Originally posted by Sparki:
Anybody got one? I watched my local detailer use it to squeegee off the body surface water on my Super Black XE. Came off like a charm! No more water spots after washing! No more chamois! I ordered 2.

Well, gimme one! LOL...Seriously, though, I think I'm gonna go for one...I use one of those spotless dryers, and a towel, but whatever you can do to get it dryer that much faster, y'know?

Here's a great idea I saw the other day at the DIY C/W...Dude has an old Buick or something...Comes out of the bay, and opens up the trunk, pulls out and starts up a GAS BLOWER...Used it like a hair dryer all over the car...Pretty interesting idea...

Rex the X - Super Black 01XE "Bad Motor Scooter."