I have a pair of navy blue front seat covers that I bought at Target made by Sagaz for about 40 bucks (see pics below)... They fit pretty well and I liked the way they looked and felt. They should fit an '02 since they're actually the universal type. I wouldve been perfectly happy with these until I found a great deal on the neoprenes that I could not resist... I havent gotten around to putting these up for sale, but if you're interested in buying them, shoot me an email or private message and make me an offer, they're sitting in my closet perfectly clean and unused at the moment.

NOTE: The color is a little off in the photo due to my crappy web cam... the color is actually darker, more like the second photo, more of a denim navy blue, not as bright as the first photo might indicate.

Seat Cover

Cover Up Close

Headrest cover
You should listen to your heart, and not the voices in your head. - Marge Simpson