This will probably get deleted...

Posted by: Anonymous

This will probably get deleted... - 31/12/06 04:52 AM

Because I know how much Goderators hate when we discuss the abilities of a 2WD vehicle. The rules say that this is an on-road discusion forum for 2WD X's right? They said we couldnt talk about "Four wheeling" because were not 4WD but is there anything that says off-roading is to be done by a 4WD only? I dont think so. Why not let people in here talk about what they want. Talk about sensorship. Im not looking to get banned or anything, I know theres people that have been arguing this for years...There is a big difference between 4-wheelin and off-roading. Because I took my X down a fire road to go camping this weekend I cant discuss it because its a 2WD vehicle and a fire road is considered "Off Roading"...Im lost. I wouldnt think that the best way to promote getting people on here to share information would be to welcome everyone and not put a sensor on any specific group of memebers....just me 2 cents.
Posted by: Silver Raider

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 31/12/06 05:56 AM

I wish I could back you up on this one buddy. I used to have an article book marked that went into the growing popularity of wheeling your 2WD. I kept it around because I spent 5 years off-roading in my 4x2. I still have it lifted and rarein' to go, but I happened across a good deal on a 4x4 so it's kind of taken over. Properly equipped and with careful driving there's no disputing a 2WD Xterra can handle some pretty rugged trails...atleast enough to have a good time on.
Be fore warned though, this is an age old dispute which can get pretty ugly.
Enjoy your ride however you want. Happy trails and Happy New Years!
Posted by: Xorand

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 31/12/06 06:30 AM

As I remember, the particular forum rule you reference was in response to a growing number of (primarily new) members with 4x2's claiming that they could go anywhere a 4x4 could, because the driver's skills were so far advanced. Many threads in here quickly became flame wars.

I do agree with you, however, that there is a big difference between "off-roading" and "four-wheeling". The latter has an obvious reference to the number four - implying four-wheel-drive.

As a former 4x2 owner, I sympathize with your cause. At the time the referenced ban took effect, I still owned my 4x2. I generally just rolled with it and posted pictures of my various "off-road" adventures in the pictures gallery.

As long as one doesn't come in with a superior attitude about their driving skills and the supposed equality of a 4x2 vs. a 4x4, and it sounds like you aren't one of those people, you'll generally be welcomed with open arms in any forum.

As a side note, since that rule took effect, I believe we've had at least one and maybe two members that have successfully converted a 4x2 to a 4x4 truck. That used to be the other raging argument in here, when folks would start asking how much it would cost to convert their 4x2 to a 4x4.

Anyway, I might join you in suggesting that Socalpunx, the moderator of this forum, review the posting rule of this forum and come up with a slightly more liberal policy. With proper moderation of the thread content in this forum, I think we could intelligently discuss various off-roading (as opposed to four-wheeling) topics for the 4x2 crowd.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 31/12/06 01:31 PM

wow i didnt realize it was getting so heated...i guess politcs really do exist everywhere in our lives...even on these "Fun Forums" u know, where u can get away from the stresses of everyday and talk about the love of ur life...ur x. let's lift the ban!! freedom of speech damnit!

but seriously the flaming has got to stop on this site...i feel sorry for people with 4x2's that want to walk the tuner walk and we bash them to death
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 31/12/06 02:33 PM

I agree, I totaled my 4wd pathy and found this gem known as an X! But, it's only a 2wd. Now, I'm not gonna rice it out or attempt to claim that I can go where a 4wd can go, nor does my driving prowess :rolleyes: claim this. But, I do think that the functionality of an X is the same no matter what gear your in. We ALL can load it the same for our hobbies. We ALL can tow our watercraft or trailers the same. We have the same V6's and cargo room. Because of this forum, I ordered shackles, better fog lights and more down the road. Even though I won't be rock crawling, at least I know I got a little extra clearance when I need it. Sorry for the length, but let's start the New Year right and keep the Brotherhood of The X friendly laugh
Posted by: Xorand

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 31/12/06 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Arterra:
i feel sorry for people with 4x2's that want to walk the tuner walk and we bash them to death
I feel a little sorry for them, stumbling on the board and getting the cold shoulder. On the other hand, this board is not really geared towards the tuner crowd. There are several other boards on the Internet where they would find a much warmer welcome, for sure.

