
I'd love to go the the Sacramento Auto Show and represent the club; but, I will be out of town this coming weekend. I will be in the California Association of 4wheel Drive Club's annual Panamint Valley Days.

You guys got me into exotic bears. Even my mountain biking friends are now cognisant of "alien bears" because I told them about it when we go camping. I am going to Panamint to do some 4 wheel driving; but, also to search for the Hanaupah - the dreaded Panamint Desert Bear. smile I need to go inside the mines to have a better chance of encountering this creature. From what I heard, this beast is more terrifying than an alien bear. I will have my camera with me so I can take a picture of it. When we get a chance to take a picture of the alien bear next year, we can do a comparison between the 2 beasts. Maybe they are related. smile
