Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc.

Posted by: Anonymous

Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 25/03/08 06:57 AM

Guys, I'm hoping to capture everything I need to change in this thread and do it all at once. I have a lot of changes to make.

My profile is obviously off, as is Dan's and Scott's, so list out what needs changed.

We have some new members as well who may not have a profile page yet and I want to make sure they have their space.

For the profiles, Just send plain text, Ie. Notepad file with the information that you want shown and a full sized picture that you want used and I'll resize it as needed.


PS. Someday I'd like to get another gallery up and running, any thoughts/vendor's, etc.?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 25/03/08 07:02 AM

Thanks, Adam! [ThumbsUp]
Posted by: defibvt

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 25/03/08 08:31 AM

Adam please feel free to take off the Modifications heading and the stuff listed under it also there will be No Future Mods so that can go too. That should about do it.

Thanks for your time and effort in the website. I do appreciate it.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 25/03/08 11:35 AM

For gallery, I think a Flickr account for $25/year would work. Unlimited number of pictures on the cheap?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 25/03/08 11:42 AM

Originally posted by karlover007:
For gallery, I think a Flickr account for $25/year would work. Unlimited number of pictures on the cheap?
We already have a fair amount of space and bandwith, so really I'd like to just get rid of Coppermine and find something similar, but more user friendly, Ie. batch uploads, etc. Keep in mind the intent is that everyone that is a Member can upload their photos/videos to the same place to share.

I'll have to look around as I really haven't had the time to redesign the whole thing.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 25/03/08 02:08 PM

Thank you again for all your hard work with the web stuff Adam
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 25/03/08 03:20 PM

Adam, you still have the update list I'd sent you, right? Go with that.. Same pic until I come up w/ something better. (Gotta' wheel soon or head will explode.. [Freak] )
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 03/04/08 04:30 PM

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 03/04/08 07:21 PM

well mine is an 05 and if you could pick a picture from Madmans photos of my rig as it looks now would be great any pic is fine by me. Adam thanks again as i think you helped me with the picture that is currently up now Thanks again for all your help Adam. I wouldn't even know how to do what you do on the web site so thanks again.
Waldo/Onix laugh
Posted by: MadManX

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 04/04/08 08:24 AM

Ahh... I don't even have a profile, but I'm making so many changes over the next couple weeks I'm not sure if pulling a mod list would be worth it. Pics almost too... Since a suspension change is in the works and a light bar might be in the near future.

You know I do web work to pay for my rig right? ... Just get me the info to do updates with and I can just update it myself laugh

Posted by: NOSUP4U

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 07/04/08 02:34 PM

Thanks Adam! Here are my updates:

For occupation, can you change mine to Poker Player, and Shannon's to Nurse.

After the Thor mod, can you put (gone with new roof rack)

Can you add:
Calmini Steering System
Calmini Roof Rack

to the end of the mods.

Also, on the members main page, can you link my name to my email addy (

Posted by: XterrAZ

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 08/04/08 08:29 AM

I received an email from godaddy this morning. It appears for some reason they have me as the aministrative contact for the website. I'm forwarding the email to Adam to follow up.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 08/04/08 08:38 AM

Tain't that interesting? I don't know where they would have gotten info for you from. The original URL Information possibly?

Anyways, I've been neglecting the site as of late, if I can I'll get some stuff done tonight.

Thanks for the patience.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 08/04/08 04:38 PM

When you go to update my profile, will you please use this format-
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 08/04/08 08:29 PM

G dan nice link i wounder what my truck would look like next to yours :p
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 29/04/08 06:55 AM

I think I have everything done, but myself as I just didn't have enough time and Randy who is still a work in progress on his X.

After putting it all in Frontpage, it is much easier to update, so if no one has anything to add/correct, I'll delete this thread.

BTW - Did I say the Gallery is back up? laugh
Posted by: Xtasy

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 29/04/08 09:59 PM

How/Why did I become a past member. [Crybaby] Am I a virgin again? Is it because I haven't paid my dues. I'll pay the next time I get with you guys.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 29/04/08 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Xtasy:
How/Why did I become a past member. [Crybaby] Am I a virgin again? Is it because I haven't paid my dues. I'll pay the next time I get with you guys.
Geeze Tomas, nice to hear from you... [LOL] [Wave]
Posted by: Xtasy

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 29/04/08 11:01 PM

Yeah, I made my self a member again... Hey we just say you last year! I'm going to try hard to make Sadona night!
Posted by: Xtasy

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 29/04/08 11:39 PM

I also fixed the home page formating issues. It was very difficult to figure out what was out of wack. It changed a few other things but it looks much better. I have the original file if you don't like.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 30/04/08 06:59 AM

Looks ok, but a little naked without the divider line.