It's all in how the board is geared, so to speak. While I'm not much on tuner vehicles or slammed vehicles riding on 22's, I never argue their right to do what they want to with their vehicle. It's their ride and their money. I'm sure some of the tuner crowd laugh at a lifted and heavily modified truck driving down the street on occasion, too.
Posted by: TJ

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 31/12/06 03:20 PM

I think Off Roading is an appropriate term if Off Road.

Look at the Pre-Runners, desert racers, etc...many 2wd are off the road...and having fun.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 31/12/06 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Xorand:
I feel a little sorry for them, stumbling on the board and getting the cold shoulder. On the other hand, this board is not really geared towards the tuner crowd.

It's all in how the board is geared, so to speak. While I'm not much on tuner vehicles or slammed vehicles riding on 22's, I never argue their right to do what they want to with their vehicle. It's their ride and their money.
You're right, but at the same time this board is truly geared toward owners of xterra's in general. i mean there are a lot others here who are in between and neither lean to one way, off road or tuner, and just want good advice from knowledgeable people. All im saying is people have to think before they type sometimes. I mean we are all unified in that we all had the great taste in buying an x...we need to remember that...
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 31/12/06 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Xorand:
As a former 4x2 owner, I sympathize with your cause. At the time the referenced ban took effect, I still owned my 4x2. I generally just rolled with it and posted pictures of my various "off-road" adventures in the pictures gallery.
Yep, it's a private board and the moderators set the rules... Of course, that doesn't prevent me from taking my 4x2 X off the pavement and having fun (and sometimes posting pix in the proper forum)... On the internet, fairly trivial things can get blown way out of proportion, so just roll with it and have fun; life's too short, better to enjoy it while you got it... laugh
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 01/01/07 07:39 AM

I just bought an X 2wd, and love it! I can go most places I used to go in my Wrangler Rubi-except steep, slick hills.......even my first SE Wrangler could not make those hills in 4lo

I agree-if your having fun, who cares???
Posted by: TJ

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 01/01/07 10:09 AM

Short wheel base (Wranglers) have more trouble hill climbing due to the weight distribution....we've also had Rubi's needing a tow up hills stock X's clambered right up.

Move it to a nice rock garden though...and the Rubi is more in its element than the X, etc.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 01/01/07 10:31 AM

This site can be very helpful but most of the time it's little more than a place for 20-something Xterra owners to one-up each other. Apparently there's a contest to see who can modify and abuse their truck the most.

When you look at the exchanges that take place it's obvious that the level of maturity present isn't much beyond that found in the average highschool. Add to that the relative anonymity of the internet and many find this a good place to be abusive and condescending.

It's so bad that I quit posting on the site for several years until recently - when I was reminded of the reasons I quit posting on the site.

I find it ridiculous - it seems that most who frequent the site, at least most who post while frequenting the site, don't understand that the Xterra was designed primarily for on-road use but capable of limited off-road use as well. They so heavily modify their trucks that they aren't worth a damn on-road and unless you do the same you aren't worth considering - especially the 2wd guys right?

Personally if I were interested in heavy-duty off-roading I wouldn't start with a $25,000 truck, then invest thousands more while ruining the truck in the process. I'd build a from scratch and have twice the off-road machine at a fraction of the cost.

So - unless you're just like them be prepared for their condescending know-it-all attacks.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 01/01/07 10:57 AM

Very well said, YellowSCX. I couldn't agree more with your assessment,
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 01/01/07 05:24 PM

It basically comes down to ones perceptions. When alot of people say offroad the covers of Petersons, 4x4 & SUV, 4x4 Builder and the like pop into the minds of many. And it also depends on the state/area the person is from.

There are a ton of people that take thier 2wds offroad but normally you are looking at dunes, desert racing, rally and such. Rock crawling normally does not hit the equation but it is still off road... ust another style of it and the builds on those vehicles is very different.
Posted by: GrayHam

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 01/01/07 07:34 PM

I took my 2wd X with Long Trails through several miles of Rubicon.

It was pretty easy, yo.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 02/01/07 01:43 PM

I agree with you. I have a 4x2 Xterra, and have no trouble taking it off road. I will not step up and say it can handle everything that a modded (or unmodded) 4x4 will/can handle, but as for what I need, it gets the job done. It has great utility capability, and the ability to go do some offroading that other 4x2s cant.

