T-case lever retro-fit possible?

Posted by: Anonymous

T-case lever retro-fit possible? - 08/03/05 10:46 PM

I don't know much about the X, I'll be buying my first pretty soon. What are the chances of converting the '05 t-case to pre-'05 style lever control instead of the electro/mechanical system that they are installing now? I'm assuming it is the same basic box? Would that provide a neutral position for towing behind the MH?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: T-case lever retro-fit possible? - 08/03/05 10:54 PM

[Spit] you hate that electric system more than I do! laugh

i dont know if it can be done. im sure nissan tied the onboard computer into the 4x4 switch somehow for use with the traction control, 4 wheel limited slip and locker. a sort of "idiot proofing" of the 4wheel drive so dumbass drivers cant engage the wrong functions at the wrong time.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: T-case lever retro-fit possible? - 10/03/05 09:53 AM

It's definitely NOT the same box. The old one is the TX10A, the 05 has the TX15B.
It might be possible to retro-fit a lever, but I can't imagine it's worth the trouble. You can see the motor that operates the shift linkage here: (high-res, ~500K)

However, I suspect the electronics and the simple lack of a location to put a lever would make this more of a headache than anyone in their right mind would tackle.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: T-case lever retro-fit possible? - 10/03/05 05:47 PM

OK, I can live with the motor actuation but can I get neutral out of it?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: T-case lever retro-fit possible? - 11/03/05 07:52 AM

I stand corrected, the photo above is the ATX14B full-time case for the Pathfinder LE. The TX15B does not have a lever at all, it is all controled by a motor on the driver's rear portion of the case that turns a worm-gear-like rod to activate the 2/4 and H/L shift forks. There is a point where the system is in Neutral (by physical necessity) but it is not selectable.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: T-case lever retro-fit possible? - 13/03/05 07:16 PM

Well the die is cast, I've bought a new X 4x4 with an automatic and according to the owners manual they cannot be towed flat on the ground behind a motorhome. They recommend a tow dolly under the rear wheels then pull it backwards - yeah right.

Anyway, unless someone comes up with a hack where the t-case can be actuated electrically to a neutral position I'll have to resort to a mechanical de-coupler on the rear drive shaft.

Small price to pay though it probably wouldn't have taken the brainiacs at Nissan much effort to provide a neutral capable t-case. Believe me, its the only thing about my old Cherokee that I'm going to miss!