I know the code looks horrible, one of my tasks to do.

Just put the original in format index_042908.htm and put in the Index_Old directory.

Thanks Tomas!
Posted by: MadManX

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 30/04/08 09:48 AM

Adam... I know I mention this before, but if you need a hand sometime, building websites is how I pay for my truck. I'm not a big fan of PHP, but the CSS, javascripting, html... And all the other funness is a cake walk.

Or, if you want a few good tools to help out that are SO much better than FrontPage... And dare I say it... FREEEE. Some for developing in, some for debugging.

Though, because of the Frames, I still don't use our site. It also doesn't play well on my phone with the Frames either (nor does XOC, so I only go straight to the forum). I do have some javascript code around somewhere to help hide frames and IFrames so they look more like the hosting page. Though that won't help for on my phone (yes my phone has IE on it :p )

Anyways... Here to help... Great work still BTW.

And as soon as my parts finally show up I'll get you my profile (radflow fabbed the wrong shock, and the leafs are still being batched, and now my front coils are being serviced).

Does the Frontier count? It was built by members laugh

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 30/04/08 09:58 AM

Thanks for the praise. I only dabble and volunteered to do it. Just never ends. I like helping though.

As far as the scripting, we do have one Java script, I assume it is for the buttons. I agree there are better options then Frontpage, but because it is a Microsoft program that anyone with office may have, I thought it would be more compatible with having more than one person working on the site. Godaddy has (at least on our account level) some severe restrictions to FTP sessions. Probably around 3 at a time which really hampers my ability. I used to use Coffeecup which was nice, but I could never get the FTP part to work consistently.

I only have so much time and unfortunately it always seems to be less. Last night it took me several hours to setup Joannie with her stay-at-home job. Took forever to get .net 2.0 framework installed and working. I can't imagine how the people with dialup are going to do it.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 30/04/08 10:54 AM

Great work, Adam. As always I appreciate it big time. [ThumbsUp]

How do I get an account to upload photos?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 30/04/08 11:10 AM

Originally posted by T-Ray:
Great work, Adam. As always I appreciate it big time. [ThumbsUp]

How do I get an account to upload photos?
Send me a PM with what you want your password to be. You can change it later. I just need one to setup your account and don't want to post it to the world. T-Ray will be your login name, if I can use the dash.
Posted by: MadManX

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 30/04/08 12:01 PM

Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition - FREE
Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar - FREE

These are the free versions of my favorite tools. I use them daily (ok so I use Standard, and Team Professional versions of Visial Studio 2005 and 2008).

The Visual Studio suiets can all use FrontPage extensions for publishing (or FTP). And they don't generate horrible looking code, work great with CSS and JavaScrip, and have intelisense to make you not have to memorize everything. And if our host supports .Net, you can build some awsome web applications (that's where what I do for a living comes in).

My other favorite tool is is the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio for working with databases. But, I don't think our site is data driven yet (that would get rid alot of your work if it were though).

Check these out... Since FrontPage you do have to purchase it either separatly or as part of an office suiet (and it isn't cheap, $100+ for a license).

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 30/04/08 01:29 PM

Thanks Randy. I'll check it out when I can find the time.
Posted by: MadManX

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 30/04/08 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Conundrum:
Thanks Randy. I'll check it out when I can find the time.
The Visual Studio should be FrontPage on crack (I haven't used FrontPage in probably 6yrs, but last I remember it was MS InterDev meets MS Word).

It should have a pretty freindly feel, split screens are there, the intelesense is the only way to roll, and almost all the tools have wizards or desingers to help speed up the process. And the thing even error checks and notifies you of possible problems and depending on what you are doing, solutions too.

If you need pages cleaned up and made to conform to current web standards (and work cross browsers) kick me over the HTMs and any JSs and CSS sheets and I'll clean it all up for you in a couple hours.

The last two years that's all I have done was update other companies websites, so It's almost second nature now. I'm pretty sure most everyone here has on accedent been to a site that I ether wrote or worked on by now. Heck I've had some of my work SlashDotted and Penny Arcaded.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Website Updates, Member Profiles, etc. - 01/05/08 10:29 AM

Tim, You've been busy bud. You'll want to rotate, crop or otherwise resize before uploading your pictures.

You passed me up on the personal gallery. :p

As of a few minutes ago we were at 1950 Views, Not bad!

Did you want to post a link in the Pictures section of XOC?