Is a '02 CD changer compatible in a '00 Xterra?

Posted by: Anonymous

Is a '02 CD changer compatible in a '00 Xterra? - 09/06/03 09:14 AM

I'm looking to purchase a 6 disc changer from a 2002 Xterra but I want to be certain that it'll fit in a year 2000 model. Both myself and the seller were not positive, but I personally don't see why it would not. Anyone have any info on this subject?
Posted by: rb42

Re: Is a '02 CD changer compatible in a '00 Xterra? - 09/06/03 11:22 AM

Sure you don't want to go aftermarket instead? I guess if it's cheap it's worth it...

I don't know about the 2000, but the 02's have an outboard amp just under the radio you will need to have to do a full swap. (well, OK you could use your own amps I guess, but why?)

Considering how the dash changed, I would wonder if ther is a place for the amp or not...??
