sub/box (again, you'll need the amp)
soundstream sub/box really cheap (again, need the amp)
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 07/11/05 09:32 PM

Originally posted by TheTyler:
I got on ebay and was looking around and one of the few brands i have herd about was Audiobahn and i came to this and i was just wondering what do you think? I am willing to spend probly up to $400 for the speakers and probly about 100 to 125 for the amp.
Just my opinion here, but you should probably reverse your train of thought here. Youre better off spending a more money on the amp and you can get a decent sub for 100-125. I'd go w/skydive's idea and get a 4 channel amp and either separates or some good coaxials and power it off the front 2 channels and, use the rear 2 channels bridged to power a sub.

My current set up:

pioneer deh-6600
Kicker kx350.4 (About $200)
Pioneer TS-C160R components (about 150 internet price)
JL10W0 in an RT box (small sealed I think about .65 cu in.) <$150 for both

Sound quality is great, but isn't gonna win any competitions. The 10w0 gives plenty of bass in a small package.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 07/11/05 10:24 PM

alright guys or u could go the complete opposite way which is my way get badass subs. 2 jl 10w6 in a ported custom box with an 1100 watt autoteck amp. with and alpine face the first one shown in this thread, my setup hurts your ears. but im 16 and that how i liek it.
i am currently selling a kicker 12 cvr in a custom pro box ported and a 850 watt boss mono amp. i live in the dallas area over by hillcrest high school if anyone is interested call me or email me 214-803-4474 or email pballa2119@sbcglobal.net
call me at any time im usually up if anyones interested call and we can meet up pics available, asking 400 make an affor

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 08/11/05 05:22 AM


Nutz is totally right, and I meant to say the same thing....just forgot. Spend your money on a quality amp. For a while, I had an old school RF Punch amp...back when they ROCKED pushing two "Kenfords" I got at a flee market for $20/each. People thought I have Vegas in the trunk they hit so hard. I personally like the 4 channel route, cause it gives you lots of configuration options. Just make sure that whatever amp you go with can power whatever sub you get...ie...pay attention to ohm load numbers.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 08/11/05 02:24 PM

K do let me see if i am geting this all. Go with a okay sub, with a 4 channel amp 2 to power the sub and i guess 2 more to do what ever with *maybe use them when i get new door speakers? Can you*. And i hear that like the box is almost the most important part of it all.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 08/11/05 03:34 PM


I don't think anybody is telling you _what_ to do, but rather providing information based on their own experiences. For instance, if you've never heard the difference between the same sub in two different enclosures: one being flimmsy and too big/small, the other being solid and the right volume, you might think "a box is a box". I've known people that have spent $500+ for a system that was pretty shitty, so dollar amount doesn't mean anything. If all the info posted in this thread is totally new to you, you might just be better off taking your ride to a local shop. I'd hate to have talked you into pulling your X apart only to not know how to hook everything up. I know what I would do and snowboardguy knows what he would do....it's up to you to decide what YOU want to do. None of us can show up at your house and do this for you (atleast I know I can't :-)

I get the feeling you aren't "ready" to tackle an amp/sub install job by yourself yet (am I wrong?). Do you have a buddy who's done this before and can help....maybe a fellow X owner?

I'm sure there's a mobile audio installer besides bestbuy/cc in your area. Go there and ask what they recommend and tell them you want to save as much space as possible. For $500 you should be able to get a quality amp/sub/box installed at a reputable shop.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 08/11/05 04:30 PM

Thank you very much for your guys time that you took to explian this and i will take your advice and just haed down to lord audio in fayt and see what they say. So thank you again.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 09/11/05 06:43 AM

feel free to post whatever info they give you regarding installs and equipment and recommendations. This group will help you from getting F'd in the A
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 18/11/05 02:45 PM

Originally posted by skydive814:
Kenwood amp/sub/box "all in one"
Never heard a unit like this, but it "seems" like it would sound good. Maybe others can comment.
For $200 w/ shipping, that gives you everything you need "bass" wise and might be the best idea for someone with your level of audio experience.
Here's what crutchfield has to say about it:
crutchfield review

Kicker 10" sub (you'd need an amp if you go this route)
fosgate sub/box (again, you'll need the amp)
soundstream sub/box really cheap (again, need the amp)
Don't buy the kenwood all in one. I had it for about 2 weeks and it never sounded good. Bit the bullet and bought MB Quart Amp and 10in sub. Hid the amp in the storage compartment ('05x) and put the sub in a Pro Rocks Box... I still have plenty of room and can move the box around or take it out if I really need to...

Ty-- you wouldn't happen to write for microsoft would you?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wanting subs but also haveing room - 18/11/05 07:48 PM

HAHA i wish i worked at micro think of the money you would make$$$$ [Too much XOC] . But no i work at a local company here in Arkansas that helps write programs on mostly on internet problems. Via i do work ranging from going to a computer that was used to hack on to a computer and i have to figure out what they figured out and what info and all that. To siting in a office writeing programs on just random things that people want to make there lives easyer.
