OK, so here's an update on lodging. I tried a few camping places all of the ones on Reserve America require atleast two nights stay. I also tried a few others not on Reserve America, but none had space left. So here are your options.

1. Book a hotel, I'd do this soon. I found a few good prices on Hotwire.com (basicaly less then the cost of two nights camping).

2. Book two nights at one of the Reserve America camp grounds.

3. Join me at a few selected undeveloped camp spots on Barker Pass. The down side to this is that we need to get there early to claim a spot. Personally I think we can fit most everyone in unless this group gets too large.

Can everyone please update their sign-up, with their name, meeting spot, days attending, and lodging (if staying over night).

Sign me up

1. Huey, meeting at Sears, both days, Camping at Barker
2. Slamson00, meet you at Truckee
3. XSAL, meeting at Sears. Vote for Camp at the same place as last year.
4. Tolleyy and family in the Titan, day run on sat, meet in Truckee
5. Rob, best buy in fairfield?? 6:45 - 7:00 ?? i'm game for the whole trip
6. Dave, meet in Truckee. May camp friday night, and saturday, like last year.
7. SuperJ, incline village.
8. GrgX, same with Akio.