After installing the 3" suspension lift... and three days of rain, I figured time to get a little muddy. I have no "on trail pics" but put the top of the hood under water. I know the water was above the doors, but I was not stopping to look. smile

The funniest thing, Laura looks at me and says, we need a snorkel! I reply, they really make them ya know. So, future mod: Snorkel!

Hardest trail, about 7 miles though the Pennsylvania woods (on private property, with permission) with LITTLE to no trail. From a "fire road" to my back yard. This was about 2 weeks after I started dating Laura, and she's still here today... so. smile

"I'd like to move us right to Peter Gibbons. We had a chance to meet this young man, and boy that's just a straight shooter with upper management written all over him." - Bob Slydell (Office Space)