Hey, Man:

Here's a couple o'tips to keep your Super Black looking just that...As far as wax, Meguiar's makes very good quality products, and there are plenty of threads in here about them...Here goes:

1) STAY AWAY FROM THE CAR WASH! If at all possible...If you can't wash your X yourself, try to find a hand car wash, or one of those spray it yourself places...

2) HOSE ME: Every couple of days, just rinse her with plain water, and wipe off with a rag...Don't forget to dry thoroughly

3) NO MUSCLE! Be gentle with the finish...Don't rub like you're scrubbing a burnt pot...Apply and remove gently

4) STRAIGHT LINES - Forget the wax on, wax off stuff...Circular swirls are the most visible...Lay it on straight, and remove it the same way, like you're shmearing a bagel...

5) 100% TERRY CLOTH TOWELS - for applying, removing, etc...MADE IN USA...NO SUBSTITUTES!!!

6) IF IT AIN'T BROKE - If the finish is still smooth to the touch, and shiny, admire it, walk away and leave it alone...All Products have some small degree of abrasiveness to them...The less they are used, the better off in the long run...

7) IN BETWEEN - In between washes/waxes, products such as Meguiar's "Quik Detail" are great for keeping your x looking spiffy...Also good right after you wax...Spray it on, wipe it off before it dries, and you're good to go...You can do the whole X in about 20 minutes...

8) HOT? NOT!!! NEVER, EVER wax in the noontime sun, or in direct sunlight...If ya can pull it in the shade, let it cool down to the point where you can rest the palm of your hand comfortably on the surface...

Well, hope that helps...Peace!

Rex the X - Super Black 01XE "Bad Motor Scooter."
Rex the X - Super Black 01XE "Bad Motor Scooter."