getting stranded

Posted by: Anonymous

getting stranded - 02/10/06 11:45 PM

from my limited sand experience, some carpet pieces really help if you get stuck.

as for getting stranded, i have a bit of a search and rescue background...the most important thing to do for personal safety is to tell someone WHERE you're going and the "oh shit" time for WHEN you should have been back already. If you're really nice you should give them pertinent phone numbers (ie: ranger station, etc)

i know it sounds stupid and obvious, yet there's plenty of people out there who think their cell phones will save them from everything.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: getting stranded - 03/10/06 12:02 AM

please delete mods
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: getting stranded - 04/10/06 07:13 AM

You know that you can delete this yourself right?