Birth of the RallyX...

Posted by: spalind

Birth of the RallyX... - 27/01/07 05:56 PM it wasn't Dakar or Baja or even downtown Boston after the potholes form...but it was a RallyCross event run by the SCCA with real timing, scoring and trophies...and the results and photos will be posted on the RallyCross section of the NER (New England Region) of the SCCA website, and they will be printed in the newsletter they distribute...So what the hell is Dan talking about?? Well, since participating in the desert racing with the Xterraracer crew I've kinda gotten bit by the speed bug as well as the crawling bug---and I want to use my X for both purposes....So I entered the RallyCross event today down in Stafford, CT...they had 82 drivers there and more than 50 vehicles...My X was the only SUV entered in the race and 1 of only 4 trucks....I was entered into the Modified 4WD class as my mods go beyond what they consider "bolt-on" my competitors were gutted and caged EVO's and STI's for the most part and I was giving away 100+ HP, and 1000+ lbs. Needless to say, I had my head handed to me on a platter...I finished 13th out of 14 vehicles in my class and 42 out of 45 of all the 4WD vehicles--don't know how I faired compared to the 35 or so 2WD vehicles as they don't combine those results...I did get TONS of comments about what a cool truck I had and how great it was that I was out there...I did not get any pictures of my truck running the course but I'm sure others did and I will post them when I see them....Top speed according to my GPS was about 39 MPH...lots of gravel, dust, small stones, a little snow, tight turns and small ruts...I plan on running the whole RallyCross season in '07 (about 9 events or so...) and will let the chips fall where they may...I didn't come in last in this event (dispite bringing a knife to a gunfight) and I don't plan on coming in last in any of the remaining ones...I love the fact that I can run (well sort of) with the big boys in RallyCross and still do my share of rock crawling as well...
couple pics from the event...not great...but you get the idea...

Posted by: Xorand

Re: Birth of the RallyX... - 27/01/07 06:20 PM

Very cool. Let us know when you find a couple of pics of your truck running in the event.

The first pic, trying to remember all the different variants (I remember one was the Plymouth Arrow), was one of my favorite Mitsubishi designs from the late 80's. Very classic. That one is a nice example, too.
Posted by: spalind

Re: Birth of the RallyX... - 27/01/07 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Xorand:
Very cool. Let us know when you find a couple of pics of your truck running in the event.

The first pic, trying to remember all the different variants (I remember one was the Plymouth Arrow), was one of my favorite Mitsubishi designs from the late 80's. Very classic. That one is a nice example, too.
Yeah, he had removed all the glass and replaced it with Plexi and gutted the interior and caged it...he ran very fast with it in the 2WD modified class...
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Birth of the RallyX... - 27/01/07 07:53 PM

That's awesome, Dan. One of the guys here in CO just had Alpine Developments install an M62 Eaton charger onto his N/A Xterra. I don't think I saw a final price on the system, but it well outperforms the stock SC setup and would help you get closer to the rest of your competitors laugh