One more thing though, I hate (and I know some others are probably thinking the same thing) posts that are titled like yours. Note: I said I hate post titles like yours, and I don't hate you...just to avoid a flame war.

Yes, nothing says a 4x2 X can't go off road. If you start rock and hill crawling/climbing like some of these guys do...i think you're crazy. There are definitely limits to a 4x2 X...just as there are some for a 4x4 X.
Posted by: TJ

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 03/01/07 12:51 PM

It comes down to expectations...and on XOC, this weird need for every one's blessings on every issue.

As far as expectations go...its not too hard to modify an X to do DD duty, as well as doing rock crawling.

It makes it less than Mini Cooper-Like On Road, and Less than Rock Buggy/Sniper-Like Off Road....a compromise.


My Jeeps were better off road than my X...a lot.

My X can actually FIT what I have to take off road with me for work...and, the X is reliable....things the Jeeps fell short on.

As long as the X does what I NEED it to, I'm happy.

As for 2wd vs 4wd...same deal.

If the 2wd does what you need it happy.


As for blessings...On XOC (And a few other rig dedicated forums...) there seems to be a need to have every one agree with you/your decisions/choices, etc.

The trouble starts when you either imply SOMEONE ELSE made a mistake/was wrong (Say, by saying you like YOUR SL more than the brand X you looked at...) that the guys with brand X go wonky on you, etc...


Make statements that contradict other's experiences or beliefs...(Like "My General Grabbers did OK at the offroad park yesterday...I don't know why everyone hates them"...or, "My 2wd does just as good as a 4wd", etc.)

So - People disagree with your post...and call you names, insult your intelligence, or maybe discuss alternative opinions, and/or what ever other methods they use to debate a point.

If you respond...depending upon your tone and which sharks are can expect NOT to get EVERYONE's blessing.


There's A LOT of individuals here....and, SOME are hungry sharks...and some are remora...and some are hiding in the rock and weeds.

The tendancy is to ONLY notice the sharks...which biases your impression of the Forum's waters...


There are other fish in this, see?

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 07/01/07 08:42 PM

i see what yall mean, i poted a thread asking what was up with the 2wd rules and withen 30 min it was deleted, i mostly stay on, with my 2WD and everybody is helpfull and none of thiscrap that you can't post about offroading with a 2wd. i will say this much i wish that when i bought my X i had the money for a 4x4 but i ended up with a 4x2 and i plan on taking it OFFROAD the last weekend in jan to general sams in huntsvile, tx along with another 4x2 xterra and some other 4x2 & 4x4 rigs.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 07/02/07 11:49 AM

All it says is that you can't talk about "four- wheeling". It doesn't say you can't talk about "two-wheeling". So just call it what it is. "Off roading" or "two-wheeling".

The most "off-roading" mine sees is trails to the lake and back, and through our pastures. I have to drive mine daily. The thought of bashing it into rocks doesn't really appeal to me.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 28/02/07 07:09 PM

The Xterra, as did my previous 00 Nissan Crew Cab, does quite well off-road as the weight is well distributed, unlike a regular pickup truck.

Depending on the terrain and conditions, you can take a 2WD a LONG way on a trail, with a little skill and momentum. I never got stuck on the trails my buddies had 4WDs, but others with 2WD did get stuck. Here I'm using my 2WD Nissan to extract one of my buddies:

The previous mud puddle (not the one he's next to) had some DEEP ruts!

If you go off-roading with friends with 4WDs, have no fear about getting stuck. If you do, they'll fit over the right to extract you. Chances are good you'll do much better than you, or they will expect.

Those who 'dis' 2WDs need to go to Pismo and watch the rail jobs tear up the dunes. They stop on the face of a steep dune, then nail it with paddle tires. They get air time off the lip. :p
Posted by: xterra3202

Re: This will probably get deleted... - 01/03/07 12:54 PM

The SAS used 2wd GM trucks in WWII. Lighter weight and they knew how to drive them. I think the big issue is that to use a 2wd you have to drive differently and sometimes more aggresively and then that goes to the "tread lightly" issue. Carlos of WTXC had a 2wd and he went where we did and if he couldnt....well thats what the tow strap is for!
