My point is that we need to trust our elected officials. I know that sounds stupid and impossible, but the last time I checked, there was not a dailey top secret briefing in my mailbox. Admit it, we may be a democratic society, but other than voting(Floridians don't count), we have litle say in how this country is run. I trust that GW and Co. will do everything they can to prevent another 9/11. To that end, I trust them to continue to keep our country safe by any means.
The comment about our troops is a reflection of how I feel about our country and our troops. They are representing this nation, its values and its people. My point is that if you don't stand behind them or believe the government is doing the right thing, then leave or try to make it better.
Did I mention I'm going fishing in Canada next week? I plan to piss outside every chance I get and bring in all of my own provisions. Dammit to Hell that I can only bring 24 cans of beer!
I got nothin'