Originally posted by soccerbrace:

Very interesting.

You know how you hear people talking about something that you know about, and while they are talking, you think to yourself, They are just making a lot of assumptions.....

Well, I only read through the first couple of pages of this now 7 page coffee thread. Good stuff, lots of laughs.

First off, Starbucks doesn't haave a mocha chocka locka ding dong king Kong dong schlong. They just have a mocha. It is entirely up to you to change it into what you want. You can customize your drink like crazy if that is what you want to do.

For example, these are a couple of my drinks

-Iced quad espresso with cream

-Iced Venti caramel sauce 5 pump chai

-Iced Venti sub cinammon Dolce 5 pump caramel machiatto with dolce sprinkles

How the hell did I get to be one of these prissy drink orders? Well these drinks are not necessarily for sissy lala's. I bet you that if you went in there and did not like how something tastes, and tell them, then they would change it. That is how I know that I like a certain number of pumps. That is when you start adding a certain number of pumps and what not. Now if you want to lose weight, then you will go with non-fat or percent milk. They also have soy and organic milk.

So for some people, they HAVE to add soy or organic on their perceived frivolous drink order so they don't feel a juicy turd when they are sliding into third.

I will dissect this for you so you may be able to understand. By the way, I used to work at Starbucks.

latte-espresso under milk, and a dollop of foam

short, tall, grande, or Venti-these are the sizes

and Venti-20 oz.

Why the hell is tall one of the smaller sizes?Good Q. A-because Starbucks started out just selling shorts and talls.Makes sense. They did not want to change that.

So to order a latte, you must specify a size.

Grande latte-2 shots of espresso, steamed milk, and foam.

Futher dissection- Let's say you do not like the foam-I don't

Now it becomes a grande no foam latte

Damn! This shiiite is too hot! S-bucks will not go over 180 degrees because the milk just starts to burn.

Now it becomes a grande 140 degree no foam latte.

Let's say you crap yourself every milk drinkage

Now it is a grande soy 140 degree no foam latte

Let's say you want it a little sweeter

Now-grande soy 140 degree no foam 2 splenda latte

Now, you want a 16 oz drink but you are going to bed in an hour

Now-decaf grande soy 140 degree no foam 2 splenda latte.

Now, you are getting pretty specific. you are a S-bucks guru and know what you like. You like the shots of espresso on top

Now-Decaf grande soy no foam up-side down 2 splenda latte.

Lol-you see why it is so long? It starts off simple and then people start having preferences getting it just right to appease their taste buds.

By the way, where I worked, there was no possible way that I could get a tip from a credit card. I also worked in a restraunt and I know that adjusting tips is actually a felony.

Oh and they call themselves barista because that is what they are. A barista is Italian for bartender. Just like Venti means 20 in Italian.
When you get to work, someone tells you that you are on bar or someone tells you that you have to assign a till. Either way, you are able to do both and because you are a cashier at that moment does not meant that you cannot go over and jump on bar. Barista is the job title, they are just trained to be able to do it all. [Wave]

By the way, if you want a really strong drink, you should get that first one-an iced quad espresso with cream in a grande cup. That shit will have you doing back flips.

All I have to say is go in there and order something plain. Ask yourself-is this too sweet? Next time you will want it with less pumps. Then ask yourself hmmmm, how would this mocha taste with peppermint? Damn good me thinks! So now you want a venti 5 pump peppermint mocha. Now, you want this drink but you want less fat. Venti nonfat 5 pump peppermint no whip mocha.

Try it in the summer-Iced venti nonfat 5 pump peppermint no whip mocha. See where this is going? Being specific is not necessarily mean that you are [Rainbow] it means that you might be watching your weight, don't want to burn your tongue or down want to shart.

If there is a Starbucks in a hotel, airport or INSIDE a barnes an Noble, then they are Franchises and I am not sure of the rules that apply regarding tips. You can tip cash though no matter what. I got a 37 dollar tip on a $12 coffee order.

Copy and paste those drinks that I was saying that I liked. Try them and report back. After reading all this I am sure that you are [Sleep] smile

Hey, thanks for the stream of consciousness, James Fuckin' Joyce. You been hittin' the green tea or what?