Originally posted by Stone4x4:
Don't pay poor Ian any mind. He's just bitter that he can't support himself, and can't pay his bills. He blames the current national administration because it doesn't conform to his belief system. He can't see that the IT industry was a wave he rode on without ever leaving his house and may now actually have to find a marketable skill and carry his ass to work everyday and put up the same bullshit the majority of us do.

Maybe if he had voted things would be different, but alas, he did not.

No vote=shut the fuck up and read the want ads. [Finger]
WTF does Ian's post have to do with his private life?.Judging from his CV, he has acomplished more than a few of you put together....

I re-read the post and have to say I could call bullshit on 5% of it. No one blames the people doing the dirty work..blame the administration.

Let;s get a little wager going, I put $20 on Iran is next. Bush is too much of a pussy to react to the taunts from N. Korea (even though I think a dictator who claims they are going full steam ahead with nukes should be considered a huge problem) then again there are no resources in N.Korea that needs to be secured.....Election next year, you gonna vote Bush?????
Sharam can have my sister