Newbie with 4X2...GAINWAY!!

Posted by: Anonymous

Newbie with 4X2...GAINWAY!! - 03/11/03 12:20 AM

Hi everybody! As you can see im the new guy around here, got My Xterra about 10 months ago and it's canteen colored. Didn't like at first but it took me a while to realize it's a pretty cool truck, been to places where no car has gone that's always a good feeling, heh. anywayz just thought I'd introduce hi.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Newbie with 4X2...GAINWAY!! - 03/11/03 05:20 AM

Can't wait to see a pic of your truck. What color is canteen?
Posted by: bennet

Re: Newbie with 4X2...GAINWAY!! - 03/11/03 06:35 AM


What does GAINWAY mean? I feel kinda dumb for asking, because it sounds kind of familiar. It's like my brain's out to lunch.

I liked that Canteen color the first time I saw it, but I think my favorite is Khaki.
Posted by: Kaiser

Re: Newbie with 4X2...GAINWAY!! - 03/11/03 09:28 AM

Originally posted by bennet:

What does GAINWAY mean? I feel kinda dumb for asking, because it sounds kind of familiar. It's like my brain's out to lunch.

I liked that Canteen color the first time I saw it, but I think my favorite is Khaki.
Now that you mention it, it doesn't seem to make much sense - but it's just something you yell when you're coming through and people had better get out of your way.

On the X-disliking, I actually made fun of them when I saw the first commercial (The one with the Lenny Kravitz song)... I thought they were stupid looking... but things tend to grow on me and I was buying one a few months later.

I still think the X has some bad angles. It looks great from the front and especially the sides... but it looks kind of goofy from the back.
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: Newbie with 4X2...GAINWAY!! - 03/11/03 11:13 AM

Main Entry: gang·way
Pronunciation: 'ga[ng]-"wA
Function: noun
Date: before 12th century
1 : PASSAGEWAY; especially : a temporary way of planks
2 a : either of the sides of the upper deck of a ship b : the opening by which a ship is boarded c : GANGPLANK
3 British : AISLE
4 a : a cross aisle dividing the front benches from the backbenches in the British House of Commons b : an aisle in the British House of Commons that separates government and opposition benches
5 : a clear passage through a crowd -- often used as an interjection

I know nothing about boats, either, so I'm guessing here, but wasn't it common to yell "Gangway!" on a ship when you wanted to let someone know you were coming along the gangway, in a hurry, and they better move their ass?

I'm guessing this phrase originated in WWII, and just slipped into the national lexicon . . .

No fucking clue what "gainway" is, though . . . laugh
Posted by: Kaiser

Re: Newbie with 4X2...GAINWAY!! - 03/11/03 11:47 AM

"Down ladder, make a hole" -Captain Bart Mancuso, USS Dallas.

As you seem to be suggesting, I'm sure gangway just turned into gainway at some point for some of us dumb bastards who dont hear too well.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Newbie with 4X2...GAINWAY!! - 03/11/03 01:56 PM

lmao! didn't think "gainway" would cause this much commotion, heh. As for the pic of my X, I'd show it to ya except i don't have a PC Cam, but my friend from work calls it "Commando Color" I hope this is enough to give you a hint on what its color looks like. And as for me not liking it, i'll be honest I was in shop for a new "car" and told my pops that I was getting a Toyota, then about a week later my pops tells me about this "best looking SUV" that he's ever seen and how he test drove one (that was actually owned by a distant cousin of mine) and he fell in love with it, he told me it's called an Xterra. I didn't know what the hell it was, (I wasn't a car enthusiast until about a year ago) so I did a little internet research for the X, and the little birdie that convinced me to get it was the price, it cost almost as much as the solara that I was about to get, so i said lets go for it then. I test drove it and I liked the way it handled, and I got it for $26,000 with only 28 Mi. on it. I kicked myself a few months later coz then the supercharged X went around that price and also the manual tranny went standard on the XE trim. But I don't care know, I added a few window Deflectors on it and it looks FREAKING COOL! I love my X now
Posted by: TrialsX

Re: Newbie with 4X2...GAINWAY!! - 03/11/03 02:52 PM

"Alright Ryan, we just unzipped our fly. Now if that bastard so much as twitches I'll blow him straight to Mars...."

As for me... Gainway... sounded like a cross between Gain laundry detergent, and an Amway salesman...


Posted by: buffalo

Re: Newbie with 4X2...GAINWAY!! - 04/11/03 11:25 AM

Gainway: gaining the right of way, allowing to pass, giving more room to pass or overtake.
Posted by: Rickster43

Re: Newbie with 4X2...GAINWAY!! - 04/11/03 11:57 AM

Originally posted by nonRoader:
Hi everybody! As you can see im the new guy around here, got My Xterra about 10 months ago and it's canteen colored. Didn't like at first but it took me a while to realize it's a pretty cool truck, been to places where no car has gone that's always a good feeling, heh. anywayz just thought I'd introduce hi.
...Welcome [Wave] ...and enjoy your X...
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Newbie with 4X2...GAINWAY!! - 28/11/03 09:30 PM

Gainway, I think he meant Gangway! the spelling isnt important here, lol
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Newbie with 4X2...GAINWAY!! - 28/11/03 09:31 PM

Good job clearing that up Graham