Golfers, good for a laugh...

Posted by: XterrAZ

Golfers, good for a laugh... - 12/09/02 09:31 PM

I was emailed this the other day and found it to be pretty funny. Robin Williams on golf, or what he preceives to be the creation of.


I hadn't seen it before and definitely haven't seen it here. Sorry if it has been posted previously.

Posted by: KJ_dragon

Re: Golfers, good for a laugh... - 12/09/02 09:53 PM

Hillarious! [Spit]
Posted by: fastdrmr

Re: Golfers, good for a laugh... - 13/09/02 12:00 PM

Very very funny! Played it in the office and had people rolling! Beware of foul language, but hell, it's Robin Williams!

I have heard that he may be coming out with a video of this 2 hr show... must buy!

Great clip for a Friday afternoon! Thanks
