Here's who I have- Please email me with your preferred email addy @ so we can get a little more organized offline.

Also- I'm looking for trail leader volunteers for the different days, so if you've done a trail before, feel free to vlunteer. It's no fun being up front ALL the time laugh

Not too much longer now! Who would be interested in shirts?

Gabe- Thursday meet
2Xplore- Friday morning
Jasonazx- Thursday
Jasonazx's Dad- Thursday
Dan -Thursday
Preston - ? Thurs or Fri?
Nissan-Okie- Friday morning, and
Xrock- Thursday

The maybe group- Please update me when possible.
Grn-X- Haven't heard anything- Bringing the H3?

Meeting / Camp spots:
Thursday, Oct. 6th:
6pm at the Carefree Chevron off I-17 or 8pm Meet at Schnelby Hill Rd exit (west side of I-17)

Friday, October 7th:
10am Broken Arrow trail - Camp off little used trail that I'll have to check the name of.

Saturday, October 8th:
10am at the Potato Patch Campground. We'll Camp in a little bit so there's no fee.

Sunday, October 9th:
10am in Crown King - Head home after trail.
Hallelujah. Holy shit. Where's the Tylenol?