New to Forum & Xterras, Advice Needed

Posted by: Anonymous

New to Forum & Xterras, Advice Needed - 30/12/03 09:31 PM

Greetings from Nashville!
When it comes to electronics and car audio, I have no problems. However, as a person who has always had sports cars of some sort, or BMW's for my last 2 vehicles, the Xterra is certainly a step in a different direction.

I have come to accept the laws of physics and that this heavy 4x4 will never do what my 540i or 325 will do, but how do I make it do more than it does?

I have an '01 XE Sport 4x4 with 20k miles on it. I have upgraded the electrical and audio system, and am pondering on a brush/grille guard (I call it a "Cow Tipper"). I see several on Ebay in the $225-400 range. BEsides that, I would like more HP. Are there simple mods than can have a reasonable power increase, or hell, is there a supercharger available? Any help would be appreciated, and please feel free to ask any questions pertaining to car audio. THX
Posted by: XOC

Re: New to Forum & Xterras, Advice Needed - 30/12/03 09:35 PM

Brush/Grill guards are cosmetic, and useless. Save your money.

Intake, exhaust and a few ricey bits might get you 10HP. You can't get a supercharger unless you buy a 2002-2004 Xterra.

There are 245 topics on performance in this forum alone, spend the holiday reading them all laugh

Please shorten your sig.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New to Forum & Xterras, Advice Needed - 31/12/03 06:44 AM

Wow. That wasn't the warmest welcome I have ever received, but thanks for the advice. [Wave]
Posted by: Solar

Re: New to Forum & Xterras, Advice Needed - 31/12/03 08:13 AM

Consider yourself lucky ..... could have been much worse !
Posted by: TrialsX

Re: New to Forum & Xterras, Advice Needed - 31/12/03 04:58 PM

This is true. Ian can be a little harsh, but your intro there wasn't too bad. Welcome to XOC!!!

Yes, your best friend here is the 'search' button. If you remember only one thing, remember that.

That being said, if you want the performance and ride of a "sports sedan" like the BMWs well, sell the Xterra. It's not a sports car. It's fast enough to get out of it's own way, and be decent off road. But high speed cornering and 0-60 times are not it's cup of tea. (and if you even mention lowering it, you'll get lots of irrate replies.) eek Most people on here are off-roading fans, not all, but most. There are a few things out there that will help free up a few more horses, but not many. Prolly not enough to justify the cost and labor.

Have fun, don't take all the flames to personally, and enjoy the X! Welcome aboard!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New to Forum & Xterras, Advice Needed - 02/01/04 06:58 AM

Thanks guys,
I apologize for not searching. With other forums that I participate in, I am just used to answering or asking anything, and fellow forum-ers are ecstatic to help or be helped because of their enthusiasm on the subject. Being new to the forum, I guess I was looking for as much "personal" feedback as possible, not just reading what others have posted. I am not here just for the information, but also for the comraderie of fellow Xterra owners. Thanks again guys, and I look forward to future help.
Posted by: Lincoln

Re: New to Forum & Xterras, Advice Needed - 02/01/04 08:49 AM

Originally posted by Ron Doyle:
Wow. That wasn't the warmest welcome I have ever received, but thanks for the advice. [Wave]
Once again, I don't understand what was wrong with Ian's response! People are so fricken sensitive on this board. If you read Ian's post, it is straight and to the point. It is just funny to see people post that people are being too hard on them when they mess up. I am not picking on you in particular Ron. Don't take things so personal on this board and welcome to the club! [Wave]
Posted by: BluRdgX

Re: New to Forum & Xterras, Advice Needed - 02/01/04 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Ron Doyle:
Thanks guys,
I apologize for not searching. With other forums that I participate in, I am just used to answering or asking anything, and fellow forum-ers are ecstatic to help or be helped because of their enthusiasm on the subject.
I agree other forums I visit don't harp on the search as much, but this one is different(my opinion)for one could literally spend all day just cathing up and reading every post for that day, on slower forums it seems as if people are just dying to respond to the 5 or 6 topics posted per day.

BTW, Welcome Ron! [Wave]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: New to Forum & Xterras, Advice Needed - 02/01/04 07:57 PM

Geez, people can rationalize anything. There's no excuse for being impolite (rude in most cases) when participating in public discourse - no matter whose board you're playing on.

First, welcome to the board Ron - you'll find most people here attempt to be genuinely helpful while others are simply waiting for each and every opportunity to snipe at other people. Some people seem to really like the internet because they can do things that in any other setting would get them their ass kicked. You don't see those people conducting themselves this way in the real world. Spend a couple of days here reading the posts and you'll figure out who's who.

Second, the "Search Nazis" should exercise their right to remain silent. The fact that someone discussed a topic somewhere on the site at some point in the past doesn't disqualify anyone from asking again. If you're so busy that you don't have time to read posts about "Old" topics how is it that you're able to find the time to reply demanding the author use the search function?

Challenge yourselves: If you don't have anything constructive to offer - don't post a reply.
Posted by: OffroadX

Re: New to Forum & Xterras, Advice Needed - 02/01/04 08:40 PM

Ever hear the story "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" before? That's pretty much what some of are trying to accomplish here.

Imagine if you were a librarian, with all kinds of reference material all around you, but rather than go and look it up, your patrons always came and asked you questions and you got tired of looking it up for them.

We have a TON of good information archived here, shouldn't people use it?

Posted by: DocNo

Re: New to Forum & Xterras, Advice Needed - 02/01/04 10:05 PM

Originally posted by OffroadX:
Imagine if you were a librarian, with all kinds of reference material all around you, but rather than go and look it up, your patrons always came and asked you questions and you got tired of looking it up for them.
False analogy - it's the librarians JOB to help, weather they want to or not.

This is to everyone else - Me, I just ignore the search Nazi's - if I want to post on a thread, I will - if I dont', I won't. Pretty simple, actually. The fastest way to help obnoxious behavior disappear is ignore it, not keep it fresh and lively by constantly complaining about how obnoxious it is :rolleyes: