Dont let this happen to you

Posted by: Anonymous

Dont let this happen to you - 01/12/05 09:29 AM

I dont know if you guys say this yet but here is a link to what happned to me and my Xterra while trying to get it SASed.
Posted by: dezurtrat

Re: Dont let this happen to you - 01/12/05 06:38 PM

Man, that sucks! Sorry dude! I'd be crazed with anger!!!
Posted by: Kaiser

Re: Dont let this happen to you - 02/12/05 07:07 AM

That has happened to a lot of people. The ONLY way to do a SAS is to do it yourself...

Buy a welder and get practicing wink
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Dont let this happen to you - 02/12/05 08:10 AM

Ya I would do that if I had the time and the space.
Posted by: FSRBIKER

Re: Dont let this happen to you - 02/12/05 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Kaiser:
That has happened to a lot of people. The ONLY way to do a SAS is to do it yourself...

Buy a welder and get practicing wink
The real problem is there are people who think they can buy a grinder and a welder and fab just about anything they they open a 4x4 shop. Make sure you ask for previous customers contacts and talk with them and see the work that was done. With the Calmini kit available and at a reasonable cost I would recommend anyone considering a SAS to go this route unless they want to use a leaf spring setup or Early Bronco Dana 44 up front instead.

For those of you that have some mechanical ability if you can afford the tools than by all means buy them and start practicing. One suggestion FIRST would be to contact your local County college/tech school and take a basic welding course. You will gain the basic knowledge and most importantly practice welding while having your welds inspected by a professional. This is very important, your life or someone else might be riding on the quality of those beads.

I have talked about it in the past but never had the time but I hope to sometime in the future hold a clinic at my new shop for those who want to learn the basics.

Superide post on the Paragon message board that you are looking for a shop, Dan from East Coast 4x4 can probably salvage your project. He is located in Wilkes Barre, Pa. Here is a link to a discussion on his shop,

Good luck and I hope your truck is on the trails again soon.
Posted by: OnlyOneDR

Re: Dont let this happen to you - 04/12/05 09:33 PM

That sux. I will hold out for more experience and equipment and do it myself. At least I'll have no one else to blame.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Dont let this happen to you - 22/12/05 10:46 AM


I would be interested in attending and paying for such a clinic.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Dont let this happen to you - 23/12/05 11:42 AM

If thats what they came up with for the rear bumper, I would consider yourself lucky that he didn't start on the SAS...I wouldnt trust them to change my oil...
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Dont let this happen to you - 27/12/05 05:58 PM

Excuse my lack of knowledge.... but what is SAS? I figured out PML (poor mans lift), but cant figure this one.
(gotta start somewhere you know)
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Dont let this happen to you - 27/12/05 06:26 PM

Originally posted by BajaDrifter:
.... #1 but what is SAS?

#2 gotta start somewhere you know
#1 SAS = SOLID AXLE SWAP, ditching ifs, ifs = independant front suspension.

#2 we all had to start somewhere.