Originally posted by BurgPath:
Originally posted by Samueul:
[b]Bill due Feb 22nd (Friday).. I send in the bill the week prior. They get it on the 21st (Thursday) and post on the 25 (Monday) charging me a $40.00 late fee and killing my 0% interest rate.

Closed the account and already wrote the check to pay it off...

FUCKING ASSHOLES! I hope the entire industry crumbles...

Edited to add: They wouldn't budge on the issue either.... fuckers.
How do you know they got it the 21st?
Why not pay online and save the trouble of letting the USPS slow down the check?

Dont blame you for closing it though.[/b]
The rep I talked to on the phone explained when they got it, when they posted it, and why I got charged. It seems their post date is the only thing that matters. USPS didn't fuck this up, Chase got the payment before the due date. Chase just plain fucked me. Besides the postage on the payment would have been dated well before the due date which is something that I thought these fuckers had to honor?
Must stay away from political/religious debates. Must stay away........