SWANKy Night Run 6/4

Posted by: Anonymous

SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 30/05/06 03:38 PM

Details also on N4W.

We're running Battleaxe / Coke Ovens / Box Canyon east to west.

Meeting in Superior at the convenience stores at 3pm

It's gonna be HOT!
Posted by: Desert Lady

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 30/05/06 04:00 PM

This would be saturday June 3rd laugh
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 30/05/06 07:35 PM

So...um....I'm calendar challenged.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 04/06/06 10:52 AM

You all missed out, it was a great run with some awesome scenery and very technical spots.

Thanks for the invite SWANKy!

Now to inspect the trail damage. eek
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 04/06/06 11:45 AM

Now, being that Box Canyon / Coke ovens is the only trail I have ever run, how does it rate compared to something like Crown King?

Box Canyon was where I hit the diff frown No way I'd try it at night.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 04/06/06 12:14 PM

Had to work, so could not make it. Adam, guess your X is out of the shop....again.... wink
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 04/06/06 02:44 PM

Happy to report, very little trail damage due to sliders and stock skids taking the abuse, however the tires are going to have an early retirement if I continue to use them offroad.

Yes it made it out of the shop and we're so far very pleased that the problem has yet to return, however there was one point where it seemed to be having issues again, but it was just me switching the transfer case incorrectly and the problem cleared up as soon as I discovered the err of my ways.

Night run was very interesting, seeing how you really can't see anything until you've allready driven over it. There were a few sections that I wasn't sure I was going to make it up unscathed or without some spotting or a strap on, but the X rose to the occasion with the Easy button. I was very impressed and would like to do it in the daytime with better tires and more armour to see what disasterous line I can make without rolling or craping my pants. [LOL] The sliders definately did their job and [ThumbsUp] to Shrock for making such an awesome product and if my X holds out I'm definately going to be adding some additional mods from them. The paint however will never be the same, it will have some striping that will allways be there, but it is doing exactly what I inteded for it to do and wouldn't want it any other way.

As far as how it compares to CK, I would say that it is just as rough and long, but it does have a few more spots (as mentioned above) that will pose a challenge to the uninitiated or open diffs and would say that it was only a little bit more difficult, especially for being at night.

Can't wait to hit another trail with the SWANKy crew if they'll have me along. laugh
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 04/06/06 04:06 PM

Ahhhh - Those mesquite trees near the river are a bitch, before you head up to the Coke Ovens, seemed never ending when I went through them. Another section that would be entirely different at night.

My sliders also saved me a few times when we ran it.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 04/06/06 08:11 PM

They were almost eerie and there was one spot that was nearly washed completely out down to the river that had me questioning how close to get to the edge of the hole. That would be the last place to fall into or get stuck.

Next time I need to go in reverse so the hatch will match the rest of the X, kinda looks funny having pinstriping everywhere but the back. wink
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 05/06/06 11:44 AM

I think you guys are talking about a different line of trees, but they do net the same result.

Rinky, did you do the river crossing down by the RR tracks? That's the line of trees immediately south of the Coke ovens.

Since we came in from the Superior side, we ran along the river further to the east by the other now impassable crossing.

The river had a LOT of water in it....like 4-5 feet deep. No crossing it right in anything less than a boat.

You guys are always welcome on SWANKy runs. When we post up, it's an open invite to anyone who's got the truck and the right attitude to do it.

Thanks for coming, Conundrum. Glad you had fun.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 05/06/06 06:22 PM

Originally posted by Desert_Rat:

You guys are always welcome on SWANKy runs. When we post up, it's an open invite to anyone who's got the truck and the right attitude to do it.

Thanks for coming, Conundrum. Glad you had fun.
Thanks for the invite. [ThumbsUp]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 06/06/06 07:44 AM

Originally posted by Desert_Rat:
I think you guys are talking about a different line of trees, but they do net the same result.

Rinky, did you do the river crossing down by the RR tracks? That's the line of trees immediately south of the Coke ovens.

Since we came in from the Superior side, we ran along the river further to the east by the other now impassable crossing.

The river had a LOT of water in it....like 4-5 feet deep. No crossing it right in anything less than a boat.
We ran along the Railroad tracks themselves for a few hundred yards as the trail was washed out. Yes we did the river crossing, then up onto the tracks to avoid the washed out trail. The river was flowing pretty good the day we went. The Mesquite I was talking about would have been after you crossed the river for you guys, before you headed up to the ovens.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 06/06/06 09:07 AM

Yep, I know the spot.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 09/06/06 12:47 PM

Welp, appears I have a broken D/S Motor mount. Geez, glad I wasn't doing anything real crazy. Now I hope it's fixed by next weekend. confused
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 09/06/06 12:57 PM

That blows bro frown .. What exactly were you doing when you think it went? Is this the first '05 MM we know of that's been broken?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 09/06/06 03:21 PM

I've been trying to remember, you know it was only around 11pm or so, but I think it happened at this one rock climb, but I was locked and hardly moving or bouncing, probably is a defect.
On Swanky's board I think it was the first night picture the guy has hosted.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 09/06/06 03:58 PM

Dang, I was hoping Nissan would have fixed that problem.

Warranties are awesome though laugh
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: SWANKy Night Run 6/4 - 15/06/06 04:38 PM

Got 'er back today, No Charge. Warranty laugh . Looks as though I'm good for the weekend. wink