What a night!

Posted by: Yellow Gecko

What a night! - 27/10/04 07:33 AM

So about 3pm I get a call from Sober Dan saying that he is having a bad week. He has a busted brake line. After about 2 hrs I've got a part from his girl and the help of a new fellow Xer, Major. We finally get out there, and I get stuck right when we run in to Dan on the trail. After stacking a couple rocks and 45min I'm finally continuing.
We get to Dan and the whole family is there, Mom, Dad, G-ma, and G-pa. It is now about 9pm. After finding out that the part wont work. Dan carefully backed the truck down the steep hill he was on by putting it in gear and driving the opposite way to slow down. After he made it down the steep part we thru a strap on him and went down the trail using the Gecko as brakes for both. Major helped with the strap and spotting thru the big stuff.
We got him to the highway again and called AAA for a towtruck. 4 bucks a mile for 80 miles. you do the math. So we continued on the high and back to the Radisson the same way we got thru the trail. What a night.

Thank you Mike for the food and help and to little Mike thanks for cheering us on all night.

Yet another reason why not to go without someone else.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: What a night! - 27/10/04 08:30 AM

Either that or go prepared. When I broke a brake line, out came the vise grips and bailing wire so I could still drive on 3 brakes. Always have tools and those handly little odds and ends that can get you out of a bind.

Hope the tow bill wasn't too steep.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: What a night! - 27/10/04 08:40 AM

Damn! crazy! that would have been a sight to see. Too bad about the 320 bucks
Posted by: Stone4x4

Re: What a night! - 27/10/04 10:31 AM

Who's Sober Dan?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: What a night! - 27/10/04 10:42 AM

he has a yellow X and is the Manager at the Radisson. He is a younger (mid-20's) guy who went to Gox with DBAX and Travis. He has a custom front bumper that he built, looks like a TJM 17. If that helps any? AKA-- Danimal on XOC, and N4W.
Posted by: Stone4x4

Re: What a night! - 27/10/04 01:39 PM

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah I know that guy.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: What a night! - 27/10/04 03:19 PM

WTF?! Night Run and you dillholes can't call me? [Finger] And what about the trip to Martinez, Hollman? Are you going to make the pre-run? That was your baby... (just bustin' your nuts, hope to see you soon)
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: What a night! - 27/10/04 03:53 PM

uh huh hu huh huhhah....he said dillhole.
Posted by: TremorX

Re: What a night! - 27/10/04 04:30 PM

Pshh that's nothin, you should have been there, late December, back in '63.
Posted by: spooky1

Re: What a night! - 27/10/04 05:04 PM

We should change his name to "Bad Luck Dan". I got a phone call from him last Thursday night around 6:30.

Dan-" Do you have an extra tire and wheel I can send my girlfriend by to pick up?"

Ryan-" Sure, where are you?"

Dan-" I-17 South of Sedona with my parents"

Ryan-" No problem, send her over"

Phone rings at midnight.

Dan-" We just got home, thanks for the help"
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: What a night! - 27/10/04 07:26 PM

Note to self if Danimal attempts to get my number don't give it to him. If I f*ck that one up and don't remember note number one. Don't answer if Danimal calls.
Posted by: Yellow Gecko

Re: What a night! - 27/10/04 09:46 PM

Not to make you feel special Dan but I did call you I think I just forgot to leave a message.


Here is a couple pix.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: What a night! - 28/10/04 02:11 PM

Yeah, not a good week for wheelin... Thanks to all who had a hand in getting my broke ass home, on both occations. I did have the vicegrips and wire out, but ran through all the fluid before I could really come up with an effective plug on the line. Reguardless, thanks for all the help and don't forget to call me when any one of you guys get broke on the trail, need a hotel room, or a beer. I'll be there for ya. Dan
Posted by: Stone4x4

Re: What a night! - 28/10/04 08:06 PM

I'll take a room and a beer....... [Spit]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: What a night! - 28/10/04 10:00 PM

Hey Sober Dan, Major here...No problem at all on the other night... Might have to take you up on the room though, one of these night when i need do something nice for the wife ... BTW I want to go on the Pre-run to martinez Canyon this weekend. Let me know.