Blown head gasket I think :(

Posted by: NOSUP4U

Blown head gasket I think :( - 19/07/08 02:44 PM

Well, after a couple of weeks in the shop, they couldn't find any leaks in the cooling system. (I can drive about 100 miles before I've lost enough coolant for the engine to overheat, but I have no leaks or anything anywhere)

So anyway, shop said its probably a blown head gasket in the engine, which of course is a billion dollars to fix. Wife wants me to trade it in for another X, but of course that means selling off all my mods and then having to rebuy them all again which is lame and a huge pain in the ass. (I waited a year and a half for calmini to make me a roof rack with I have had for a year now and never used frown )

So, I just wanted to vent and see if anyone has any suggestions. I'm thinking of driving it up to Payson next weekend just to see if the engine will blow up haha. (Its perfectly driveable as long as you keep filling up the radiator...)

Also sad because I don't want to lose my X and have to drop out of the group and let someone else get my title as member that has been in the club the longest wink

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Blown head gasket I think :( - 19/07/08 04:05 PM

Buy a used 2004 and just move all the mods over! laugh

Sorry to hear that dude.
Posted by: defibvt

Re: Blown head gasket I think :( - 19/07/08 05:16 PM

I did a basic search on craigslist. All kinds of Gen I's for sale. I bet you could negotiate a smokin' deal.
Posted by: NOSUP4U

Re: Blown head gasket I think :( - 19/07/08 05:21 PM

Originally posted by defibvt:
I did a basic search on craigslist. All kinds of Gen I's for sale. I bet you could negotiate a smokin' deal.
Yeah I thought about this and just moving my mods over. But then what do I do with the old one? I don't want to sell it to someone with the problems it has.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Blown head gasket I think :( - 19/07/08 06:24 PM

I'd say fix it.

Gaskets are $24 ea HERE

Get the torque specs and I think you could handle it.

Or get the whole set for the engine... $285


If you need a head too.


So in short, for what you'd pay for one month on a new X, you can have it fixed by yourself. I know you're not the best wrencher, but I think you can do it if you take your time and have the specs/pattern for the torque.

It would be at least good to pull the heads for someone that would be buying it and know which one is bad.

Good luck, keep the Gen1's alive!!! [Wave]