Originally posted by Rick Abt:
How much was yours "misting"?
The amount of "misting" is a bit less than what you might get from a spritz of hairspray. Checking the rear diff breather tube is also a good idea. It should not be kinked or plugged. I actually have the same issue, which used to make a mess under my hood, until I used a solution similar to ToyMan's, except I used the plastic tube from inside a Windex bottle, cut to about 3/4" and threaded inside the solenoid, with a short length of clear plastic water line (like the kind in aquariums) glued to the end and routed down into the wheel well. (You could also terminate the hose into an empty container so oil doesn't drip on the ground.)
4x4 in uppercase is $X$!!!
1997 R50: VG33E/RE4R01A/TX10/3.7/R200A/ARB/4.636/H233B/ARB/4.636/321150R15