> The candidate who actually received more votes

What part of delegate has you baffled? It ain't about individual votes, it is about delegate votes. I do find it interesting (quite telling actually) that the Democratic Party has less democratic primary rules than the Republican Party.

Barr's running mate was on the radio here this morning and just went off the map. Too bad the Libertarians can't get it together enough to offer a viable alternative. McKinney's on the ballot here but she's nuts and has no chance nationally. We're screwed again but that's been baked into the cake on purpose by those controlling the process so that the bidness of bidness conducting bidness doesn't get hampered by the working public. Profits before people is the American way. Meanwhile the sideshow carnies distract us with shiny objects and rigged contests and the occasional bootstrap success story to convince us we're somehow involved and have a chance to get ahead.

If God wanted us to vote he'd have given us candidates.